2 thoughts on “Haaretz’s Danny Rubeinstein Calls Israel ‘Apartheid State’ – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم
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  1. Bravo, Richard, for bringing this to the blogosphere’s attention — and Cecilie, too.

    Rubenstein is not even considered in Israel to be radical — he does not get the invective thrown at him that Levi and Hass do.

    There are several blogs and sites out there that are performing an important service of recording media reports that don’t make it to the web versions of the newspapers, English or Hebrew.

    Anyway, yasher koah.

    Years from now, when this dark episode of history is over (bimherah veyamenu), there will be certain heroes that we will celebrate, and one of them will be Amos Schocken, the publisher of Haaretz, who has routinely paid (not enough) and protected journalists to speak truth to power.

    Jerry Haber, a.k.a. The Magnes Zionist

  2. The British Zionist Federation has always lied about their own intentions and that of other Zionists – the following clip comes from a lecture by Chaim Simons in 1990 in Jerusalem (the Rabbi was a transferist and supporter of full annexation of the West Bank, so we needn’t doubt the truth of the claim here).

    “… As we shall see, this phenomenon of restricting transfer plans to diaries, private correspondence and closed meetings, was not the prerogative of Herzl, but has been emulated by many other Zionist leaders.

    “Maintaining secrecy on Herzl’s transfer plans was not limited to his lifetime. Even after his death, there was a serious attempt to prevent publication of his diary. One of his leading disciples, Max Nordau said: “You will ruin Herzl’s name if you publish his diaries. Whoever reads them is bound to believe he was a fool and a swindler.”

    “… It was nearly twenty years after Herzl’s death that his diary was finally published. During the following half century – that is until the mid-1970s – the various biographers of Herzl made no mention whatsoever of these passages in his diary. This attempt to suppress history was in fact very effective, as we can see from the following incident. In 1972, the Press Officer of the British Zionist Federation received a letter from someone in London who had heard rumours about these passages in Herzl’s diary, and wanted clarification. The Press Officer wrote in reply: “I feel it is very unlikely that these quotes are in fact genuine.” If the Press Officer of the British Zionist Federation did not know about them, what can we expect from the ordinary man in the street? … throughout the remaining years of his life, Herzl would put forward different views on what to do with the Arabs of Eretz-Israel, depending on whether it was intended for private or public consumption. http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/Senate/7854/transferlecture.html

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