2 thoughts on “Shin Bet Critic Says: ‘Moment You Decide You Have Nothing to Live For, You Find You Have Something to Die For’ – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم
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  1. Hello Richard,

    Shavua Tov. This is a very interesting and thought provoking piece. Well featured. I can imagine that almost everything Levy says is true and especially the important parts. Those parts are for me in particular when he talks about the political failure and his empathy and understanding for the actions of his Palestinian ‘adversaries.’ Those two items are in my mind the most crucial to convey to ‘reality refuseniks’ and in this case I mean those who refuse to see what Israel is really doing. If more people would understand that then more people would begin to think, ‘hey, maybe there is another side to this story and maybe we do need to pursue another course.’ As to the sanitization of some bits, I can imagine that in the Shin Bet as in every government service I can think of where a very high security clearance is involved and where one operates very close to the inner and not always pleasant circles, there is an airtight confidentiality contract that follows one to the grave. Perhaps in order to be able to publish and say what he does, he knows he can only go so far. And that deal with the devil is one which is easy to see, accept and to see through as reader.

  2. Glad you found that article useful.

    Perhaps in order to be able to publish and say what he does, he knows he can only go so far. And that deal with the devil is one which is easy to see, accept and to see through as reader.

    I didn’t think of that. But of course what you say is perfectly true. He may’ve signed a statement saying he could not comment substantively on issues like S.B. torture. But then again, if this was true there’s no reason he couldn’t say that to the interviewer unless the S.B. prohibited his fr. doing even that (it seems unlikely).

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