24 thoughts on “Walid Shoebat: Ex-PLO Terrorist, Muslim Apostate, Evangelical Convert, Arab Zionist…and Now, Charlatan – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم
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  1. Amir Taheri is an Iranian, not Arab.  So I guess anyone who opposes the Islmamic regime there is is also a pro-Israel wingnut apostate Muslim?

  2. “you mixed up DeNiro and Duvall…”

    Omigod, of course I did.  Sometimes you write these things almost on auto-pilot which is how lapses like that happen esp. when you also taking care of 3 yr old twins at the same time!

  3. “anyone who opposes the Islmamic regime there is is also a pro-Israel wingnut apostate Muslim?”

    Taheri is a fraud not because he opposes the Islamic regime in Iran, but because he fabricates his stories.  The fake “yellow star” claim, which I posted about here, is but one example.

  4. Your case and the abysmal report by JPost about him are totally flawed. Using his relatives as witnesses is totally biased. If you had waited perhaps to read his rebuttal to the JPost article
    perhaps you may not have been so harsh on him.
    Also the claim that Leumi has no account of any attack like Walid claims, makes perfect sense. Very few attacks, where no one had been injured, got reported, especially back then. Plus Leumi doesnt want to scare away its present customers or draw negative media attention.
    Despite all this, are you trying to tell people that this mans accounts of life in Palastine is false? What is your definition of a terrorist? Im sure, back then, he would come under that category.
    What is you motive to discrediting him as a fraud when obviously he is the real deal? Your intentions are very transparent but i think more research is needed before accusation are thrown.

  5. Shoebat reminds me of Ahmed Chalabi, the con-man whom the neo-cons wanted to put in charge in Iraq. Both Shoebat and Chalabi seem(ed) to think, “The Americans always say ‘yes’ to Israel and don’t know anything about the Arab/Muslim world, so I can say anything I want to them.” (I’m simplifying, but you know what I mean.) It’s good to see the truth – if slowly, but better late than never – catch up with these guys.

  6. Jay, obviously from reading up on Walid Shoebat, he is a fraud, apart from being someone who has the big Hate going for Muslims. I know that no amount of facts are going to convince the True Believers, but his ‘rebuttal’ came across as someone who’s been busted in their lies trying to dig themselves out of the hole and not doing a very good job of it…

    It’s completely ludicrous to claim that a bank wouldn’t have records of bombings carried out on it, even if the news never hit the media. This supposed attack was in the 1970’s? Coming from a family of bankers, I can assure you that even if attempted security breaches weren’t reported in the media, the banks sure kept records of them. Security’s a big deal for banks and any attempt to breach security, regardless of if there are injuries or deaths involved, got treated as seriously back then as they do now. So if the bank has no records of this ‘bombing’ then it’s a safe bet it never happened. As for yr claim about scaring away present customers, that’s totally nonsensical. Customers don’t give a toss about what happened decades before, especially when the supposed incident was supposedly foiled by the banks security. If it had happened, the bank would more likely be bragging about it…

    I like how you label his family as being biased. Let’s compare him to his family and see who’s got more incentive to be biased. On one hand we’ve got people who don’t gain financially out of what they say and have no agenda other than saying what their recollections were. On the other, we’ve got Walid Shoebat (hold on, should we use what he said was his assumed name ‘Walid Shoebat’, or his real name ‘Walid Shoebat’?), who gets a hell of a lot of money by pandering to the extremist types in the US who hate Muslims and think any criticism of the Israeli govt is ‘Jew-hatred’, and who has been publicly outed as a bit of a bulls**t artist. I know which of them has more to gain by lying and it’s not his family…

  7. Violet, you claim its obvious that Walid is a fraud, yet dont explain what the proof is. What made you come to this conclusion in his rebuttal?
    What is obvious though, is your ignorance to the governmental structure of Israel in the 70’s and probably also at present. Alot of things, especially in the banking system, were and still are not reported or kept secret. You are naive to think otherwise.
    Regarding his family being biased, they have no choice. If they didnt publicly condemn Walid, then they would be targeted as Israeli sympathizers and more than likely killed.
    Im not saying that Walids accounts are 100%, as some people could exaggerate to make money, but i do believe through my own knowledge of living in the vicinity, that his accounts are very accurate and exactly what is still happening to this day in Gazza and the West Bank. You cant deny that, and again, would be naive to think otherwise.

