Today, the Israeli justice system committed yet another atrocity in the name of national security. It sentenced Ahmed Manasra, an East Jerusalem resident who was 13 years old when he attacked and wounded two Israelis last year, to 12 years in prison. The sentence is a blatant fraud in multiple ways. At the time of the attack, Israeli law did not permit giving minors sentences as adults. Ahmed should have been sentenced as a juvenile, meaning he could not be sent to an adult prison. In fact, under the law at the time of his crime, a minor could not be sentenced to prison at all for the offense he committed. The law regarding children accused of crimes said the emphasis must be on rehabilitation, not punishment. Clearly, there is only punishment in this sentence.
There is further racism in the sentence itself. Two Israeli youth were 14 years old when they murdered an Israeli taxi driver. Their sentence? 16 years in prison. For MURDER. The difference? These minors were a higher class of criminal: they were Jewish murderers.

Israeli law says that the identities of minors accused of crimes is secret. It may not be revealed via the media or any other fashion. In this case, the prime minister exposed the boy’s name while he was still in the hospital recuperating from near fatal wounds struck by Israeli civilians who tried to kill him. It aired a slideshow of him in the hospital which identified him: two absolutely forbidden invasions of privacy. In the hospital, he was chained to his bed like a wild animal. All of these are also absolutely violations of hospital policy and betrayed their patient in ways that are outrageous breaches of medical ethics.
Israeli medics who attended the Israeli civilians wounded at the scene refused to treat Ahmed, who can be seen in a video writhing in pain and looking near death. Ahmed’s cousin, who participated in the attack was deliberately struck by an Israeli driver and as he attempted to flee the scene.
After Manasra’s arrest, the Knesset changed the law concerning minors accused of crimes and permitted charging children younger than 14 as adults. But there is no provision in the law for it to be retroactive. How can you charge someone with an adult offense when the law at the time of the crime explicitly prohibited jailing the suspect? Further, this 14-year-old boy will be sent to an adult prison, a blatant violation of all decency. Undoubtedly, it will turn him into a martyr for the Palestinian cause and a hardened militant by the time he’s released. You can expect any number of his relatives to offer their own lives to avenge this travesty of injustice.
An appeals court will now have to decide if the law can applied retroactively. Undoubtedly, Israeli judges will find a way to further prostitute justice in order to treat Manasra the way the vast majority of Israelis want him treated: as a cold-blooded killer (which he was not).
Ehud Barak once (in)famously said that Israel was “a villa in the jungle.” In this case, Israel isn’t a villa. It is the jungle.
Thanks to Israeli family law attorney, Yossi Nakar, who’s been my guide to Israeli child welfare law and regulations. If there are any imperfections in this analysis, they are mine, not his.
Note in the Reuters story above how little of the background of this case which I’ve offered here is included. It is regurgitated state propaganda without any attempt to do any reporting or research.
“Ahmed’s cousin, who participated in the attack was deliberately struck by an Israeli driver and as he attempted to flee the scene.”
I’ve read this elsewhere yesterday (maybe in Haaretz) but it’s not correct, it was Ahmed who was struck by an Israeli driver, that’s when we see him lying on the ground with his legs apparently broken in that video that went viral. Ahmed’s cousin, 15-years old Hassan was killed by Israeli police officers in the middle of the street when he approched them. You can see his killing in the end of this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RcqzXSGHPqA
Abbas mistakenly claimed Ahmed and not his cousin was killed at the time, Israeli media (and of course Bibi) made lots of noice about his error (that Abbas admitted right away), but they apparently mix up the two boys too.
@ Deir Yassin: Thanks for correcting my erroneous memory of the incident.
The two Jewish boys who murdered the cabbie, also robbed an elderly woman while the two were out on furlough; adding five years to their 16 year sentences.
I guess some people cannot be rehabilitated.
When I was a guard at K’tsiot prison (Jeffrey Goldberg’s alma mater), I would do guard duty and walk the perimeter of the prisoner enclosure (essentially, it was a huge open-air football-field-sized area surrounded by barbed wire). Now and then I would look inside and would see men of all ages cramped together in tents. I also saw boys there. They couldn’t have been older than 15.
Since time immemorial Israel has been treating Palestinians as less than human, meaning Palestinian children don’t get to enjoy any of the rights a Jewish child does. To Israel, a Palestinian minor is simply a potential terrorist, nothing more nothing less.
