On Friday, after Bob Woodward revealed he was the first person approached by an Administration source regarding Valerie Wilson’s identity, Pat Fitzgerald announced he was empaneling a new grand jury to hear additional testimony in his Plamegate investigation. Everyone’s speculating on who mysterious Official X is and whether Fitzgerald will add a second indictment to his charges in this case. I love this cartoon I saw today at Slate. Took me a while to “get it.” But it’s quite witty when you do.
condi rice did it. what she’s been up to lately is why we’re in iraq. global power-players are good at zeroing in on just the the hysteria-prone folks to hire on to run another popular front party franchise anywhere that needs some help getting into the mood to be irresistably investable and respectful of the liberty market. the rest of the world still remembers the eisenhower administration; we never knew it. it hides in plain sight, especially absurdly so when people throw around the term “islamo-fascist” while using it to nurture a freaked out neo-worldly vision of the world that is so completely disconnected with reality, there’s no danger of them ever wrapping their head around that whacky extradimensional alternate reality bizzarro planet universe the term came from. but it sure fun to watch!