The New Arab reports, based on apparent Egyptian sources, that a significant portion of Jared Kushner’s vaunted deal of the century will involve baubles offered to the al-Sisi regime in return for taking responsibility for Gaza. The story is both eye-opening and shocking in its audacity and presumption. It foresees the Gulf States ponying up nearly $4-billion in infrastructure aid to build a harbor, airport and power generating plant–not in Gaza, where it’s needed, but in the north Sinai. Presumably, the geniuses behind this plan believe these would be built close enough to Gaza to serve its population, as well as the few Egyptians living near enough to make use of them. For Egypt, such an investment might offer local Sinai tribes an alternative to the radical Islamist movement which has bedeviled the security forces in the area for over a decade.
This report along with another published today by Foreign Policy and this piece in The Atlantic, further clarifies that Kushner’s plan actually forfeits the idea of creating a unified Palestinian state comprising the West Bank and Gaza. Instead, it posits a Palestinian statelet under Egyptian domination, with all services and infrastructure based in northern Sinai and controlled by the Egyptians:
Egyptian diplomatic sources have revealed…that he [Trump] plans to resolve many of Gaza’s issues through establishing several economic projects in the neighbouring North Sinai.
…Kushner in Cairo discussed aspects of the deal to do with Egypt’s role in it, namely joint projects with Gaza in the North Sinai, funded predominantly by Gulf money.
The desert region, currently experiencing an IS-linked insurgency being brutally quashed by an Egyptian military campaign, is planned to serve as a “cornerstone”, say the sources. First up, a shared free trade zone between the Gaza Strip and Rafah would be established. Secondly, a giant power station has been planned, which would supply Gaza with much-needed electricity, towards which the UAE have reportedly already pledged $500m.
Thirdly, the US plan comprises a joint Egypt-Gaza seaport in the North Sinai that would employ labour from Gaza, but would be fully supervised by Egypt, according to the sources.
In addition, the project includes, according to the source, an Egyptian airport in North Sinai which would also serve the people of Gaza, however again it would be entirely supervised and staffed by Egyptians.
The sources emphasised that this plan has become warmly welcomed by Egypt’s political circles, much more so than proposed land exchange deals, which were vastly unpopular with the Egyptian people. The latest plan would facilitate economic growth development in the Sinai, which has historically been one of Egypt’s poorest and most neglected regions.
This, of course, delights the al-Sisi kleptocratic regime because they can skim billions off the top of all the construction projects which will be funded by the plan. That will enrich the very generals empowered with this new control over Gaza.
The new proposed structure would be mean a going back to the pre-1967 past, when Egypt ruled over Gaza. In that event, one wonders why Israel bothered to conquer the enclave during the 1967 War only to unload it like defective merchandise in 2018.
One of the most bizarre assumptions of the Kushner plan is that he can pull a ‘bait and switch’: knowing that the Palestinians and much of the world expects any agreement to offer an independent Palestinian state, but also knowing that Bibi Netanyahu will never accept one Kushner, playing a round of three-card Monte, flourishes a card called “Palestine state.” But instead of the card displaying a map containing the West Bank and Gaza, it features instead only Gaza joined to the northern Sinai. That is what he now calls the “Palestinian state:”
The Israelis have also demanded the projects are implemented as part of a process of expanding the Gaza into the Sinai and transforming it into part of the future Palestinian state…
In so doing, he deflects the attention of his ‘marks’ from the West Bank, where everyone presumed the state would be based. The West Bank is left dangling unattached to anything, except perhaps to Israel, which could then annex it and absorb it into Israel proper. At that point, Israelis would be able to advocate foisting the remaining West Bank Palestinians under some form of Jordanian protectorate or for expelling them to Gaza. This may be precisely what King Abdullah discussed during his recent talks with Pres. Trump in Washington. Though if he takes this bait and accepts responsibility for the 2.5-million Palestinians in the West Bank, he’s being a sucker and will likely rue the day.
Whatever the intent, this plan is not only a fantasia in a very minor key, it’s delusional and cynical in the extreme:
Egyptian and Arab diplomatic sources previously confirmed to The New Arab that unspecified Gulf countries have stumped up $3bn to fund the first phase of Trump’s plan.
The assumption that the Gulf States will pony up enormous sums to buy off the Palestinians is little more than a pipe-dream. In the past, after every Israeli war against Gaza, these same states have pledged similar sums for rebuilding efforts, and never come through. At best, 10% of the original pledge comes through in dribs and drabs and the Palestinians are the ones who suffer.
The only difference with this plan is that since the new infrastructure will be housed on Egyptian territory, presumably the Israelis would not bomb it to kingdom come as they do any internationally-funded construction based in Gaza itself (cf. 2014). But even that is a risky proposition, since the Israelis aren’t known for respecting sovereignty or borders (except their own, as they define them) when it comes to destroying targets they view as threats.
