Israeli TV news reported tonight that Bibi Netanyahu, who is negotiating to form a new government, held a secret meeting with Isaac Herzog, leader of the Zionist Union. I’d hoped something like this wouldn’t happen. I’d hoped that Labor, despite the hard times on which it’d fallen, would retain some sense of honor, dignity and principle and reject such a prospect. Though I knew in my heart that all the major parties are far more interested in survival and retaining their grip on power and perks, than they are in political principle.
It would make far more sense for Netanyahu to pursue a hard-right government, as there are more than enough seats in such a coalition (if he also includes one or more of the Orthodox parties) to form a majority. But apparently, either the rightist parties are driving a hard bargain in terms of the ministerial portfolios they’re demanding; or else Bibi needs leverage to fight back against such demands in the negotiation phase by reminding them that he has ‘other options.’ But this prospect is the most disturbing: that both Bibi and Bougie believe they have enough in common to form a unity government.
Remember, this is the same Likud whose campaign slogan was “it’s them or us.” The same Bibi who railed against “leftists and Arabs” handing over the country to ISIS or some such nonsense. This is the party with whom Labor now proposes to make common cause!
Presumably, Bibi would hand the second most valuable portfolio, foreign minister, to Bougie in return for the fig leaf it would offer the new government. Imagine how difficult it would be for the U.S. and Europe to expand their offensive against the racist Likud with Labor solidly within the fold.
But Herzog should examine the role played by previous second-fiddles in Netanyahu governments: Ehud Barak served as a more competent defense minister, but later he too faded into political oblivion; Avigdor Lieberman merged his Party with Likud, and for his troubles was tried on corruption charges and then saw his party representation halved in Knesset in the past election. He’ll be lucky to get the animal control portfolio in the next government. Amir Peretz formed a unity government with Bibi’s predecessor, Ehud Olmert, and ended his term in ridicule as defense minister.
When in office, none was offered real power by Netanyahu, a true megalomaniac who cannot trust or delegate responsibilities to anyone, even his own allies. Tzipi Livni, Herzog’s new “bride,” was co-opted into the last government. Though she ostensibly had the peace negotiation portfolio, she essentially had nothing to do. Bibi called all the shots and when he grew tired of Lapid and Livni sniping at him from his left, he summarily fired them. Making your bed with Bibi is a recipe for political irrelevance.
Another disturbing development, was the announcement yesterday that the Zionist Union released a position paper on the Iran nuclear deal. If the Party wished to truly serve the role of Opposition in Knesset, you might’ve expected a document that took a skeptical or at least nuanced view compared to those of Netanyahu. Instead, the paper, largely authored by former IDF military chief, Amos Yadlin (hoping to be defense minister in a unity government), consisted of a lot of drivel and nonsense. It essentially repeated Likud demands for “improving” the deal by adding non-starter demands of the Iranians. But the demand that stood out from all the rest for its sheer chutzpah was that Israel should demand from the U.S. pre-approval for any Israeli attack on Iran should it “go nuclear:”
The U.S. and Israel must reach understandings which match the changing security needs of Israel with the issuing of the agreement between the [P5] powers and Iran. These understandings must include strengthening the strike and defensive capabilities of the IDF. They must tighten the existing alliance and strategic coordination, so that it strengthens Israel’s deterrent capacity. It should also provide an American umbrella, and the ability to act without restraints against threats and violations–whether of the agreement or by those of our adversaries in the region supported by Iran. Specifically, there must be pre-approval [“legitimization”] for any act Israel may be forced to take in order to protect itself in any situation that arises.
Sure, it’s like a father handing the keys to his new convertible to his son, who’s already smashed up three earlier cars. There is about as much chance that Obama would entertain such a provision as the Temple High Priest is going to find a sacred red heifer in my backyard.
Finally, a “left-right” unity government would be a fraud. It would be a solely-owned subsidiary of the Likud. The “left” would exist solely to legitimize the worst offences of the rightist majority. It would hinder the world from holding Israel accountable for its worst excesses. It proves yet again that the Israeli “left” is not only not “left,” but not even “center.” Rather, it’s a cipher and would be much better off dying a decent death.
“It prove yet again that the Israeli ‘left’ is not only not ‘left,’ but not even ‘center.'”
How quite similar to the Democrats in the US … what we expected as “change” from Obama was worse to previous administrations on settlements, Gaza War and the Palestinian right for independence. Hillary Clinton on Israel? Worse than Obama … her R2P policy of regime change truly changed the Arab nations in the aftermath of the Arab uprising. Fighting the War of Terror under a different name than AQ … Al-Nusra, Ansar al Sharia, IS.
I have said it before, any party that joins Mr. Netanyahu is merely a fig leaf without power or say in actual governance. PERIOD.
Netanyahu will not change his stripes no matter who forms the government. he is what he has always been
a far right nut hiding under sheep’s clothing. he is motivated by extremism that generate wars and killings. PERIOD. None of his policies have leeways for peace of any kind. Like Mr. Friedman (NY Times) said DO NOT FEED THE BEAST, FOR IT IS ALWAYS HUNGRY AND NEVER SATISFIED. so is right wing in Israel. Mr. Herzog is not a fig leag it is merely painting on an old canvas, Many others with much more political savvy were lulled into this position only to waist years of inactivity whilst BILLIONS were/are/will be funneled into warmongers aka settlers.
