19 thoughts on “BREAKING: Israeli Military Censor Covers Up 1967 War Crimes and IDF Officers Responsible – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم
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  1. “There is no question but that this is a systematic, long-term war crime which was countenanced at the highest IDF command levels. ”

    Wait. There were two alleged sets of war crimes; one during the 1956 war, and one in 1967. How are two separate war crimes, committed ten years apart, by different units, ‘systematic’?

    Are the killings of unarmed black man by different American police forces, ‘systematic’.

    And BTW, the officer who ordered the massacre, and who was subordinate to Gavish, was tried, convicted and imprisoned. Unless there was sworn testimony that Gavish gave the order, then there’s no proof Gavish was involved.

    1. @ Trapper Jon: I have just discovered that the IP address you are using is also being used by the following commenters: OneIsraeli, Laurel, Sivan, Ann Cooney, Yehuda. Either you are all the same person or you are all using the same IP proxy address to post comments. Do NOT use an IP proxy to publish comments at this site. If you do, all of these commenters/identities will be banned. I demand transparency in commenters which includes knowing that they are one person using a single handle to post comments. This is a very important comment rule and I enforce it intensively. Do not mess with this me on this issue.

      YOu appear not to have read the post. Do not publish comments before reading the entire post & understanding what’s in it. There were tens of thousands of Egyptian POWs who died, many at the hands of IDF units which hunted them down & murdered them in cold blood. There were many separate incidents in three different Israeli wars in which Egyptian prisoners were killed. Not “two sets of war crimes” as you allege.

      Benn notes that Yoffe was never charged with a crime though he was the area commander at the time. Gavish appears to have been higher up the chain of command & less directly implicated. But the junior officer who went to prison only received a 7 month sentence for murdering 56 Egyptians. If you murdered 56 people in cold blood do you think a 7 month sentence is warranted? Benn specifically uses the word “outrageous” to describe the punishment. Not my words, his.

      As for police violence against Blacks in the U.S., of course it’s systematic. Haven’t you read anything about or by Black Lives Matter?

      1. Trapper Jon – You and Richard are using a different vocabulary.
        When you think systematic you think about Nazi Germany or Darfur. When Richard think systematic he thinks – well, I’m not really sure. Probably, ‘the system isn’t taking it seriously enough’ or something along those lines.

        Police violence in the US and Black Lives Matter was a great example to show the difference.

        Other words that are different in the progressive dictionary are murder, terror, children.

          1. Haha, give me your definition of

            in that (whatever) ‘progressive dictionary’ you imagine.

            With proper examples.

          2. Elizabeth, that’s likely to be off-topic and I do not wish to break the Comment rules.

            I believe the systematic example speaks for itself.

          3. Elisabeth – let’s try this one. It covers all 3.
            A 17 years old attacking anyone with a knife isn’t a child but a murderous terrorist.

          4. @ Sivan: A 17 yr old IDF conscript murdering an unarmed Palestinian with a rifle is a murderous terrorist as well. But he doesn’t get his just desserts.

            Stop with the dramativs. Your side kills 6 times as many Palestinians as they kill Israelis.

        1. ‘Sivan’, you are just a person hired to lie and distort here. No-one needs to take your ‘dictionary’ seriously.

        2. In many cases it is very questionable if there was an attack at all (evidence from video surveillance placed under gag order etc.), which does not make the Israeli claims that the Palestinians who are routinely killed were really ‘attackers’, but apart from that:

          1 An attack on a soldier in the occupied territories does not fall under the definition of ‘terrorism’. There is a right to resist occupation.
          2 What age would you suggest for Palestinians to legally count as children? Up to 9?
          3 And for Jews?

          Your rightist dictionary is purely designed to suit your silly propaganda purposes, and you accuse ‘progressives’ of distorting definitions? Funny guy.

      2. No idea what is that IP address. Seems to be somewhere in Germany. Pretty sure it has something to do with your new host since I don’t use proxy. And, no, I’m not any of the other users above.

        But, the most interesting question is why “Do NOT use an IP proxy to publish comments at this site”? As a Snowden groupie I would expect more respect to people privacy.

      3. A good book that describes the origins of systematic police violence against Black Americans is Slavery by Another Name by Blackmon.

        Many people if not most people nowadays are behind an IP proxy.

        I don’t encourage people that work for me to spend time in commenting on blogs, but if they did, they all would come from the same IP address because my office uses a private intranet cloud.

        1. BTW, I invented the key technology of modern cloud computing, which is intrinsic to Internet performance and to creating the sort of intranet that disturbs Richard, precisely so that small content providers like Richard would not be drowned out by megamedia corporations.

          BTW, you can find a child of the original 1991 patent application for this technology at: https://www.google.com/patents/US20120257634 .

          I did a host lookup on the IP address. I find the following.

          algotrader@algotrader-XPS-13-9350:~$ host
 domain name pointer chicago230.sitevalley.com.

          Sitevalley.com is a provider of virtual private servers.

  2. My question is: did General Israel “Talik” Tal commit war crimes? If so, that’s sort of ironic seeing as he was the one who pushed heavily for German WWII tank tactics to be used by the IDF; striking quickly, attacking the enemy flank, willingness to be extremely flexible if the situation required it, etc. Which is why the tank he helped design, the Merkava, is part-tank, part-troop carrier, and very hard to knock out. If he (or any of the other generals) passed a spoken command to all the tankers to avoid taking prisoners “in the extreme” before they hit the battlefield, I can easily see them using it as an excuse to kill prisoners, knowing that the IDF high command would back them after the war.

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