An Israeli journalist reports (Hebrew) that the intelligence chiefs of the major Sunni regimes met secretly with Israeli Mossad boss, Yossi Cohen, to discuss the upcoming Trump peace plan. The meeting was held in the Jordanian city of Aqaba under the auspices of Jared Kushner and Jason Greenblatt. A surprise participant was Palestinian security chief, Majed Faraj, was represented the PA. Though it’s not known the specifics of their conversation, the report is shocking on several counts.
First, this further confirms that the Sunni states are conniving with Israel under U.S. tutelage to shove the upcoming peace plan down the throats of Palestinians. Second, it further confirms that the issue of Palestine no longer has a priority for these authoritarian Arab rulers. It is an irritant to be disposed of.
Now, the shibboleth of the day is Iran. It is the Great Satan of the Sunni world. Everything else, including Palestine, pales in comparison. Third, and most shocking is that the PA intelligence chief participated in the meeting despite his boss’ claim that the Palestinians were boycotting peace negotiations and had declared Trump persona non grata.
This is not surprising, when you consider the equivocating history of the PA and its leadership. Whenever it rises in righteous indignation against some Israeli or American insult to Palestinian dignity, you will always find those stalwart Palestinian nationalists keeping a backdoor open to the master’s pantry, so they can sneak in to nab a treat from his plate. Mahmoud Abbas, despite his theatrical show of pride, is a sell-out. He doesn’t stand for anything except perpetuation of his own power base and prerogatives. He feels he has to make a show for the Palestinian “street” while leaving the back door wide open to betray Palestinian interests to the highest bidder. This is only one of the reasons that Hamas retains pride of place among many Palestinians as the true upholders of the mantle of resistance.
The Intelligence Online report (paywall) on which Yossi Melman’s Maariv report was based says that while Faraj attended the meeting, he barely participated. For some strange reason, the article interpreted his silence as an indication that the Palestinian spy boss was the favored U.S. successor to the almost nonagenarian Palestinian leader. To me, it would appear much more likely that he did not participate because he wanted to send a message that the PA was observing the discussions, but had no interest in signaling its support for them.
Whoever leaked this story didn’t anticipate the obvious, that leaking word that any Palestinian leader is the favorite of Donald Trump is a virtual kiss of death. Of course, the U.S. wants a pliant Palestinian vassal. But why would anyone in their right mind expect the Palestinians would agree to Faraj as the new boss? Unless you’re a clueless American real estate mogul turned international diplomat and believe a Palestinian strongman can impose his will on 2.5-million Palestinians. I guess we’ll have to wait and see how that plays out.
Given the publication record of this story, beginning with Intelligence Online and then proceeding to Maariv, I strongly suspect an Israeli journalist reported it to the French intelligence website. This follows a very common method used by such journalists with national security stories which are either under military censorship or judicial gag orders. If you give the story to a foreign media outlet which reports it, then the story may be published inside Israel. There are some rare cases in which even this method is prohibited, but not here obviously. Yet another example of what I call the Kabuki drama which is the Israeli national security state.
I further surmise that the original source for the article was someone in the Israeli political or military leadership who wanted Israelis to know two things: that Israel sits among the highest councils of the Arab world; and that despite their gruff talk, the Palestinians are going to bend and fold at the first opportunity for a peace settlement. My guess is that the source either lies in the Mossad or the prime minister’s office (or both). There is also the possibility that Kushner was the source seeking to burnish his own negotiating record, but that seems unlikely.
At this point, isn’t it a bit farcical to seriously report on US ‘peace plans’?
I mean, it’s kind of like updating us on Santa’s progress around the world on Christmas Eve, but there’s a depressing pretense of earnest about it all — and of course absolutely no chance that anyone is going to get any presents.
As usual, this is a great article. Thanks. Richard. Just one major correction. It’s 4.5 million Palestinians. Why leave Gaza out of the equation?
Muhammad Bin Kushner are brilliantly betting that their pressure on Iran will last longer than Trump.
What will they do when that pressure goes away and Iran, the Palestinians, and the rest seek revenge? Cry victim?
Saudi crown prince and de facto leader Mohammed bin Salman held secret talks [Nov. 2017] with Israeli prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu in Amman, according to Israel’s daily newspaper Maariv.
Further rapprochement between Sisi’s Egypt and Israel. Economic ties due to pipeline transport of natural gas from Leviathan gas fields to Egypt. A $15bn contract signed between the owners of Israel’s Tamar and Leviathan fields and the Egyptian Dolphinus Holding..
Your scornful attitude towards the US approach brings hypocrisy to new heights, and raises several points:
@ DrS:
I’ve never said Hamas was progressive or liberal. Nor have I ever claimed to be a guardian of anything related to Palestinians. And certainly not their legitimacy, which exists independent of me and has no need for validation by me.
You apparently didn’t read my post very well. I said that the Palestinians have little that can be taken from them; but Israel has a great deal which may be taken from it. It needs trade with the outside world. It is an export economy. All of which may be hurt by sanctions if they are levelled against it. Not to mention that world bodies might as some point unite in a consensus that Israel must accept a reasonable deal (not the current one, obviously).
Trying something different which everyone knows will fail (except you–even Bibi and Trump know it will fail) is ridiculous and stupid. Must we fail and be stupid as well??
First, you must define your terms which you conveniently have not done. There are Sunni Arab states and Shia. There are no alliances with Israel by Shia states. But even discounting this, an alliance with Israel is not in the interest of any Arab states. Because Israel is even more cynical in pursuit of its interests than they are and will drop them at a moment’s notice. And such an alliance is certainly not in their interest in the long term. Indeed, I predict as soon as Iran fades as the big bogeyman, the alliance with Israel will fade as well.
Because Egypt is run by a military dictator. Jordan is run by a king with authoritarian powers. Even moreso regarding Saudi Arabia. The same with the Gulf states. All run by strongmen dictators. Hamas actually ran in a proper democratic election and won it fair and square. That’s a lot more than can be said for al-Sisi, Abdallah, ibn Salman and that lot.
I’ll make you a deal. You tell Bibi and Abbas to conduct a new Palestinian election, which Israel promises not to disrupt and we’ll see who wins it. My money is on Hamas unless Israel releases Marwan Barghouti.
As for Hamas being an upholder of resistance…compared to the corrupt dysfunctional PA, you bet it is.