6 thoughts on “Kakai Kilonzo: Kenya’s Benga Music – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم
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  1. Congrats on the article on Kakai Kilonzo Music.The late musician was in a class of his own as evidenced by music like Mpenzi Helena Part 1&2,Maisha ya Town and others

  2. A friend of mine lend me a cassete to listen to.a mixture of kenyan old tracks by various artists,some of which i recalled from when i was a kid in the eighties.In it there were two songs that stood out.a stroke of pure genius and far beyond their times.kakai kilonzo’s “mkamba’s day” and another whose title i dont know but the voice and style is unmistakable.cant describe the feeling they gave me.i decided to search the internet for anything available on Kakai Kilonzo.Lo and Behold! i stumbled into this site.
    thanks for the site.this made my day.
    its so sad that such a genius of kakai’s class died at his peak.had he lived longer…there’s no telling what we would be having today.

  3. Thanks to Nicholas & Japheth for your nice comments. You certainly know Kenyan music better than I. I wish I’d known about his music while he was alive & possibly heard him perform.

    If you can pick up an online audio streams you should try to pick up Doug’s show on Thursdays from 7-9 PM PST (Greenwich +7, I think). Here’s the link to the audio. He’s big on Kenyan music & plays a lot of it. If you send me any other music by Kakai I’ll feature it here.

  4. kakai es un extraordinrio musico y guitarrista de cuerda rapida, pero tengo una duda en cuanto al genero musical que él interpreta es: Benga o kamba o kikamba.

    agradeceria me dieras mas informacion sobre kakai kilonzo & les kilimambogo brothers. la pista que mas me gusta de todas es Sera Kamama.

    Ok. felicitaciones por tu aporte a la cultura musical africana.


  5. I have vinyls by Kakai Kilonzo and am lucky because he sangs some songs in Kamba language which is also my language. He was extremely gifted although he passed on when I was very young.

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