Israel Defense, a publication covering Israeli military affairs, reports that it analyzed seismograph data concerning the tragic explosion in Beirut last week. It determined that prior to the massive blast which leveled portions of the city, there were six smaller detonations at equal 11-second time intervals. The first five blasts were equal to several tons of explosive material. But the sixth was several times larger. 43 seconds following this last explosion, the massive detonation occurred at the ammonium nitrate warehouse nearby.
The report claims that a subterranean city operates in the port replete with warehouses and tunnels operating under the supervision of Hezbollah, which is the true “landlord” of the port. It further argues that the great depth of the crater left after the explosion can only be explained by underground explosions, which preceded the main one of the ammonium nitrate. It adds that the sheer magnitude of the explosion would argue that not only fertilizer exploded, but also military munitions. Finally, the report suggests that the earlier sub-surface ignitions might have occurred underneath the ammonium nitrate warehouse and thus caused it to explode.
One of the munitions experts consulted said that some explosive operations operate using a chain of charges and it was possible in this particular incident such charges were ignited in quick succession underneath the warehouse by a party who sought cause explosions at precisely timed intervals.
Israel Defense asks whether this could have been a deliberate act of sabotage or an underground accident involving Hezbollah military weapons. The reporter then raises this tantalizing suggestion before refuting it:
…These findings could also raise the possibility that the ammonium explosion began with explosives laid by Israeli officials…
He continues that Israeli sources “at the highest level” have denied Israel was responsible, claiming they learned about it via the media, along with everyone else. This in itself raises suspicions about the reliability of the denial, as Israel has agents, sources, and spy gear throughout Lebanon which would tell it virtually every detail of any significance happening inside the country, certainly before the media would report it.
Much of the reporting here confirms my own prior story which reported, based on an Israeli official, that Israel detonated explosives in a Hezbollah arms cache, and that this caused the ensuring second explosion of ammonium nitrate. Though my source did not specify whether the Hezbollah weapons were stored above or below ground, I assumed they would be stored in a warehouse next door to the fertilizer. If in fact, Hezbollah sought to conceal its weapons cache, it would make sense for it to bury it in underground tunnels, much as it did in southern Lebanese villages during the 2006 war with Israel.
Amir Rapaport’s weekly column (English)
Not yet published …
Normally, the sensors’ data are available to the public via the Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology (IRIS) website, which aggregates information from global seismographic research institutions. [Location: Washington DC]
However, shortly after 6 PM on August 5 – that is, less than 24 hours after the Beirut disaster – access to all the data collected prior to the event was blocked, and visitors to the site are notified that no information is available.
Of course, nothing can really be taken away once it was posted online, and so some geophysicists managed to obtain the deleted data and found that this seismograph data matched other regional sensitive sensor data regarding the Beirut event. It appears that no one else has noticed the facts revealed by the investigation of the retrieved seismographic data:
[Source: Jewish Press]
Or maybe subterranean vaults used in connection with waste treatment, or as part of the operation of the grain silos.
Original article on Israel Defense website …
Amazing findings change the story of the Beirut blast
An Israel Defense exclusive: The tremendous explosion in Beirut was preceded by six smaller explosions that took place with equal time intervals. Unequivocal seismological statistics indicate the unusual events can be explained as acts of sabotage or as a malfunction of weapons that were being stored nearby.
The amazing findings, which are being revealed here for the first time, were discovered and analyzed by geophysics experts in cooperation with Israel’s Tamar engineering group, and also brought to the attention of the high echelons of the country’s political and defense leadership.
[comment deleted: read the comment rules. Comments must contain a substantive argument. Snark and sloganeering is not substantive and not permitted. Don’t try this again, unless you wish to be moderated.]
The five blips are very regularly spaced – every five seconds – and exactly the same magnitude and time response. There are two more after the explosion to the right of the 15:10:20:00 time marker. I am reasonably sure they contine through the whole episode – could be confirmed by looking at the fast Fourier transform for a peak at 1/5 Hz. Whatever the blips are, they are not signs of explosions.
“as Israel has agents, sources, and spy gear throughout Lebanon which would tell it virtually every detail of any significance happening inside the country” … but according to you, Israel missed the fact 2,700 tome of AN are in the port though it was public knowledge.
Also, in the case of such explosion, you don’t really need the media. It was on social networks probably within seconds.
You’re digging….
@ Jeal:
Correction: according to my source the Mossad did not know about the ammonium nitrate. If the article is correct, Israel detonated an underground weapons storage bunker. There are many reasons why it may not have realized this detonation would cause the second explosion above ground. Or it may not have cared about exploding the fertilizer and gone ahead with the operation despite the fact it would blow up half the city. You pick your version.
Further, though I have read of explosions at Hezbollah weapons facilities which were attributed to Israel sabotage, I’ve never seen any account saying Hezbollah munitions blew up totally by accident. That is the only way to explain Yaalon’s claim, if you wish to deny that Israel directly caused the Hezbollah explosion. Correction: I did find an 11 year old claim by Israel that Hezbollah weapons blew up in southern Lebanon. But nothing more recent than that. Given the age of the report and the different location, it’s hardly relevant to the current situation.
No more comments in this thread. Move on.
