The Condi Middle East fantasy show continues to flounder in the ratings. With such rousing endorsements by its star is it any wonder?
In a taped interview in Washington on CBS’s “The Early Show,” Rice said she remains convinced her upcoming trip to the Middle East with U.S. President George Bush will push the process forward…
“Well, if the parties want to do this and will put the energy and the will into it, I think they can do it (reach a peace agreement),” Rice said.
She added: “A conflict like this has gone on for decades. It would have been resolved had it been easy. It would have been resolved a long time ago. We’ve been close a couple times; couldn’t get it done.
“But I’m also a big believer that nothing’s really impossible. It might be improbable but it’s not impossible.”
Note she places the future blame for failure on everyone but her (“if the parties want to do this…”). It’s a sorry statement that we’ve gone from George Bush predicting an agreement at Annapolis within a year to this “it’s not impossible” wimpiness.
Oh, and I’d like to know when precisely Condi “was close a couple of times?” Perhaps around the time she was lauding the Lebanon mayhem as the “birth pangs of a new Middle East.” Of all the self-serving pablum this takes the cake.
OT, but have you seen the latest from Rosner?
Simply breathtaking:
his tags: Lincoln, Bush