17 thoughts on “Biden, Harris Commend Nasrallah Assassination – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم
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  1. Nasrallah and Hezbollah used 300 civilians as human shields to protect themselves in their war against Israel. Nasrallah and Hezbollah have the blood of those three hundred on there hands. Only antisemites find fault with israel. .

    1. @Sigman: That’s ridiculous. The IDF HQ is in the heart of central Tel Aviv. It is using human shields as well. Not to mention that the IDF used scores of Palestinian civilians as human shields in Gaza and the West Bank.

      Killing civilians is a war crime. Murder cannot be excused on any account. The murderers are guilty regardless of why or under what pretext they were murdered. You’re offering hasbara talking points. And unpersuasive ones at that.

    2. Ok, meanwhile, every time Israel launches one of its ‘self defence’ operations, it kills hundreds, and in this case thousands of Palestinians. Only people in denial about these atrocities need to fall back on accusations of antisemitism.

  2. Thank you standing for basic principle of humanity and international law. In times of censorship and vengeance the honorable position and acting according to your conscience.

    In recent days I have communicated to very close friends, I will share some messages. 😢

    “My big fear is US and Israel provoking the region to war with Iran 🇮🇷
    For Joe Biden the key to further weapons blockade on Russia … as a sanctioned Iran supplies drones and short range missiles.”

  3. A warning to Erdogan and Türkiye?

    This morning Israel hit infrastructure in heart of Beirut, the Kola intersection, a important traffic hub into central Beirut. Many displaced persons from Southern Lebanon had taken refuge in the district. According to Al Jazeera, first indication an apartment building was destroyed housing the Muslim Brotherhood. The axis Hamas-Qatar-Türkiye is close to the leaders of Iran. 🇮🇷

    According to Israeli news source …

    PFLP says 3 leaders killed in Beirut amid dozens of overnight IDF strikes across Lebanon | TOI |


    Confirmed by local source

    PIJ condemns IOF killing of PFLP leaders in Beirut


  4. Good article, but Trump and the Republicans are not better than Biden/Harris and the Democrats. Trump is also supported by the Zionists. The only real alternative is Jill Stein.

  5. I have followed your blog on and off, for years. I hope you never stop the great work you do. Your humanity and willingness to express it, against the very strong pro-Israel lobby and the international political stand. It’s hard to understand how the most powerful country in the world can be bullied, dictated, ignored by a tiny little country in the middle east. Money is everything. As well, many people may be very much against what Israel is doing in Gaza but I suspect the label of being an anti-semite is scaring people into slience and I think some Jews may be afraid to be shunned. I’m not an American, so I can’t vote but from my understanding, it’s always a Democrat or a Republican that becomes President, never an independent. I would think it is a choice between the better of 2 evils. Thanks Richard for what you do.

    1. Big donor Haim Saban made his priorities clear in a 2004 The New York Times interview “Schlepping to Moguldom,” saying, “I’m a one-issue guy and my issue is Israel.”

      Mercer family donates to both parties but carried Trump to victory in 2016 …

      Large sums of money from Jewish billionaires fund European populist rightwing leaders and Islamophobes as Dutch majority leader Geert Wilders. Nina Rosenwald funds the Gatestone Institute and David Horowitz Center for example and in Germany the AfD which had a posterboy a few years ago: Jair Netanyahu …

      A big victory yesterday for Bibi Netanyahu … rightwing PFO wins a clear majority in Austria, pro-Israel, pro-Putin and anti EU. European neo-Nazis love Israel … common denominator anti-immigration, racist and Islamophobia. EU leader the former German defense minister VDL scratching her head how AfD won in Thuringia and nearly in Scholz’s home state Brandenburg. No wonder VDL got an honorary degree from Ben Gurion University and loves to speech at the Hudson Institute.


      In September 2001, Ariel Sharon and Bibi Netanyahu declared Hamas, Hizbollah and Palestinian Resistance terror organizations equivalent to Al Qaeda. Building a security apparatus and military industrial complex equal to none. War, not Peace ❌ ☮️

  6. What is the end result? I am not talking of tomorrow or next week, even of next year. I am talking of 15 or 20 years from now. Will israel exist? Since 1948 Palestinians have been forced out of their land. Many have gone to America and they are taking the Irish route. Second and third generation Palestinian-Americans are lawyers, judges, mayors, senators and congressmen/women. In 15 or 20 years a Palestinian-American will become a Presidential candidate. America wont attack Israel but will stop giving money and armaments and will discourage Europeans from doing so. Israeli’s are not stupid they will emigrate so fast the future Netanyahus will have no troops and no money. Iran can play the long game.

    1. @Jeffrey: Israelis are already emigrating in mass numbers. PRofessional couples with young families don’t want their children to become cannon fodder in Israel’s forever wars. They want them to grow up to be productive, healthy citizens of democratic societies.

      1. You are right Richard, Israel has passed its high point in terms of numbers. However I was making two points, first that Israel cannot rely on America supporting it for more than another decade or two, if that, and Iran can wait for Israel to collapse as a military and economic power. Iran has a history of thousands of years during which other empires have come and gone, while Israel, which has a 75 year history so only has short term strategies.
        The only viable strategy for Israel is to change its attitude towards the Palestinians, give back their freedom and make peace with them.

    1. I hope Israel does not follow Russia’s argument that “we have a right to govern all the land we used to own”. It’s difficult enough the West has to deal with Russia’s craziness, to have Israel also follow that track would create death and destruction worse than Israel’s current pattern.

  7. Israel threatens an pre-emptive attack on Iran

    Daniel Hagari update defensive operation, as well prepared on offensive …

    Launching from Iran into Israel will have severe consequences

    Communication in step with the Biden-Kamala White House

  8. Israeli intelligence complicit in Soleimani assassination near Baghdad ..
    US intelligence compicit in multiple assassinations of Hezbollah leadership and Hamas military and political leadership … a “New Middle East” favoring Salafist Arab states and side-stepping Shia and MB alliance Iran, Qatar, and Türkiye (Erdogan).

    The Nasrallah murder and war crime of oblivion residential block recounted.
    החיסול שבוטל ברגע האחרון השבוע, הבכירים שדחפו והשפעת היורש | גילויים חדשים

    Watched CNN interview with Ronen Bergman …

    End game of fascist regime is military occupation of the Gaza Strip with a future annexation and building new Zionist settlements. Pressure from extreme religious right is gaining mainstream backing in Likud and Knesset. Waiting for its Savior Trump 2.0.

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