8 thoughts on “David Grossman’s Sticker Song: Israeli Novelist’s Foray into Hip Hop – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم
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  1. I love Shirat HaSticker. I have one question about the translation on this site. The lyrics that I have state that the last line is “Everything for You, Friend” NOT “It’s all your fault, Friend”. I hope that you research further into this, because there is definatly a big difference.
    Age 13

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  3. The last line, Hakol Biglalcha Chaver, means “Its all Because of you, friend” also translated as “its all your fault, friend” placing the blame for the situation on Rabin (a take off of Shalom Chaver)

  4. a comment regarding Becky’s comment about the translation of “ha col beeglalcha”. That acually means “evertyhing is because of you, friend.” Beeglalcha=because of you.
    this is interesting
    tamid bi ahava

  5. In poetry translation context is all. And in the context of these lyrics the phrase can be either positive (“it’s all due to you”) or negative “it’s all because of you.”

    The bumper sticker phrases alternate between right-wing and left-wing points of view. This phrase seems couched in the voice of the hard right which blamed Rabin for what it termed his “treachery.” That’s why I felt justified in translating “ha-kol biglalcha” as “it’s all your fault.”

    1. when the connotation is positive, it would be “bezchutcha”. “biglalcha” is pretty much always a blame.

  6. 1. Judea, Samaria and Gaza are here!
    a. Actually means that they are near and not on a far off planet (and not “within the Green Line) as is liked to believe in the “Tel-Aviv” bubble. This was the original connotation of the sticker.
    2. Na, Nah, Nahman, the faithful
    a. Actually means Nahman of Uman (the city in the Ukraine where he is buried.
    b. Also, the line “They call me Nachman and I stammer” refers to the same Nahman and should be “My name is Nahman and I stammer.”
    3. The “sticker phrases [do not] alternate between right-wing and left-wing points of view.” If anything, they are more identified with right-wing or religious points of view. At least 30 of the sticker phrases are right-wing or religious whereas only 9 can be identified with the left of centre point of view. The rest can go either way or are totally unrelated (e.g. “Let the animals live”).
    4. The line “Peace please, thank you for security” is ironic and should actually be “Kudos for the Peace, thanks for the Security.”
    5. Finally, I don’t really get the debate regarding “biglalcha.” One has to work extremely hard to squeeze it into anything other than negative connotations. If you need support you can check out the way the line is delivered in the video. The only issue here may be regarding who the “friend” is. That is, though the sticker reference is clear, the inferred person can be either Itshak Rabin or Yigal Amir.
    6. Pleasant Pesah!

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