In honor of “P is for Palestine,” Golbarg Bashi’s children’s book excoriated by the fearful and ignorant hasbara mommies of Manhattan, and denounced by the self-righteous rabbinic anti-Semitism mavens of the Upper West Side, here’s my humble contribution, the Hasbara Alphabet:
A is for Apartheid
B is for Balfour (and ‘Balestine’)
C is for Colonialism
D is for Drones
E is for Elbit
F is for F-16
G is for Grenade launcher
H is for Hasbara
I is for pro-Israel
J is for Juden uber alles
K if for Kidon
L is for Liberal Zionism
M is for Mossad
N is for, you guessed it, Nakba
O is for Occupation
P is for Palestine
Q is for al-Quds
R is for Racism
S is for Settler
T is for state Terrorism
U is for Untermenschen
V is for Violence
W is for Warrior State
X is for Xenophobia
Y is for Yored (“emigrant”)
Z is for spiritual Zionism
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