11 thoughts on “Why I Won’t Pray in Shul Tonight on Kol Nidre: – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم
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  1. 🙌 You express much of my feelings about hypocrisy of the orthodox observant Judaism I was required to practice for love and acceptance. That observance soothed a lot, too much, and falsely. I would not wish to be anything other than Jewish, ethnically but in a secular and seeking way, my own . Seeking is Jewish for me. Learning is too. Rejection of the immoral is too. I am distanced from hypocritical observances and allegiances. This was and still is painful. On this holiday you arrive with your integrity in tact in my opinion from a long journey. May you feel no guilt now.

  2. Richard
    TY for articulating & sharing what I have long felt about the Organized Jewish religion that have loost its SOUL!

    I like 58: 8 in particular
    …אז יבקע כשחר אורך וארכתך מהרה תצמח”

  3. Isn’t most of American Jewry reform? Don’t they hold similar views to yours?
    Surely you can find a suitable community in Seattle?

    1. @Shmuel: yes the majority are Reform. But Reform Judaism is largely liberal Zionist. Not my cup of tea.

      I have lived in five US cities. Each one had a single synagogue I would consider somewhat progressive liturgically and usually less so politically. But that is simply not enough to keep me engaged in institutional Judaism.

  4. What does davening in shul and wrapping tefillin daily and keeping kosher and shabbos have to do with the State of Israel?

    Nothing really.

    So why are blaming Israel for you’re having decided to forego all of the above.

    1. @ Q: What does Judaism have to do with Israel? “Nothing really” you said. Quite an interesting perspective, I should think.

      I’m blaming American Jewish communal cowardice in the face of Israeli apartheid and fascism for my alienation from communal institutions. Apparently the nuance is too complex for you to understand.

      1. I said, “What does davening in shul and wrapping tefillin daily and keeping kosher and shabbos have to do with the State of Israel?”

        I would add that wearing a kippah and tallit and reading daily the parasha and daf yomi, also have nothing to do with the State of Israel insofar as our observant grandfathers did all of the above before the State of Israel even existed.

        If your honest, Richard, you’d admit that forty or fifty or sixty years ago, Israel was just as fascistic and racist as it is today, yet, those were precisely the times when you were more observant.

        You can even be totally honest with yourself and admit that you forego the strictures of halakhic Judaism because they are too restrictive or cumbersome or old fashioned or embarrassing.

        Stop blaming Israel or the Jewish community for your decisions to lead a secular life.

        1. @ Q: One comment per thread if you choose to comment in other threads.

          wearing a kippah and tallit and reading daily the parasha and daf yomi, also have nothing to do with the State of Israel

          Israel is a theocracy and you have the chutzpah to say that this desecration of Judaism has nothing to do with Israel??

          If your honest, Richard, you’d admit that forty or fifty or sixty years ago, Israel was just as fascistic and racist as it is today, yet, those were precisely the times when you were more observant.

          I am honest. But you will not tell me what I have to admit. 50 or 60 years ago there was hope that Israel could be something different. Something liberal, enlightened. Despite the sins of its founding. So no, it wasn’t as racist or fascistic as it is now. You do know that every media report on its current government declares it is the most extreme, most racist government in the country’s history. So no, not as racist by any means.

          You can even be totally honest with yourself and admit that you forego the strictures of halakhic Judaism because they are too restrictive or cumbersome or old fashioned or embarrassing.

          Don’t you dare presume to know the thoughts in my head and don’t you dare tell me what I should do or think or say “to be totally honest with myself.” Don’t you dare. I am not alienated from Judaism. I said that and you choose to ignore it. I have not abandoned anything in Judaism. I have abandoned the Jewish communal leadership and its institutions. There is a difference. ONly someone arguing in bad faith as you are would delibaretly misconstrue my argument.

    1. @ Jonathan: Zionism can pervert Judaism and exploit it. But it cannot murder Judaism because it is better and larger than Zionism. Nor is “Judaism” a “program of genocide. Israel may be. But Judaism is not. I do not permit Judeo-thugs to define Judaism. They are not Jews and what they practice is not Judaism. It is pagan idolatry.

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