Philip Gordon’s new piece in Foreign Policy, which also pans the Kushner deal, goes farther than many foreign policy analysts in acknowledging both the hopelessness of the current situation and the failure of previous models like the two-state solution. He writes:
…The reality is that under present circumstances, with the current Israeli and Palestinian governments, at this point the two-state solution is itself a fantasy. Neither the Palestinian nor Israeli people, nor their leaders, are currently prepared for the compromises required for a deal
This is a rarely heard or read appraisal these days. The only observers to whom it seems obvious are the progressives who serious foreign policy analysts deride as radicals and cynics.
None of these analysts are contemplating what the longer-term prospects are. If they do, they’re not showing the requisite courage to write publicly about it. Do we remain with the status quo indefinitely? Or is there any alternate approach that is feasible? Clearly, with the current leadership on the Israeli and U.S. sides the current approach appears doomed. But few are offering any speculation about other options or approaches.
Are there, for example, any scenarios in which outside parties exert enough pressure or force to compel a solution? Such as has happened in Kosovo and Serbia? The argument here is, of course, that the international approach is so sclerotic that it might take decades before there is consensus on the need for action. Unless, of course there was a tragedy of Srebrenica-type dimensions which shocked the world’s conscience and compelled action.
One of the major problems with U.S. policy is that it has been based on what we wish could or would happen, not on what actually will happen. That’s why maintaining the illusion that the two-state policy remains viable seems so fraught with disappointment. Why aren’t serious policymakers trying to develop alternatives to it? Of course, there would be fierce opposition from parties like the Israel Lobby. But given that the current situation is frozen indefinitely, don’t we owe it to the world to reason our way to alternate models?
Even the so-called radicals like Bernie Sanders don’t offer more than lip-service to a new approach:
In light of yesterday’s horrific violence in Gaza, in which more than 50 Palestinians were killed and more than 2000 wounded by Israeli snipers, it’s important to understand the desperate situation out of which these protests have arisen.
— Bernie Sanders (@SenSanders) May 15, 2018
He continues with the same tired formulas of expressing concern for the latest Gazan victims of Israeli massacre. He continues to profess faith in a two-state solution none of the principals (the Israelis and Palestinians) believe in. His Middle East advisor, Matt Duss, comes from the same liberal-Zionist think tank mode as many of those who offered us failed approaches in the Obama, Bush and Clinton presidencies. Duss and Sanders may offer a stronger emphasis on humanitarian, liberal values than their predecessors. But they haven’t, so far, shown any major breaks with the failed approaches of the past.
Of course, one of Sanders’ major weaknesses is that while he’s advanced sophisticated, passionate programs dealing with domestic issues, his foreign policy approaches are secondary to his overall political agenda. Given that American presidents spend the majority of their time and energy on foreign, rather than domestic affairs, this is a challenge he must address in order to be a credible candidate and successful president.
Let’s assume that Jew and Arab decide to kiss and make up and live as one in Palestine-Israel.
First order of business is reducing overpopulation by Haredim and Bedouin.
Good luck with that.
After that effort fails, Palestine-Israel has to build and upgrade infrastructure for the runaway population, estimated to double by 2050.
How Palestine-Israel is going to meet the expectations of this undereducated under class of Haredim and Bedouin is a question best left for another day.
Israel’s neighbours in Syria, Jordan and Egypt are not fairing well and their future is bleak.
If distressed Africans can migrate to Israel, why shouldn’t distressed Syrians (Druze?), Jordanians (Palestinians) and Egyptians also migrate over their border? And lets not forget to include future Sub Saharan African migrants seeking asylum, etc.
Oh. I almost forgot to mention the repatriation of 1,500,000+ Palestinian refugees excercising their newly granted right-of-return.
So in the future, millions and millions of Arabs and Jews will all sing kumbaya and earn a living selling what to whom? Falafels to her poor neighbours? Not a lot of money in that.
Tourism? Who’s going to want to come and visit this mess.
Oh. Oh. Oh. Let’s put our rose-colored glasses back on so we can ignore or minimise how global warming and climate change will impact sunny Palestine-Israel.
Yes, the future is looking good!
@ Philly Frozen:
I find this statement incredibly offensive and racist. Because you have been warned numerous times about earlier comment rule violations and because I find you generally offensive, you are now moderated. Oh and btw, your comment was off-topic as well.
