3 thoughts on “What Do Susan Sarandon, Alan Dershowitz and the Russian Mob Have in Common? – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم
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  1. the things you learn just by googling…………………….I was just browsing to rent an apart. and I was surprised to find this news on a real state website. Thank you for taking the time to inform us. Alan, next time I see you at the CHilmark store you better have a good explanation for your behavior; and lets go see together Blood Diamond…………..Oh, but may be you have seen that movie!

  2. Richard – A few comments. 1) I would never personally frequent such an establishment because I don’t wish to support the settlements or right wing in Israel. 2) I have no idea if my Palestinian grocer sends the profits he makes off of me to Hamas or another group resistant to co-existence. 3) I find it interesting that the colonization in Israel happens through the purchase of land. Is there a historical precedent for this? I live in NYC and I know that the settlers here purchased if from the Natives, but other than that I’m curious about this practice and what it will mean for future negotiations. 4) While I understand the reason it is problematic, condemning Israeli Jews for not selling land to Palestinians is logically hypocritical if you are going to support Palestinians for not selling land to Jews. and finally 5) The kind interpretation of Dersh’s unseemly behavior here is that he is simply acting in a contrarian way to those who wish to boycott a certain type of Jew. I find his actions disappointing since he could have at least made a statement condemning the settlements while being willing to support others rights to favor them.

  3. I have no idea if my Palestinian grocer sends the profits he makes off of me to Hamas or another group resistant to co-existence.

    Well, first of all it would be illegal for yr grocer to do this since supporting Hamas financially is prohibited. Leviev’s activities, while confiscatory & prejudicial to the chance for I-P peace, are legal. Second, your grocer earns a lot less money than Leviev & probably needs it much more to feed & clothe his family.

    condemning Israeli Jews for not selling land to Palestinians is logically hypocritical

    I’m not sure what you’re referring to–but if you’re commenting on the JNF’s refusal to lease land to Israeli Arabs there is a very big diff. Israeli Arabs are citizens of Israel & should be entitled to the same rights to own or lease property that Israeli Jews have. Second, the issue is the State discriminating against Arabs by refusing to lease them land.

    As for the LRF, it uses trickery to gain possession of land. Such sales should be illegal since they are based on fraud.

    As for Dershowitz, you’re giving him far too much credit if you assume he was capable of thinking in as clear & rational a way as you’re suggesting he might’ve done. If he’d even considered yr suggestion he simply wouldn’t be Dershowitz, the cartoon character. He’d be a more serious & thoughtful person which alas seems impossible for the poor man.

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