26 thoughts on “White House Refuses to Deny It Engaged Black Cube, While Firm Blows Smokescreen Claiming Shipping Company Was Its Client – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم
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  1. ‘However, the opposite has turned out to be the case. Almost the entire world (including even a few Republicans!) are telling Trump to stay with the deal. And who is now on the defensive? All Trump’s horses and all Trump’s men, who may not be able to put Trump back together again after yet another fiasco…’

    Note that Trump’s poll numbers have been slowly but steadily improving — right through this train of successive fiascos. Make of that fact what you will — it remains a fact. He’s up about five points over where he was three months ago.

    Otherwise, I seriously doubt much will come of this. The mainstream media always clams right up when Trump’s behavior involves Israel. They’ll hush up presently. Watch and see.

    The unfortunate bit is that intentionally or no, the net effect is to push Trump to score his points by engaging in brinksmanship with Iran. If he goes here, the media lays off — but the Right will keep cheering. We’re going to war, guys — and it’ll be the one most inexcusable war in our history.

    1. @ Colin: At this point I don’t think polling numbers down in the weeds isn’t what’s going to destroy Trump’s presidency. I think Mueller and whatever follow up happens in Congress will seal his fate. And I think polling numbers will have little to do with that. If Mueller comes up with an ironclad case and Democrats sweep both Houses, then Trump’s goose is cooked. That’s why I do think this is a potentially important development. If they can tie this sleazy enterprise to Trump or those very close to him, then it’s another nail in his coffin.

    1. ‘@Colin

      The Iranian economy is a disaster, and the last thing it needs is a war.’

      Perhaps. However, it’s not the Iranians who will decide whether there’ll be a war or not. This all has nothing to do with their desires — and remarkably little to do with their behavior.

      1. @Colin

        “However, it’s not the Iranians who will decide whether there’ll be a war or not. This all has nothing to do with their desires — and remarkably little to do with their behavior.”

        Iran has entered into elective proxy wars in Yemen and Syria, and Iran has successfully concluded an elective proxy war in Iraq.

        In February, Iran launched an armed Iranian war drone into Israel, that was shot down by an IAF helicopter. The drone attack was a casus belli, by most standards.

        ‘Butter wouldn’t melt…’.

        1. So you’re saying Israeli drones constantly over Gaza (including of course many attacks and killings), and te violation of Lebanese airspace on an almost daily basis is a casus belli too, or does that only apply for Israel ?

          1. I started typing that, and then I thought: Elena’s nonsense does not really deserve an answer.

        2. ‘Iran has entered into elective proxy wars in Yemen and Syria, and Iran has successfully concluded an elective proxy war in Iraq…’

          Aside from everything else, I was not aware Israel was allied with Yemen, Syria, or Iraq — or is she now the regional hegemon?

          ‘In February, Iran launched an armed Iranian war drone into Israel, that was shot down by an IAF helicopter. The drone attack was a casus belli, by most standards.’

          Uh huh. And all Israel has done is mount multiple airstrikes against Iranian targets in Syria, conduct at least seven assassinations within Iran itself, and sponsor several terrorist bombings there to boot.

          And Iran FLEW A DRONE into Israel? The outrage…you’re right. All must supinely grovel at the feet of master, whatever he does.

          The irony of all this is that while ordinarily, one would agree that Iran should be kept from acquiring a nuclear weapon, it’s hard to deny that under the circumstances, she really does need some sort of effective deterrent.

          1. “Aside from everything else, I was not aware Israel was allied with Yemen, Syria, or Iraq — or is she now the regional hegemon?”

            Huh? Clumsy distraction?

            “Uh huh. And all Israel has done is mount multiple airstrikes against Iranian targets in Syria, conduct at least seven assassinations within Iran itself, and sponsor several terrorist bombings there to boot.”

            Iran and Russia have defeated the Syrian rebels. Iran should be taking a victory lap and going back home, but she is not. Iran is building bases and digging in for a long term presence in Syria. Assad is so weak that he can’t even stop Iran throwing it’s weight around Syria.
            And BTW, Richard likes cites. Please cite where Israel has sponsor terrorist bombings in Iran.

            “And Iran FLEW A DRONE into Israel? The outrage…you’re right. All must supinely grovel at the feet of master, whatever he does.”

            The Iranian master, the hegemon that stretches from Iran, through Iraq and Syria and Lebanon.
            Look how Lebanon is grovelling before Iran. I recall an Iranian-Hezbollah sponsored terror bombing that killed former Lebanese Prime Minister Hirarri not so long ago.

            “The irony of all this is that while ordinarily, one would agree that Iran should be kept from acquiring a nuclear weapon, it’s hard to deny that under the circumstances, she really does need some sort of effective deterrent.”

            Poor, poor Iran.
            She only has her proxy armies in Iraq, Yemen, Syria, Lebanon.

            Where is the Iranian steamroller going next? Saudi Arabia?

            Probably not Israel. Israel seems to have phenomenal intelligence on Iran, and Israel the will to act on it, much to your chagrin.

          2. @ Elena:

            Assad is so weak that he can’t even stop Iran throwing it’s weight around Syria.

            You have it ass-backwards as always. Assad is actually much stronger than he’s ever been (not that this is an outcome I relish). And Iran’s presence only makes him stronger. You think Assad wants Iran to leave Syria? So that Israel and his enemies can once again close in for the kill? You don’t understand many things, among them what’s going on in Syria.

            The Iranian master, the hegemon that stretches from Iran, through Iraq and Syria and Lebanon.

