7 thoughts on “Kill Sinwar: Israel Threatens to Assassinate Hamas Chief – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم
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  1. The sad truth is the sad truth. Israeli leaders consider themselves realists we should learn from; but they do not address realities but their own phantasies and by that willfully create new realities and nightmares that will devour them and their followers. Nothing to add.

  2. “Sinwar made the call for armed action at an iftar gathering in Gaza City on 30 April, warning Israel against harming the Al-Aqsa Mosque in occupied East Jerusalem.”

    Four days later, terrorists struck in Elad.

    Coincidence? We will find out soon enough, as the Elad terrorists have been captured, along with their axe and knives.


    The Biden Administration, via Egypt, has let Israel know that America wants quiet, so Sinwar’s head will remain on his shoulders for now.

    1. @ Not Lord Byron-Not Even Close: Suppose Avigdor Lieberman says “Death to Arabs.” And 4 days later a radical settler murders a Palestinian. Is Lieberman personally responsible for the death? Do settlers take direct orders from Lieberman? And would it be reasonable for a member of the Palestinian security service to officially under the auspices of the PA prepare a plan to assassinate Lieberman? Because that’s precisely what Israel is doing. So if you think Lieberman isn’t directly responsible and shouldn’t be assassinated, then you’re arguing in bad faith. But I’m not at all surprised.

  3. The irony is that if the Israelis do behead Hamas, it’ll just make things that much worse for them.

    On the one hand, as you note, Hamas isn’t behind the attacks; the organization could vanish tomorrow, and the attacks would continue.

    On the other hand, as matters stand, the Israelis could always make a deal with Hamas; throw them a bone, and Hamas could police the radicals to some extent. If Israel gets rid of Hamas, that option vanishes. Do they really want five million Palestinians with no one who can speak for them at all?

    1. @ Colin: Yes, it’s a perverse dance. Both Hamas and Israel in a sense need each other. Each are the other’s bogeyman. Without the other they’d have no reason to exist–or wouldn’t be able to exist. MY hope is that if there is ever a peace agreement between the two sides (unlikely as that is) and a single state, Israel’s right-wing extremists and Palestine’s extremists will no longer be able to exist. They will have to win elections and govern. If the remain extremists they will lose. The only way to win will be forging coalitions across national, religious and political lines.

      IF you look at what has happened in South African post-apartheid, you see the absolute disaster of one-party rule. This is another reason why a 2-state solution, were it even possible, would never work. You would have one-party rule in each state and each party would fail each state.

      1. “..A single state.. Israel’s right-wing extremists and Palestine’s extremists will no longer be able to exist..”
        Richard: yes they will exist. And they will bring about the very incarnation of Lebanon, Yugoslavia etc. at their worst moments. To the delight of the Evangelists having their dream of Armageddon come true. As both our crystal balls are not perfect – mine says one-state is not feasible and will never happen.
        “..a 2-state solution.. would have one-party rule in each state..”
        Why would this apply to Israel? If we can have a multi party system now, why not then too? Ever hear of the saying “two Jews = three opinions”?

        1. @ Eli: Beware of anyone who claims to be able to predict the future. Especially, predicting a dystopian future which accords with the brutal status quo he seeks to maintain. There is absolutely no reason to believe that a single state will turn out like Lebanon or Yugoslavia. Lebanon had a tripartite political system which divided the spoils among three religious groups. It was not a true democracy. Yugoslavia was governed by a dictator who, when he died, had done nothing to turn the country into a multi-ethnic state. Nor was it ever a democracy in which various groups learned how to co-exist in a single national entity. That’s what tore it apart.

          Israel will be different because it has a functioning democracy (deeply flawed as it may be). Israeli Palestinians already participate in Israeli political life. Even Palestinians have their own political governance which could easily be reorganized within the context of a single Palestine-Israel.

          So stop saying the sky is falling. It isn’t. THere are numerous examples of multi-ethnic countries who’ve managed well to include majority-minority communities in political life: Northern Ireland, Canada, Switzerland, Belgium. BTW, Sinn Fein won the recent Northern Irish elections. For the first time a republication nationalist party won a majority in the North, while in the South, Sinn Fein is polling quite well too. None of this has broken the Easter Accords though tensions between Protestants and Catholics remain. What was Northern Ireland like 20 years ago? Something like what Israel-Palestine is now: terror attacks, assassinations, military occupation. Guess what it’s like now? Pretty good, huh? Even India, as troubled as its history has been, has managed to create a democracy that includes the Hindu majority and Muslim minority.

          I could care less what your crystal ball says. It’s covered in miasma which doesn’t allow you to see anything clearly.

          If we can have a multi party system now,

          You don’t have a multi party system. You have a system with a few main right wing parties. Every other party is tiny and weak. Even the so-called centrist parties are versions of the right wing parties. Likud, Kahol Lavan, Yesh Atid: the difference between them is infinitessimal. Especially on the Palestine issue.

          “two Jews = three opinions”?

          First, you’re not talking about “Jews.” You’re talking about Israelis. Your slogan is: Three Israeli Jews, one opinion.

          Please do not post more than one comment in any post comment thread.

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