9 thoughts on “Obama Meets With Dangerous World Leader Without Preconditions! – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم
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  1. My first thought was “Oh no, what now?” Thank you Mr. Silverstein for your sense of humor and which allowed me to start of the day with a laugh – it really is a new world?

  2. Sorry for the typos! Should have read “Thank you Mr. Silverstein for your sense of humor which allowed me to start off the day with a laugh – it really is a new world! (not question about that!).

  3. *cue confused grunt* You don’t know Stephanie Miller? She’s the one who coined “I’m a Dinner Jacket” on her radio show.

  4. @B.BarNavi: Sorry but no, I only listen to NPR & don’t even know who she is. Is she Air America? Anyway, I’d heard that “I’m a dinner jacket” was a mnemonic that George Bush was using to remember how to pronounce Ahmedinejad’s name. So was I wrong in that?

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