            You get this week’s “Pro-Israel Purple Prose Award” for most overstated, overblown anti-Iran rhetoric. You may be able to blow that smoke up the asses of people at Debka Files or Newsmax, but it won’t fly here.

            Look how Lebanon is grovelling before Iran. I recall an Iranian-Hezbollah sponsored terror bombing that killed former Lebanese Prime Minister Hirarri not so long ago.

            This is an absolutely false statement. THe assassination in question was likely perpetrated by Hezbollah and Assad. NO ONE has accused Iran of involvement…till you did. I view such lies very, very harshly. Watch your step. No lies, no unsupported statements from you in future. Try this again and you’ll be out on yer ear.

            She only has her proxy armies in Iraq, Yemen, Syria, Lebanon.

            Poor, poor Israel: she only has had her proxy armies in Lebanon, Syria and the West Bank.

            Probably not Israel. Israel seems to have phenomenal intelligence on Iran

            If Bibi’s dog & pony show is any measure of Israel’s ‘crackerjack’ intelligence on Iran, “phenomenal” is vastly overstated. I’d also say that given that Iran appears to have turned a senior Mossad official, it may be Iran that has the phenomenal intelligence on Israel.

            Read the comment rules. Respect them. If not, your stay with us may be short.

        3. @ Elena: “Elective proxy wars?” I don’t even know what that means. But if you want to use those terms, the U.S., Israel and Saudi Arabia have engaged in their own elective proxy wars. What’s good for these three geese should be good for the Iranian gander, no? And their proxy wars have killed far more than any fighting in which Iran has engaged.

          A drone flight (it was a ‘flight’ and not an ‘attack’ as nothing was attacked) is a casus belli? Where did you learn that? At the Fletcher School of International Relations? Where you earned your advanced degree in the field of international law? No? I didn’t think so. When you want to give us lessons on the subject take a deep breath and desist. You don’t know what the hell you’re talking about.

          By your standards, Iran should have the right to declare war on the U.S. because we flew a drone into Iranian airspace, which the Iranians captured. But they didn’t, did they? I guess they didn’t find it a casus belli. Hmmm….

      1. [comment deleted: comments must contain a substantive argument along with supporting evidence related directly to the post.]

        1. @ Elena: You linked to Newsmax, not WSJ. You read the article on the Newsmax site. You clearly read and support that garbage site. The article was chosen by Newsmax because it matched the anti-Iran propaganda favored by Newsmax. I attach no credibility to you or anything from Newsmax, whatever the original source may be.

  2. After reading the big Michael Cohen article in the NYTimes this weekend ( don’t test me) I have hit overload, if it had not before.I would rather learn the characters in a Dostoevsky novel. But this is us now. So I m looking for bottom lines these days in what comes “across the transom” as Alan Simpson was fond of saying. What with reading this now, I am thinking this whole enterprise: the Trump (dis)organization, is about gangsterism, the mob, Keystone cops version as Richard says. We are being taken over by it’s entertainment factor, the current opiate of ( enough of) the masses with all of us hanging on the repercussions.

  3. Meanwhile, back at the ranch…

    ‘At least nine pro-government fighters were killed Tuesday in an Israeli missile strike near Damascus, a monitor said.

    The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said that members of Iran’s Revolutionary Guards and other Iranian-backed combattants were killed in the strike on the district of Kissweh, south of the capital…’

    There are those who would say Iran already is under attack — it’s just a matter of whether she chooses to begin defending herself.

  4. …and Israel’s almost visibly licking her chops.

    ‘Syria Blames Israel for Strike Near Damascus; Target Was Iranian Missiles Aimed at Israel
    Israel opens shelters, braces for imminent Iranian attack ■ Syria TV: Air defenses down Israeli missiles ■ Israel military calls up some reserves’

    ‘Honey, can’t you at least wait until we’ve gotten upstairs?’

    They ARE being a little obvious. We prefer some decorum about these things. Bait…wait…act the outraged innocent… come on.

  5. ‘The Iranian master, the hegemon that stretches from Iran, through Iraq and Syria and Lebanon…’

    Lol. Sometimes hasbara gets so silly it ceases to enrage and only entertains.

    Let’s review. Iran is a state that in eight years, by dint of a heroic national effort, managed to fight Iraq to a bloody draw. We defeated Iraq in 72 hours or something ridiculous.

    Iran is not a ‘hegemon.’ This stuff is akin to Nazi fantasies of a Jewish Plutocratic-Bolshevik conspiracy. It simply loses all rational contact with reality.

  6. ‘Poor, poor Israel: she only has had her proxy armies in Lebanon, Syria and the West Bank.’

    You’re too modest. Surely our troops in Iraq would have constituted an Israeli ‘proxy army.’

    Our soon-to-be troops in Iran will be an Israeli proxy army as well. After all, you don’t think Israel is going to fight that war on her own, do you?

  7. ‘…the Iranian steamroller…’

    I missed that one. Good for a chuckle.

    You are aware that historically, ‘the Iranian steamroller,’ when unleashed against the awesome Iraqi army, barely managed to make it across the Shatt al-Arab?

    …that, of course, was as the result of a convulsive national effort and at an enormous cost in human life.

    1. @ blender: you don’t seem like the type to know your ass from your elbow. How do you know Jared so well? Oh that’s right, you don’t. So stop blowin’ smoke up everyone’s posterior.

    1. @blind blender: No one hired me. But we all know who hired you…

      You are now moderated. Any further attempts at snark will get your ass banned. In case you ever want to comment here again read the friggin’ comment rules.

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