If at first you don’t succeed in ethnically-cleansing Palestinians, try, try again. This time, it appears that Bibi Netanyahu is floating the sham proposal that Israel would pay for the airfare of any Gazan willing to abandon his/her homeland. To show you what a ‘generous offer’ this is, it will even transport Gazans from that enclave to an Israeli airport and fly them to an unspecified Arab country!
A teeny, tiny problem: no Arab country has expressed any willingness to accept any of these expellees:
Israeli authorities are willing to allow Gaza Strip residents who want to emigrate to fly out via Israel if a country is found to accept them, a senior government official said on Monday. According to the official, Israel would even pay for the flight. The official added that the government had asked a few countries, including some in the Middle East, whether they would be willing to accept Palestinians from Gaza, and was turned down.
In fact, there’s no evidence Netanyahu even bothered to ask. Certainly, he’d know that if he did ask, the Arab states would respond pretty much as Greenland and Denmark responded to Donald Trump’s offer of buying Greenland and spreading the Trump brand to that island. For some odd reason, Bibi appears to believe that he can hold his offer up as a sign of good faith, then blame the “Arabs” for not responding positively to it.
According to an unnamed Israeli official offered as the source for the article, 35,000 have abandoned Gaza since border restrictions were loosened with Egypt a year ago. What said official neglected to say was that those who left did so because of the strangling siege laid by Israel against the 1.8-million people living in that prison. Isn’t it magnanimous of Israel to create conditions making it impossible for people to live in Gaza, and then graciously offer to ethnically-cleanse them from their homeland?
Israel already tried a trick like this: it at first offered $5,000 to any Iranian Jew who made aliya. When there were no takers the offer was upped to $$10,000. There are 25,000 Jews living in Iran. They have protected status as a religious minority. A Jew sits in the Majlis. Why would they leave? Apparently, some Israeli government official thought that Iranian Jews shared Israel’s enmity toward their country and were desperate to escape to the Land of Israel. Alas, it wasn’t so. A handful took up the offer.
And what does Israel propose to do with the 1.765-million Gazans who didn’t leave since exit restrictions eased? Oh that’s right, Jared Kushner has a solution for that. He’s going to off-load them on Egypt, which of course will be happy to assume the inconvenient task of taking responsibility for them. Because Egypt doesn’t have enough problems of its own with ISIS terrorists wreaking havoc in the Sinai. I’m sure it would be happy to take on the powder keg otherwise known as Gaza.
A bit of explanation is in order: no Israeli media outlet has said that Netanyahu was the source of this proposal. But they said that it came from a senior official within the delegation that flew to Ukraine with the PM. I don’t know any Israeli official who would independently float such an idea without at least the tacit approval of Netanyahu himself. But why have a lackey do it, when you can have Bibi himself?
This flight to Ukraine is the very same one on which Sara Netanyahu flew into a rage and attempted to batter down the cockpit door until she was subdued by security guards. The pilot’s sin? He didn’t welcome her personally on board during his welcoming remarks to passengers on the flight. There may have been another reason: I understand he failed to order her favorite pistachio ice cream for the flight!
Maybe Bibi devised the Gaza ploy in order to take the Israeli media’s attention away from Sara’s high-flying histrionics.
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I have a message to you from Freud : you are stuck at the oral phase, like all idealists. You dream of a perfect life like a little baby.
You are also a masochist, probably suffering from the famous Stockholm syndrome. You probably heard that before and dismiss it laughingly, but it is real.
Nothing a life long psychotherapy cannot help cure.
Did you know that the consciousness is almost entirely controlled by the unconscious ? Could you write a ten-page essay about your unconscious ? If not, then you do not know yourself. You are just a puppet of your unconscious, like most people.
Good luck to you in dealing with your neurosis !
Lehitraot !
@Fake Freud: beware Nigerian scam artists, Snake oil salesmen, anyone claiming to ‘channel’ Sigmund Freud, and all- around frauds. I have studied and written graduate school papers on Freud and psychoanalysis. What you know about these subjects would fill a thimble. What you don’t would fill the ocean.