This boy will probably be thrown in K’tsiot (or another military prison) and run the full gauntlet of Israeli inhumanity and injustice.
Ahmed, and his cousin, stabbed a pudgy Jewish boy as the boy walked out of candy store. Stabbed him many, many times and put the boy in critical condition. Ignoring the real victim in this case, Richard chooses to insert Ahmed’s hospital bed picture.
Danny. What would you recommend Israel do with Ahmed?
Danny. Since you brought up ‘inhumanity and injustice’ in Israeli prisons, did you ever witness any Hamas prisoners torturing and killing Palestinian prisoners in Israel’s jails?
Hold the boy to the same standards Jewish teenagers are held to.
But in the apartheid state of Israel, that is of course a pipe dream.
Palestinians are untermenschen.
This guy who called himself a lawyer has deceived you-
To see what the law in this matter was you just need to take a look at the law itself:
http://weblaw.haifa.ac.il/he/Research/ResearchCenters/SocietyAndCrime/cls%20legislation/%D7%97%D7%95%D7%A7%20%D7%94%D7%A0%D7%95%D7%A2%D7%A8%20%D7%A9%D7%A4%D7%99%D7%98%D7%94,%20%D7%A2%D7%A0%D7%99%D7%A9%D7%94%20%D7%95%D7%93%D7%A8%D7%9B%D7%99%20%D7%98%D7%99%D7%A4%D7%95%D7%9C.pdf. and no, this document does not include the law after the recent change but rather the law that existed at the time of the crime. The last correction it refers to is 2010.
You wrote: “in fact, under the law at the time of his crime, a minor could not be sentenced to prison at all for the offense he committed”
However, the law clearly states (page 25) that “קטין שבשעת גזירת דינו טרם מלאו לו ארבע עשרה שנה, לא יוטל עליו מאסרן”
And for those who don’t read Hebrew: you couldn’t give a prison sentence to a minor who wasn’t yet 18 before the sentence was given (not before the time of the crime). This is why the boy’s lawyers at first thought to immediately admit the charges to speed the trial and end it before the boy turn 14 and this way to avoid a prison sentence. http://news.walla.co.il/item/2898197
Also you wrote that a minor can not be sent to an adult prison. Here the lawyer guy again misled you. The law states that you can put a minor in a regular prison (prison for adults) as long as the minors in the prison are in a separate section of the prison (Page 21): “לא יוחזק קטין במאסר אלא בבית סוהר נפרד לקטינים, או באגף בבית סוהר כללי,
ובלבד שאותו אגף יהיה מופרד לחלוטין, ייועד לקטינים בלבד ולא יהיו גישה או קשר ראיה בינו
לבין אגפיו האחרים של בית הסוהר או שוכניו.”
And lets not forget that this boy and his cousin attempted to murder 2 Israeli’s with knives, one of the victims was himself only a young boy. These 2 were severely wounded and lucky to be alive. For 2 attempted murders that ended with severe injuries I think 12 years is not much even if the perpetrator is a boy. The 2 boys that murdered the taxi driver? they should have got a life sentence which is in reality about 20 years in Israel. Not much more than the 16 years they did get but still.
@ Amico: Your memory fails you. One of the Israeli victims was lightly injured, one seriously injured. It is highly unlikely that a 13 yr old boy with a knife would be able to do serious damage to an adult Israeli. Israeli Jews who stab people get a far shorter sentence than the 12 yrs Manasra received, which further proves the racism inherent in this system Israel calls “justice.”
It’s curious that you, who isn’t a lawyer determines that 12 years is “not much.” According to whom? Do you think it is not much to the 20% of the Israeli population that is Palestinian? Or is it not much according to the majority Jewish population which believes the Palestinian citizens are second or third class citizens & should stay that way?
[comment deleted: you repeated the substance of an earlier comment you wrote, which violates the comment rules. every comment must make a new statement or argument. Do not repeat previous arguments.]
Dear mr. Silverstein. Do you happen to know in which prison Ahmed Manasra is locked away? I would like to send him a card as a token he is not forgotten. After the holidays season I will contact Amnesty [Dutch] to start a writing action.
@ Fred Plantinga: I don’t know. But will try to find out.