“Democrats Take Senate…Complete Midterm Sweep.”
God, you have no idea how happy and relieved I was to see this NY Times headline a moment ago. No, not happy, overjoyed. It was such a delicious feeling. And to see the sorry mope on Cheney’s face, as the TV commercial goes: “priceless.”
To go six long years in the wilderness with nothing but disappointment and bitterness at the sorry mess that Bush and his cronies were making for us. And now this. There is a God in heaven. S/He may not be a Democrat, but S/He has mercy on those of us who’ve suffered far too long under the jackboot.
I’m quite sure your tears of joy will become those of sadness, as the do-nothing democrats make concessions to the terrorists, labor unions, lawyers, special interest groups and every other hand-out-artist waiting in line to get their “fair” share. Now, all that’s left to do is elect an equally inept democrat to the nation’s highest office. Okay, boys and girls, crawl under your desk and get in the fetal position and be safe. There is a God in heaven, but HE sits there and laughs while you pound your spears into plowshares. History has shown that those who do end up plowing for those who keep their spears. Enjoy your “hollow” victory.
I love people like you who are deluded enough to believe that the Dems have the market cornered on special interests. I mean, it’s preposterous to think that Republicans would make any concessions to the neocons, K Street Abramoff lobbyist/swindlers, Halliburton/Bechtel fleecers, oil company profiteers and every other corporate “hand-out-artist waiting in line to get their “fair” share”–right??
As for electing an “equally inept Democrat [remember we capitalize the word] to the nation’s highest office,” well, you Repubs have set the bar so low on that score for the past 6 yrs. that any Dem who gets elected can only go upward from where we are now.
Well, my God doesn’t laugh at peacemakers. If your God does then he’s not my God and probably not even A God. I’d say he’s a pagan god of war. My tradition says: “Who is mighty? He who controls his power.” That’s what my God believes. Your god believes: “Who is mighty? He who wields power to subjugate his foes, real or imaginary.”