  8. Walid’s handler/manager is the one who handles the $$ and would even know what a charity is. He owns Top Executive Greetings which owns the Media probably or obviously. Walid is likely clueless as to the exact handling of the money or whether or not they’re really an official charity or not.
    And registering as a charity or a 501c is not hard to accomplish by the way – and is a HUGE Advantage not disadvantage to any organization.

    So asking why it’s not a charity as a mark against them is counter intuitive.
    Just askAl Sharpton about the advantages of getting registered as a 501c.
    It is the most gigantic lupole in the tax law going. And other Arab American speakers similar to Walid have gotten registered as a 501c. These org’s pay 0 taxes.

    Regarding – His family has no motive?
    They ex-communicated him from the family years ago for –
    a) Leaving Islam and becoming an apostate
    b) Not only leaving but converting and preaching Christianity
    c) Speaking out for Israel and its existence
    d) Speaking out against things in the Palestinian and Arab world

    Wait? Ya think his family would be completely truthful in anything they’d have to say about him with no axe to GRIND???

    Silverstein takes pop shots at the ever present shadowy Israel first extremists for utilizing this apparent fraud to support their case and viewpoint while giving himself a pat on the back for being the sleuth he is. Stating – 

    I suspected it (that Walid is a fraud)  long ago so wonder why the Israeli first extremists didn’t…..

    However, to support his case  –
    He then extensively quotes Walid’s unbiased family members’ statements as evidence of his sleuthiness.

    So he’s doing the very same thing he slapped around the Israel first extremists for doing? using apparent frauds or people with questionable motivations to to support his case?

    Note – Shoebat regularly talks about how he has long ago been estranged and cut off from his family… no rocket scientist sleuthiness necessary to know that.
    You’d have to wonder how Richard Silverstein missed that part?

    Further –
    The fact that his family is speaking out against him is now suddenly big news?
    Yet anyone with any background knowledge here knows this is old old old news. His family has been speaking out against him and estranged from him for yearssssss.

    Didn’t Mr. Silverstein state that he extensively studied and wrote about Walid Shoebat? Thus, wouldn’t he know him and his family have been long ago estranged and his family members quotes against him are a) not new news & b) words of extremly biased parties with a huge axe to grind?
    So is he –

    a) being deceptive?
    b) a sloppy journalist or sleuth?
    c) Moshiach came to him and told him the family are in this case suddently being completely forhright and while Walid is being completely deceptive?

  9. @ Jay:

    yet dont explain what the proof is

    The proof is in the Haaretz article. Only those who’ve drunk the Islamophobic Kool Aid refuse to believe it. Your man is a fake & a hack.

    your ignorance to the governmental structure of Israel in the 70’s

    And you’re such an expert on this subject and on security matters related to the Israeli banking system how precisely??

    Oh puhleeze. If you think the Palestinians give a rat’s ass about Walid Shoebat you’re crazy. The only people who still care about the creep are the evangelicals & extreme pro-Isrsael crowd.

    i do believe through my own knowledge of living in the vicinity

    What does this mean? That you live in Gaza or the West Bank? Because that would give you some authority. If you don’t & live instead in an Israeli settlement or on the border near the Territories that would give you precisely zero credibility in knowing how things work in Palestine.


    Walid is likely clueless as to the exact handling of the money or whether or not they’re really an official charity or not.

    He’s responsible for his own finances. You’re just making excuses for him.

    They ex-communicated him from the family years ago

    You didn’t bother to read the Haaretz article which said that Walid’s own mother refused to mingle with his family & then took him away to America at age 16. His family didn’t ex-communicate him. On the contrary, his own mother excommunicated herself fr. his family BEFORE he became the world’s leading Arab pro-Israel apologist.

  10. And what about his family having no choice but to disassociate themselves with Walid. You know very well if they ever had supported him, they would be killed as Israeli  sympathizers.  That proved the witnesses are biased.
    By the way, i live 4 kms from the border on a moshav, not a settlement as you gleefully suggested. I have travelled through and know the people of these areas so obviously have a bit more knowledge than you on these matters. The problem with left minded people like you is that you have no idea of the Arab mindset and the determination that these people have in destroying Israel. They think if they can do this, the rest of the world will easily be forced into islamization, and they are probablly right seeing as Israel is the birthplace of the 2 major religions.
    like you Silverman, only help them in destroying Israel. You have no justification.

