A headline on today’s AP wire reveals just how strong prevailing, but outmoded attitudes toward wildlife can...
Month: October 2006
NY Jewish Week carries a disturbing article noting that rightist pro-Israel groups are screaming bloody murder at...
“When he stands up and says, I want to know the truth — I believe yesterday he...
I am truly delighted to report that George Soros has become so disgusted with Aipac that he’s...

WARNING: I wish to warn anyone who reads this that I feature here a photo of the...

Hat tip to Sol Salbe for turning me on to the following story by Haaretz’s Meron Rapoport....
Today’s NY Times reports the earliest yet date by which a House Republican leader was informed of...

Rashid Khalidi is one of the world’s finest scholar’s of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Though American-born he is...

Miriam on horseback Our twins have started their terrible twos with a vengeance though they’re only 22...

News of the Foley scandal gets curiouser and curiouser. Newsweek’s cover story this week natch is about...
“He really ought not be a sacrificial lamb. If they throw Denny Hastert off the sled to...
Angry with his treatment at the hands of the Republican Party and its Congressional leadership, Mark Foley...