All of a sudden you’re concerned about Israeli quality of life. But I see you’re only concerned about the quality of life of secular, Ashkenazi Jews like yourself. Haredim and Palestinians, not so much. For your information, demographers (that is, academics and professionals with degrees in the subject, unlike you) have studied precisely this subject (this too is worth reading and considering) and found Israel contains tracts of land that are relatively underutilized and which could easily accomodate whatever population increase you’re talking about. But you didn’t know about that, did you? If you did, you wouldn’t have mentioned it anyway because it would be terribly inconvenient. But lucky for you, because I read and research a great deal on these subjects, I saw the study. That’s just so I can keep fools like you honest, or as close to it as I can get.
And you’re an expert on the “future” of these countries, how? Oh that’s right, you’re not an expert on them at all. In fact, you know next to nothing about them. Remind me to call on you when you develop some expertise, real expertise, on the subject.
Xenophobic, much? Immigrants and refugees flocked to this country for centuries from far more countries than these. It didn’t do us any harm. In fact, the opposite.
But how many of these people will want to uproot their lives to make a new life in a country that is so different and alien from their own? Africans face bone-breaking poverty, civil war and genocide. Citizens of the countries you mention? Not so much. They have little motivation to flee these countries…unless Israel commences a war against them. Then they will have to flee, but not to Israel, so not to worry about the flood of “wretched refuse” to your shores.
Once again, Israel and Palestinian demographers and other experts have been through these matters and estimate that the numbers of direct descendants of Nakba expellees who will return is in the low to mid-hundreds of thousands. Not, 1.5 million. Not even 1-million. And let’s not forget that Israel absorbed over 1-million Russians in little more than a decade. That was a feat of acculturation and integration almost as large as what would face Israel absorbing 400-500,000 returning Palestinians.
No, because unlike you, who sits on your ass and cynically opines shit you know nothing about, there will be some Israeli officials who will be empowered to figure out ways to accomodate this influx. They will have the financial means to do so because the world will help finance it. They may even have the will to do is if Israelis ever get off their high horses and realize that they will only survive if they do. That means renouncing the demagoguery of nitwits like you. It may happen, who knows. But if it doesn’t, in a generation or two you or your children will be living somewhere Jews can live in peace, somewhere like New York, Los Angeles, or even London or God forbid, Paris. Because you couldn’t or wouldn’t compromise with the dark Arab masses clamoring for your land and your life.
That’s rich coming from someone pimping (that word is a reflection on you more than the country itself) for a country which has wrought environmental havoc not only inside its own borders, but on its neighbors when it goes to war against them and bombs their infrastructure to shit so that it defiles the environment of the entire eastern Mediterranean. If Israel is affected by global warming or another environment disaster to face, it has itself largely to blame.
I can’t stand you. Good riddance.
Oh, and you’re using a VPN or IP proxy to conceal your location and identity. Can’t stand that either.
Planned parenthood is racist and offensive to who?
Hypocritical Richard?
Your Palestinian refugee demographic study is risible. Your link is dated by twenty years and thus short 2 million Palestinian refugees . Who’t the fool? They guy who uses current demographic data, or the boob who uses stale, old data?
There will be no ‘Israeli’ quality of life in the future Palestine-Israel. There will just be an equal number of Jews and Arabs both sharing a miserable quality of life.
“But lucky for you, because I read and research a great deal ”
Well you clearly don’t read Arab newspapers.
Egypt’s future? Ask an Egyptian.
Why not put your money where your big mouth is and sponsor a refuge? NIMBY?
Have your reached into your pocket and donated money to help ANY migrants?
Please tell us the name of the charity you’re recommending your readers contribute to.
“I can’t stand you. Good riddance.”
I love you.
@ Philly Frozen: I have approved this message only to explain why I’ve now banned you. I wanted to answer your swill before I introduced your permanent ban.
Planned Parenthood doesn’t single out Bedouins to suppress their population growth. You do.
You conveniently neglected to acknowledge my link to the Al Jazeera interview with the same demographer from 2005. Some numbers may’ve changed but the fundamental fact that large swaths of Israeli territory are unpopulated or underpopulated.
Once again, not a government planner, not a sociologist, not a demographer, not a developer. Just a pro-Israel apologist shootin’ the shit. And that’s all your opinions are worth.
As for turmoil in the Arab world: big deal. There were mass protests in Israel over the same issues. THere were riots in Paris a decade ago by immigrants. Terribly violence. Does that mean France is going down the tubes? Is there poverty and unrest in the Arab world? Sure. Does that mean that millions of refugees from these places will flood the border with Israel or even attempt a mass exodus to Europe? No. Not unless Israel or other Middle Eastern countries invade them and provoke a civil war.
I don’t answer to you big shot. I don’t owe you any explanation or apologies and you won’t be getting them. I’ll compare my values and moral commitments to you any day and come out far ahead. I’m willing to bet I’ve donated 10 times what you have to such charities.
Go F-yourself.