  11. i live 4 kms from the border on a moshav, not a settlement as you gleefully suggested. I have travelled through and know the people of these areas so obviously have a bit more knowledge than you on these matters.

    You know Palestinians? What do you know about Palestinians?? Gimme a break. Your views as expressed here show the only thing you know is a hard-right Islamophobic perspective on these issues. The idea that you have more knowledge than I about “matters” concerning Palestinians is laughable.

  12. I obviously know more about Palastine, otherwise you would admit that there is really no Palastinian people. Even their own leaders admit that, but you wont!
    I am not religious and have Muslim friends that i work everyday with, so i am far from islamophobic or hard right. I am all for muslims living here if they respects Israels history and right to exist. The problem is that they are few in numbers and majority want to see Israel destroyed while enjoying the benefits Israel offers.
    One more question you probably wont be able to answer.
    How do you Mr Silverman Justify the Palastinian Charter?

  13. I obviously know more about Palastine [sic], otherwise you would admit that there is really no Palastinian [sic] people. Even their own leaders admit that, but you wont!

    You know so much about Palestine that you don’t even know how to spell the word. Sometimes commenters publish here who are so far out in right field they’re almost beyond our own solar system. By what standard or measure can anyone claim that Palestinians themselves admit that there is no Palestinian people??? And as you’ve just violated 1 of my cardinal comment rules (see sidebar link), you’ve just been provided with an all-expenses paid vacation from this blog. You are all in favor of Muslim’s living in Israel as long as they respect Israel’s right to exist while you deny the existence of a Palestinian people. That is exceedingly reasonable on yr part.

  14. Jay: ‘The problem with left minded people like you is that you have no idea of the Arab mindset and the determination that these people have in destroying Israel. ‘

    More Jay: ‘I obviously know more about Palastine, otherwise you would admit that there is really no Palastinian people. ‘

    After reading that nonsense, it’s easy to see why Jay has a bit of a hero-worship thing going for Shoebat 🙂

  15. You didn’t bother to read the Haaretz article which said that Walid’s own mother refused to mingle with his family & then took him away to America at age 16. His family didn’t ex-communicate him. On the contrary, his own mother excommunicated herself fr. his family BEFORE he became the world’s leading Arab pro-Israel apologist.

    He has said his mom didn’t like the way the family was treating her and eventually wanted to escape the treatment of her as a Muslim wife. She took Walid to California with her. Once in CA he joined org’s radically supportive of the Palestinians and still held the same views he grew up with. He said his new wife is the one that converted him to Xtianity. Now if you believe that his family cut him off simply bcs his mom took him to the US versus him converting to Xtianity and speaking out for Israel…. then you would be drinking some Kool Aid there.

  16. The blockquote command didn’t take above. And Walid’s mom was an American who married a Palestinian Muslim and then moved there… I didn’t add that.

  17. “When questioned on this discrepancy, Shoebat was adamant that he did carry out such a bombing, and that his relatives deny it to cover up for another cousin who was with him during the attack and still lives in Bethlehem.”

    Funny really the only thing biblical there seems to be about Mr Shoebat … ak.a. errmm Mr Shoebat ? is the fact that his lies and contradictory statements are of biblical proportions..

    “He uses the term “terrorist” somewhat metaphorically, in that he was intending to carry out a terrorist operation but never did.

    Therefore, there is no need to arrest him.”


  18. This shoebat fella is an idiot simple as he talks shit. He claims that he was a terrorist but he had a change of heart, so now he gets free reign to walk around the usa spouting utter bullshit! But the yanks extradite brittish Muslims and take them to guantanimo and hold them captive for years on some saposed intel, but answer me this did these guys kill anyone, NO, did they plot, maybe. So these people have done excatly what mr wally shoebat has done except convert to Christianity, so is it not fair that they should be allowed to walk free like this stupid mug. I’m English and I’m Muslim but not at all strict I drink smoke have sex before marrige all my friends are White as we’ve grown up with each other.But I believe in Allah but still have respects for other faiths as we all want to live in a world without war, without poverty without illness where children of all creed and colour and faith can stand side by side without being judged. So these idiots who spread lies and brainwash the youth are the evil ones.!!! Peace

    1. You are not really a Muslim and do not even try to pretend you are. You are a luke-warm convert looking for something to grasp onto. You have absolutely no insight into the Koran, if that is the way you believe.

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