Israel and UAE reach historic peace deal, Israel to suspend annexation
The National UAE
Telephone call between Bibi and Crown Prince or Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed (Emirate of Abu Dhabi)
A new road map towards diplomatic ties …
Quite an elaborate nothing burger to grab the Western media headlines! Just wondering what is that important to hide!
‘ The Israeli military publication, Israel Defense,’ – ??? Where does this come from? This is a private media company. Probably has many contacts but your title makes it seems like it is part of the IDF.
@ Jeal: In common English usage, most people would understand that I was claiming Israel Defense dealt with Israeli military matters. But to make things even clearer I’ve changed that sentence to reflect what you wrote.
Jewish Press article has been censored … deleted!
Google cache here …
Article had mentioned the IRIS removal of seismic data from Beirut blast.
Hezbollah weapons cache?
Boaz Hayoun, seismological and munitions expert, said that having seen footage of that fire he was convinced it was caused by the combustion of fireworks.
BTW, the Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology (IRIS), whose sensors picked up the seismic readings, disputes linking the readings with the Beirut explosion.
“I do not believe that they are associated with the large explosion in Beirut,” Jerry Carter, director of IRIS data services, told Reuters.
@ Scarabian: Well, multiple media source including Bogie Yaalon, Lebanese intelligence sources and former CIA analysts specializing in the Middle East say it was NOTfireworks, but rather military munitions. Some go even further and say explicitly that it was Hezbollah munitions, including the author of this article. So I’m going with them. Do not post any further claims about fireworks here. It’s a red herring claim.
The entire point about my coverage is that I am amassing supporting evidence from a vast, diverse array of sources which tend to support my own reporting. Of course you can cherry pick a single source here or there to rebut my view. But I am doing something much more comprehensive than that. And therefore, piecing together a convincing account of what happened.
Reuters update:
<blockquote>Hayoun, a former military engineering officer whose current roles include overseeing safety standards for explosives use in Israel, said his analysis was based on data from seismological sensors stationed across the region.
“I cannot say categorically what caused this, but I can say these blasts were at the same location,” he told Reuters.
Among the sensors cited by Hayoun was an array installed about 70 km (43 miles) off Lebanon’s coast by the international geological project IRIS – which cast doubt on his conclusions.
IRIS said its sensors picked up more than five “small bursts” at intervals of around 11 seconds before the main Beirut explosion, a sequence that continued after the incident.
“I do not believe that they are associated with the large explosion in Beirut,” Jerry Carter, director of IRIS data services, told Reuters. </blockquote>
Yikes … experts with an agenda too close to the military establishment.
Well done Richard … your comments on the Abraham deal. Sacrificing the Palestinian people to a false god … Israelites wandeling in the wilderness once again.
“IRIS said its sensors picked up more than five “small bursts” at intervals of around 11 seconds before the main Beirut explosion, a sequence that continued after the incident.”
Uhhhhh…why on earth would the 11 second interval bursts continue after the massive AN detonation?
Maybe because the sensors, located in the Mediterranean Sea, 40 miles off the coast of Lebanon, were recording something else, not phantom exploding Hezbollah munitions?
Something that continued to be regularly detected and recorded AFTER the AN detonated.
@ Scarabian: Maybe you don’t know what the f* you’re talking about. Maybe you’re making s* up.
That’s not what the Israel Defense article said: six explosions at equal intervals followed later by the massive explosion. As for why the earlier sequence might have continued after the incident, perhaps Israel planted more than six charges to explode and they continued exploding after the first six explosions. That’s only one explanation.
But again, you’re getting into the weeds. Don’t. You are done in this thread.
[comment deleted: when I tell you no more comments in this thread, I mean it. This time I’ve deleted your comment. Next time you ignore me you may be moderated]
I say. I say. I say.
“…perhaps Israel planted more than six charges to explode and they continued exploding after the first six explosions”
If you have a moment, examine the seismic graphic embedded in the Reuters article, which
shows 16 MINUTES of IRIS seismic data, and clearly shows that the ’11 second intervals’ continue for many minutes AFTER the AN detonation.
16 minutes of Israeli charges?
No way.
Bob’s your uncle!
No further comments in this thread.
The Canceling Out Vision of a New Lebanon
… the price of western-led ‘IMF-reforms’ – austerity, higher taxes, the end to subsidies, and the expulsion of Hizbullah from all positions of responsibility – will amount to a cost impossible for any government to bear –
Setting the narrative … interesting view into the rear mirror:
After Beirut blast, Israel feels ripples: What the press is saying on August 5
“… will raise pointed questions about the warehousing of ammunition, missiles, guns and explosives in populated areas,” writes Zvi Barel in Haaretz.
“The Lebanese are well acquainted with the map of Hezbollah’s bases and missile stockpiles, since their location has been reported in the media and on the internet. Anyone who lives near one is aware of the threat posed by the possibility of an accident causing an explosion or a deliberate Israeli attack.”
If there really was a weapon’s cache what excludes the saboteur from having placed it there and then pointing the finger at Hzb? It’s a more logical explanation because hzb has better places to store weapons. If they were getting illegal weapons through the port, they’d have moved them away hasta pronto and certainly not left them anywhere near 2,700,000 of AN. A child can see this.