Periodically, after I write something disparaging about a right-wing Jewish blogger or political figure, one of their...
Several interesting developments in the federal contempt case against Sami Al-Arian. The judge postponed the case until...

It looks like the militant pro-Israel crowd may be engaging in hijinks against one of our intrepid...
Rainer Waldman Adkins just forwarded me the 64 page agenda for the Netroots Nation annual conference (formerly...
Some of you may know that the English newspaper, The Guardian, is expanding its coverage of the...

Bad News Bears anti-Brit blog This Haaretz story takes the prize for ding-battiest pro-Israel wingnut project of...
Several readers have asked to read this original, expanded version of the article Haaretz published yesterday under...
When you blog it’s always a good thing to check your referrals because you can learn a...
Seattle’s Jewish paper has written a long story about my legal battle with Rachel Neuwirth. The nice...

Bringin’ it all back home. That’s what some brilliant young Israeli peace activists have done in posting...
I’ve been at this since 2003 and one of my biggest complaints, heard much more when I...
I just plain don’t feel much like writing a full-blown post today. But I’ve been reading some...