14 thoughts on “Trump’s Plan to Destroy the International Consensus Over Refugees and Israel-Palestine – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم
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  1. It is encouraging that you close with an optimistic vision (reminds me of Uri Avnery, z”l). I wish I could share it. I envision an apocalyptic civil war, a repeat of the first and second centuries debacle, instigated and pursued by the fascistic right wing, as they have done in the past, by assassinations and intimidations (not a gradual disintegration).

  2. You have absolutely no idea what Trump’s peace plan is. It’s a secret plan, and
    everything you’ve said up until now, has been mere idle speculation.

    As for Judah Magnes, after his bi-national plan sputtered out, Magnes developed a secret ‘peace plan’ which, if agreed on, would place a small Jewish State in the midst of a large, pan-Arab confederation. The idea behind this was that Palestinian Arabs living within the Jewish State would feel at ease knowing that a strong, unified large Arab State would be there to protect them. This peace plan was made in secret, without Mapai’s knowledge, and was approved by the British, who tried to sell it to the Arab leaders, who fell to bickering.

    This Magnes plan died in infancy.

    1. @ Li Hing Lo:

      You have absolutely no idea what Trump’s peace plan is. It’s a secret plan,

      That’s why I do what I do and you stand by and carp with no clue what you’re talking about. The plan is about as secret as a sieve. It’s been leaked so many times and so many ways there’s virtually nothing secret about it anymore. What does keep changing is the parameters because as soon as they leak an aspect of it the Palestinians reject it and then they’re back to the drawing board seeking another approach which they know the Palestinians will also reject. But the overall outlines are quite well known and I’ve outlined them in pieces for Middle East Eye and here. I’ll let you find them and do the homework you should’ve done before speaking in such an ill informed manner.

      The binational state didn’t ‘sputter out.’ In fact, it’s been discussed and advocated ever since it supposedly sputtered out. What killed it in the 1930s was Ben Gurion’s ironclad control over the political machinery which suffocated the idea in its crib. He determined the only way forward was for an independent Jewish supremacist state with him and his party in total control. He refused any consideration of sharing power or forming any sort of union that would give Palestinians self-control, even of the most basic sort. He would settle for nothing less. The Brit Shalom intellectuals were mostly academics, not politicians. So Ben Gurion out-maneuvered them. But he didn’t discredit the idea at all.

      On the contrary, as the fatal contradictions and hypocrisies of Ben Gurion’s approach have played out over the decades his looks less and less viable and others like one state or binational state look more appealing to those who care about justice and long-term security & stability for both peoples (not you obviously).

      Your articulation of the binational approach is wrong. Nor do you get to define what it would or should be since you oppose it. It would not ‘put a Jewish state in the midst of the large pan Arab confederation.’ In fact, it would do precisely what Avrum Burg argued. IT would place two ‘nations’ or peoples in one state. Each nation would have political parity and a certain degree of autonomy in running their own affairs; along with an overlayer of a federal system which represented the unitary state. As Burg wrote (you apparently neglected to read that part) this system exists successfully in a number of countries including Canada and Switzerland. It probably would work in Ireland too, but that’s complicated by a number of factors.

      Your “history” of bi-nationalism is also ridiculous. Completely unfounded in any historical reality. You’re about as good a historian as Bibi himself.

      1. No. I am quite confident in my knowledge of history. Your knowledge is deficient.

        For Magnes secret negotiations with the Arab leaders and the British, see Professor Meir Zamir’s, ‘The ‘Missing Dimension’: Britain’s Secret War against France in Syria and Lebanon, 1942–45 – Part II, at page 822.

        Ben Gurion didn’t ‘out manoeuvre’ Brit Shalom’s one hundred strong members.
        Brit Shalom simply dissolved in the wake of the Arab pogrom against the Jews in 1929.

        Brit Shalom’s fatal flaw was that the Arab’s rejected Brit Shalom. Brit Shalom never forged an alliance with any Arab party or Arab leader.

        I’m done commenting on this thread.

        1. @ Li Hing Lo: YOu may not publish more than three comments in any 24 hour period. Please be aware of this comment rule I invoke for those who threaten to monopolize the threads.

          Find me a history of Brit Shalom or Magnes or any of the other major leaders that makes these claims & I might concede some credibility to your claims.

          Brit Shalom did not disband in 1929. It continued well into the 1930s and Magnes even formed an actual political party around its principles in the 1940s.

          Do not comment again in this thread.

  3. [comment deleted: please avoid like the plague common conspiracy theories of various kinds. In your case, the Khazar stuff. It’s like getting root canal.]

    1. RS-surprised you allowed such an uninformed opinion on your blog. Koestlrer’s book is a know sham and e.g. Dunlop has totally debunked the Khazarian theory. Aside from that there are numerous studies from various Israel universities which have dealt with the subject.
      And to the other extreme there is a book from TA university called “The non-Jewish roots of the Sepharidim by Wexler I believe.

      1. @ natasha: Don’t you give me a chance to moderate my own comment threads? First, nothing Koestler wrote is “a sham.” So don’t offer your opinions here unsupported. Nor do I know who “Dunlop” is (or much care).

        But I don’t care for the nonsense of Khazars and attempting to argue that modern Jews have no link to ancient Israel. I think the whole thing is a charade. But I also tend to think that Israeli claims to 3,000 years of direct and genetic links to ancient Israel are a crock as well. A pox on both of them.

  4. Amazing how the plans keep coming, both these non-starters (Kushner) and the far-seeing (Berg. They seem, organized basically along those two divergent ideas: apartness ( increasingly narrowly construed even by Ben Gurion’s idea) and cooperation, coexistence with autonomy. The former keeps at it all the while taking and consolidating land and power. But the ideas of the latter are so appealing, so (I’ll say it) spiritually more enlightened. I have to admire the Palestinian’s steadfastness, holding the line, after they have agreed already to so much..

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