Any such union will only serve to tell me not to vote any more in israel;s elections, for there will be no difference in any party for their only guidance will have been money hungry that served the politician’s good rather the voters’ good.
to hell with israel is apparently the ONLY motto for these bribes seekers
Your quick lesson of recent Israeli political history is anywhere between wrong and ridiculous.
1. In what way exactly was Ehud Olmert a predecessor of Bibi?
2. Was it Bibi who prevented Livni from reaching an agreement with Abu-Mazen or the fact she understood his demands could never be accepted by Israelis?
3. The corruption charges against Avigdor Lieberman are over decade old.
4. The campaign motto “It is us or him” was presented by Hertzog even before it was presented/copied by Likud (which might help your point on that one).
A common government will force Bibi to act differently or go to new elections so your ‘fraud’ conspiracy is out of place.
@ Tankist: 1. Olmert was PM from 2006-9; Bibi followed him. That makes him Bibi’s predecessor.
2. Yes, it was Bibi who prevented an agreement with Abbas. He wants no agreement & there will be no agreement regardless of who is running the negotiations.
3. I doubt the charges are a decade old. But the charges were only dismissed last yr after hanging over his career like a cloud for a number of years, harming Yisrael Beitenu’s electoral chances. Not to mention the scandal that preceded the election which depressed the Party’s chances even further.
A unity government will have no impact on Bibi’s actions. He will behave however he wishes no matter who his partners are.
You are right about Olmert serving before Bibi (with Tzipi Livni in between) but what on earth that have to do with Bibi? Kadima destroyed Likud and Bibi.
The peace process is stuck not b/c of Bibi but due to the fact no-one believe in Abbas ability (or even will) to reach an agreement.
Tankist “The peace process is stuck not b/c of Bibi but due to the fact no-one believe in Abbas ability (or even will) to reach an agreement.”
Who do you think you’re fooling.
There is none so blind as those who will not see.
Let me ignore all the testimonies to the contrary from outside observers and only quote one inside one:
Times of Israel 6th May 2014
“President Shimon Peres said Tuesday that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu torpedoed a peace deal reached covertly in 2011 with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas
Speaking to Channel 2 news Tuesday, Peres said that he and Abbas had essentially reached a draft agreement on “almost all issues” and that an accord was being readied, after a series of secret meetings in Jordan.
Peres said that the prime minister asked him to wait three or four days, in the hopes that Quartet Representative and former British prime minister Tony Blair could negotiate a better deal.
“The days went by and there was no better deal,” said Peres. “Netanyahu stopped it [the potential agreement].”
The president told the TV channel that during these talks, which were held in Amman, Abbas agreed to recognize Israel as a Jewish state, a core demand of the Israeli government and a crutch in the most recent round of negotiations.
“He was supposed to agree [to recognize] a Jewish state and we were supposed to agree to recognize [a future] Palestinian state,” said Peres.”
“Abbas agreed to recognize Israel as a Jewish state” OR “He was supposed to agree [to recognize] a Jewish state”. Abbas seems to be fighting terror but recognizing Israel is far beyond anything he (or Arafat) ever dared to publicly recognize.
I have much respect for Shimon Peres and for him I would change the president law and keep him in position until he decides to retire. BUT – it is time he let go to his dylusions of “new middle east”. The only thing that NEW here in the past decade is ISIS, Houthis, Iron Dome and Hamas controlled, under blockade Gaza.
Sorry, TOI has no reliability, in phase with PM Netanyahu!
○ Shaath: Peres canceled Abbas meeting at last minute | JPost |
Discussing the Palestinian Authority’s refusal to recognize Israel as a Jewish state, Shaath said that the demand “is a just a new condition that Mr. Netanyahu started talking about, that he never talked about in 1996 and 1999 when he was prime minister.” It would be impossible for the Palestinian people to accept the demand, he explained, for it would jeopardize Palestinians and Muslims living as citizens in Israel. Furthermore, he said, it would “make it impossible to discuss the refugee issue.”
Link –
Well let us hope that, by flirting with Labor regarding a Union government, Netanyahu is telling the ultra right that it has to screw down its expectations about the bride price for a marriage with him. But if that Union does indeed come to pass we may reasonably expect N.’s dominance to be such that the outside world cannot even see the Labor fig leaf. Poor Herzog seems to be eminently overlookable as it is.
bibi will pay ANY price as long as he gets “his” chair a bit longer, as long as “his” army keeps getting the best of the budget the rest don’t matter for him at all. that the ultra will keep “stealing” monies under the table for the bankrupt haredis municipalities, so be it, that billions that were cut under lapid will be reversed gladly for those parasites, so be it, that haredis can call “bastards” and not give them any rights to those russians who give their lives, so be it. nothing matters, that secrets are passed to criminals settlers, so what. everyone is a fig leaf as far as bibi’s concerned, you don’t get it. BIBI DOES NOT GIVE A DAMN ABOUT ISRAEL. he uses the country only to glorify himself and his family, that his son gets to make a “private tour” of the white house, even though the whole ambassador doesn’t get past the front door. what does that say.
israel’s standing don’t matter his kid a whole lot more
israel is a de facto pariah, only the dropping of the second shoe has not come to pass yet