I don’t know about you, but I’m terribly relieved to know that Jeb Bush is upholding the moral health of Florida’s young pregnant girls. Witness a story in last week’s New York Times, Gov. Jeb Bush to Seek Guardian for Fetus of Rape Victim http://www.nytimes.com/2003/05/15/national/15FETU.html, which describes how Bush appointed a guardian for the unborn fetus of a 22 year-old developmentally disabled pregnant woman.
Governor Bush said in a statement that he believed it was appropriate to intervene in what he described as a ‘uniquely troubling situation.’
‘Given the facts of this case, it is entirely appropriate that an advocate be appointed to represent the unborn child’s best interests in all decisions,’ the governor said.
Notice he didn’t say a word about the woman herself, who presumable doesn’t concern him too much. And as for this poor woman–what happened to her? Well, she lived in a Florida group home for the developmentally disabled. The state’s adult protective services program managed the home and her care. That of course means that the state is liable for what happened to her (she was raped by an individual unknown–since this woman cannot communicate any information to help investigators find her assailant). Bush and the state of Florida are “lucky” that the woman cannot comprehend her fate and act to protect herself. If she could, she would certainly sue the state for its malfeasance in her care.
So Jeb Bush wants to protect her unborn fetus. Where was he and the responsible state agency staff .when the woman herself needed protection before her rape? Note also, that neither the woman in question nor those caring for her have shown any interest in terminating the pregnancy! So what’s Jeb doing besides scoring political points?!
Another interesting issue here is that with an incapacitated mother, it appears highly likely that this child, when it is born, will become a ward of the state. And we all know how successful the state is in raising children. So Jeb wants to force the woman to have her baby; then he proposes that the state take over control of the baby’s life. What a fate for these two poor iindividuals!
Jeb and his brother are adamantly opposed to the government’s unnecessary intrusion into citizens’ personal, private and commercial affairs…except when it comes to their reproductive rights…of which women have none (at least according to Jeb).
I fervently hope that the Florida Supreme Court (which refused in 1989 to recognize the right for the state to name a guardian for an unborn fetus) will quash Jeb Bush’s nuisance moralising for the sake of scoring political points with his right-wing Christian fundamentalist constituency.