4 thoughts on “Alaskans to Send Convicted Felon to Senate? If Expelled, Will Palin Run for Stevens’ Seat? – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم
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  1. I couldn’t understand how he could possible win after getting convicted.
    However, I saw a news report on him. Apparently Alaskans feel like the red hedded step child of the lower 48 and view Stevens fondly as the elder beloved grandfather of Alaskan politics who was able to make Alaska relevant.
    I assume Palin would then appoint someone.

  2. If Expelled, Will Palin Run for Stevens’ Seat?

    I assume Palin would then appoint someone.

    Why run for the seat? as Governor she can’t appoint herself, but she could resign as Governor, which would promote her lieutenant governor (also a republican) to Governor, who then could appoint her as the replacement senator. Will they even have a special election?

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