15 thoughts on “There He Goes Again: Trump Threatens Iran with Death and Destruction – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم
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  1. Trump has been told to start a war with Iran — but we can’t just do it,

    Even though there’s only one way this can end, we still have to go through this charade first. A veil of justification has to be woven before we can start bombing.

  2. To be more precise, Khameini has rejected renewed negotiations with the United States, and Rouhani has threatened to close the Straits of Hormuz.

    And truth be told, it is unlikely that Iran could carry out it’s threat to close the Straits.

    But really. What sounds worse, Trump’s stern warnings to Iran, or the mullahs childish tantrums?

    1. It is Trump who is behaving childishly, as usual. Iran is not going to attack the US: Iran has not attacked another state for hundreds of years.

      But the possibility that the US and/or Israel will attack Iran is high under Trump. An attack on Iran has been the aim of the neocons for decades. Iran has given a sober and appropriate response to Trump’s threats.

        1. @ Frank: Commentary Magazine is a lying sack of s*** source. Not worth the paper it’s not written on. Don’t offer it here on any account.

          National survival trumps freedom of the seas I’m afraid.

    2. @Frank: after torching the nuclear deal, what is there to talk about with Trump? Where and when to capitulate?

      As for closing the straits, I’d say strangling an entire nation gives Iran more than enough justification for doing whatever it must do to survive. So you won’t get any traction for that accusation.

      As for childish ranting, Trump has the market cornered on that I’m afraid. The Iranians seem almost adult and mature by comparison.

      1. trump has proven to be a genius to create agreements (in his own mind) as he purports to be

  3. Why the strong urge to defend Iran regardless of its action?
    Has the left learnt nothing from 100 years of supporting enemies of the West at any cost?
    How come you see evil at any in any Israeli activity and holiness in any Iranian’s?

    1. @ Lior Azar:

      Why the strong urge to defend Iran regardless of its action?

      That’s false. I do not defend Iran “regardless of its actions.” I defend Iran when other nations attempt to bully it into submission. There are many aspect of the Iranian regime and its policies with which I disagree. But on one thing I fully agree with Iran: that it is a sovereign country entitled to defend itself and protect both its survival and interests, especially when they are threatened.

      Has the left learnt nothing from 100 years of supporting enemies of the West at any cost?

      That is a lie and a calumny. I reject it absolutely. You are now moderated.

      How come you see evil at any in any Israeli activity and holiness in any Iranian’s?

      This is utter dreck. You are an ass.

      1. richard remember the holocaust memorial

        First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
        Because I was not a Socialist.

        Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
        Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

        Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
        Because I was not a Jew.

        Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

        that is the reason we speak for iran, for one day they will come for you and then what?

  4. hand in hand bibi and trump shall lead us to destruction, then bds will not matter for rubbles will reign alongside putin as the world new emperor (emperor had no cloth, putin shirtless pic. )
    i only have one thing for the big TR. if you feel empowered and powerful enough put your money where your huuuuuge mouth is else shut the f. it is annoying to hear day in day out nothing but inane and useless trump blablas.
    on the one hand i do not wish for it to happen on the other i do for it will end the ugly rhetoric we have been bombarded with since Obama day one and bibi’s day one after “the arabs are voting the arabs are voting” (will the arabs be allowed to vote afte this new law????)

  5. ‘…So we’re supposed to believe that after Trump was played by Kim, that he will let loose the Tomahawk missiles on Iran?’

    I believe he would. I’ll be happy to be proved wrong; but I believe he would.

    In fact, I think it’s just a matter of establishing the necessary pretexts.

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