13 thoughts on “Bush Should Become President…of Israel – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم
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  1. At the end of his term he will leave behind a job left uncompleted.

    Rosner is right Bush did not complete the” Job”. USA still has after his terms some kind of economy left, shaky and suffering, but still. Some nations still follow US orders even most countries have learned that is more “profitable” to make business with Chinese and forget Bush’s crusades.

    Seriously speaking what are Bush’s terms achievements which could be seen as good for the world and Americans? 911 happened on his watch, New Orleans’ miserable rebuilding, total collapse of USA’s international reputation, two totally failed wars, Abu Grahib and Guantanamo Bay, the fastest speed of shrinking in civil rights in USA ever seen etc. The list of failures and small and big defeats is endless. If somebody can write a whole book of Bush’s achievements after ten, twenty years, that is an real achievement (even in the field of propaganda writing). It would be a much easier task to write a series of books of Bush’s regimes failures. Without doubt George Walker Bush Iraqius will continue to “live” in history as do Nero Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus and Gaius Julius Caesar Augustus Germanicus (Caligula).

  2. I’m not the biggest fan of Israel, but whatever its sins it doesn’t deserve a Bush presidency.

  3. May I remind you that Truman didn’t run in 1952 because he would have been squashed. And they called Lincoln a gorilla. Try to step back from your hatred of Bush for a second and admit that these things need a little historical perspective.

  4. “historical perspective” begins with present-day evaluations. There’s no doubt in my mind that GW Bush will replace Warren G. Harding as the worst US president of the 19th and 20th centuries, in the considered judgements of most historians, this year, next year, and in the year 2508!

    Zhu Bajie, PhD, History

  5. @Bill Pearlman: Yes they do. And in historical retrospective Bush’s presidency will look far worse than it does now. In 20 yrs time, so many Americans alive in 2000 & 2004 will claim they voted for Gore & Kerry that it’ll be a wonder that Bush received any votes at all.

  6. This diseased, amoral little man, Bush, and his fascistic administration have succeeded in reducing what was once a work in progress, our nation, to a wretched state, one that very likely represents is experiencing the greatest threat to its very being since the Civil War. We have become an internationally violent, terrorist nation, a militaristic power that makes that of Ghengis Khan look benign. In pursuit of our self-proclaimed righteous significance, we have smashed our way into the 21st century with that 19th-century justification titled Manifest Destiny, as proclaimed by such as Bush’s handler-cronies and their follower-enablers such as those shits we euphemistically honor with the term “Neocon”. My God, we are in the process of returning our laws to a state preceding the 13th-century Magna Carta. Educated movers and shakers of our society debate with nary a facial twitch whether waterboarding really constitutes torture or not and whether the Geneva Convention is of any concern to us. Our infrastructure is collapsing, our expenditures (a basic expression of what a nation truly is) are essentially pro-greed and pro-death, we treat labor (people) as an expendable part of a bottom-line equation; we use God, or convenient expressions of the concept, along with various theological permutations, to justify whatever might satisfy the all-greedy among us, whether greedy for money or bringing about the end of times in a blaze of glory. Is it any wonder, then, that Obama’s statement of hope has resonated among many of us? And Israel’s support for the vileness named Bush speaks volumes about what that stout little democracy has become. Matthew Arnold said it sweetly a good many years ago: “And we are here as on a darkling plain/Swept with confused alarms of struggle and flight,/Where ignorant armies clash by night.”

  7. Norm, take a valium man. The Berlin Wall fell, even though they did deserve it, plus a lot more. Che was a murderer, and Hamas is not the good guy here. We are and Israel is. It really is that simple.

  8. Bush and Israel deserve each other. I wish he would make Aliyah amd spare us the pain of another 8 months of his diabolical administration.

  9. Right on, Bill. Nice to know you’re a good German. I asked you once before, I believe, “Do you wear a flag in your lapel?” I hope to hell you do. Patriotism’s important stuff, you know. Forget the Valium – it’s aged Scotch for me all the way, neat!

  10. Missed my point big guy. The Berlin wall was them getting off easy. What they deserved was multiple mushroom clouds. BTW, how is this our greatest threat since the civil war. Please enlighten me. or were you referring to Oct 1917.

  11. Bill: Now you’re advocating nuclear war against the Russians and their allies??? Come now, Bill. Are you a deliberate plant trying to make right-wingers look like raving lunatics??

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