3 thoughts on “Tony Blair as Mideast Envoy: You’ve Got to Be Kidding – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم
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  1. Hello Richard,

    I agree that the idea of sending Blair really is a bad joke. I assume, hope correctly that you feel it is a “bad Joke.”

    For an important view of the current situation in the West Bank and Gaza from the British newpaper The Guardian, please check out “Hamas Acted Upon The Very Real Fear Of a US-sponsored Coup.


    Also, in light of this article and recent events you may be interested in revisiting your comments on my February article, Rice Jerusalem Summit More About Regime Change Than Peace.

    Take care,


  2. Yup, I just reread what we both wrote then & you were far closer to the truth than I. The Bushies were stupidly hoping that Fatah would wipe the floor w. Hamas when Fatah couldn’t find its way out of a paper bag. What is it about the Bushies that they always manage to find the most inept allies when they need dirty work done?

    I bet it makes George & Dick yearn for the days of Nixon-Kissinger when if you allied with a tough military regime like Pinochet’s you wouldn’t be disappointed in the results. Nowadays, you just can’t find efficient killers like that for love or money.

  3. Could Tony Blair ever really take on the role of Middle East envoy even if he were offered the post?
    Unlikely. There are so many vested interests and such a variety of conflicting factions crowding the Middle Eastern theatre that any real chance for his mediation there seems doomed from the outset. Tony has, perhaps, too high a profile, is too well known a politician to successfully be ‘all things to all men.’

    Equally, it can be argued that some bland diplomat occupying the position would, almost certainly, fare no better. And we’ve seen enough of those already.

    But that would seem to eliminate everyone. Who then is left to take on the mantle of Rice, Clinton, Carter, Mitchell, Tenet and all those others whose efforts amounted to little more than spitballs against such entrenched positions?

    Think of it as a test, a puzzle needing to be solved. Exactly how this can be done may seem very obscure to us just now but that’s not to say we’re incapable of doing it.

    A favourite pastime in this country used to be crossword puzzles. I’m not sure if they’re still as popular today but certainly in the past they could while away many an idle afternoon. The most fiendishly complex crossword was generally considered to be that of the ‘Times’ newspaper. Very hard to get all the answers to that one.

    Over time, however, it become possible to get ‘inside’ the minds of those compiling the puzzles and the solutions then became that much easier. For those who could do it.

    What if the rest of humanity took a hand in the matter? If we became, as it were, our own Middle East envoys? Could we not then make a better fist of things? The trick, I suppose, would be for us all to get inside the mind-set of these various contending groups, find some commonality in each of their competing agendas.

    So what might they have in common?

    Perhaps more than you think; perhaps more than they think.


    John Yorke.

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