This may be apparent to some of you who add Amazon Associates links to your Typelists and posts, but it wasn’t to me until today.
If you want to add such a link to a post, find the item on the site, in the url field highlight the url address up till the end of the ISBN #, then add your amazon associates id (let’s say in my case, ‘tikun’). For example, if the amazon url for an item I want to link to is:, then you’d highlight and add tikun and your final display link in the post would be:
The reason this came as such a revelation to me is that, until now, when I wanted to add an amazon link with my associates id, I’d go to the Amazon site, highlight the isbn, paste it into a typelist new item, then go to my blog, view the newly create typelist item, right click on the link to get the amazon url with my associates id, then add that to the blog post. That needless to say took tons of time. The method I outline above is MUCH faster.
Again, this may be self-evident to some, but it took me a long time to figure this one out.