20 thoughts on “Breaking: Lieberman Meets Secretly With Ex-Fatah Strongman, Dahlan in Paris – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم
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  1. I tried to get a message by mail to you these past two days, both times failed with an error note: ‘account not available.’

    The topic is however covered in this article. I did some digging who this person is …

    National Interest author Ben Taleblu

    Solidarity with Iran: Light a Candle & Human chain for 18 Tir (July 9th, 2009)

    Nowruz – United States Celebrates Iranian Culture

    Guiding the kids who jumped over the simulated flames was Bhnam Taleblu, a freshman at George Washington University and a member of the college’s Iranian Cultural Society. Taleblu was costumed in a flowing white robe and equally flowing white beard — a representation, he explained, of “an old wise man ushering in the new year.”

    Born in the United States of Iranian immigrant parents, Taleblu said that, raised in a traditional family, he absorbed much of his historic culture. “I think that’s the beauty of Iranian culture, that regardless of what’s going on politically, whatever our global crisis might be, we always have a culture to take refuge in,” he said.

  2. Two more gems:

    Khamenei’s Ominous Nuclear Infographic by Behnam Ben Taleblu 9th May 2014 – FDD Policy Brief

    Biography @CameraOnCampus

    Behnam Ben Taleblu is a contributor to Foundation for Defense of Democracies Rapid Response Research team. Fluent in Farsi, Behnam provides the Foundation scholars, fellows, and staff with open-source research and analysis on Iran-related matters, including: nuclear non-proliferation, domestic politics, clerical trends, the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), and the foreign policy debates within the Islamic Republic. He is a frequent contributer of policy briefs and is an incredible resource for understanding Middle Eastern dynamics.

  3. Reza Pahlavi: A Message to the Nation
    Son of former Iranian leader touts democracy

    Audience members greeted Reza Pahlavi, the son of the late Shah of Iran, with a standing ovation when he spoke of the relentless pursuit for democracy and human rights in Iran at an event at the Elliott School of International Affairs.

    At the end of his speech, Pahlavi asked students to bear witness to their generation’s “first great struggle for human dignity.”

    “Your brothers and sisters half a world away use the same Internet you use to take on one of the most brutal regimes in the world, and they take it on with courage and conviction. Your generation uses new technologies in ways that makes me believe totalitarianism will soon be a thing of the past. Where information flows freely, no man can easily deceive and subjugate another. This we have learned from you.”

    Pahlavi, whose wife Yasmine Etemad Amini attended GW as an undergraduate and also graduated from GW with a law degree, said it was a special pleasure to speak to students from his wife’s alma mater.

    “I recall the many sleepless nights as she worked to meet course requirements and studying for finals. So, in a manner of speaking, I have been where you are today,” he said.

    Behnam Taleblu, academic coordinator for the International Affairs Society (IAS), said the event was the organization’s crowning achievement for the year.

    “Tuesday’s event was the premier speaking occasion of the year for our organization,” Taleblu said. “We brought the former crown prince of Iran to GW on our capacity, which took numerous phone calls and rigorous planning.”

    1. Indeed, the Maariv article states the source of information to be Arab48 and not an Israeli independent source.

  4. Mohammed Dahlan Takes Revenge and Forms New Party to Get Rid of Abbas
    | The Jewish Press | by Tzvi Ben-Gedalyahu |

    A former corrupt devil is trying to get back at the current corrupt devil, possibly with the encouragement of none other than the devil’s devil, called Bibi Netanyahu.

    On Thursday, thousands of Gazans marched in the streets to show their love for Dahlan. They also accused Abbas of occupation, tyranny and treason, Foundation for Defense of Democracies research analyst Grant Rumley wrote for the National Interest.

    Original article in FDD with links to Times of Israel version – here.

  5. Gazans rally for ex-strongman as West Bank trial opens | Daily Mail Online |

    In Gaza thousands of protesters rallied outside the Palestinian parliament, carrying portraits of Abbas covered with slogans accusing him of “treason,” “corruption” and “tyranny”. “The time has come to put an end to the injustice facing the Gaza Strip and our brothers whose salaries have been cut,” Palestinian lawmaker and Dahlan supporter Majd Abu Shamaleh told the crowd.

    A spokesman for Abbas’s Palestinian Authority security services, Adnan Damiri said the personnel were sacked for violating regulations, not because they are Dahlan partisans. “We sacked those who violated the rules of military discipline.”

    Another source highlighted the meeting between Fatah and Hamas …

    Palestinian factions meet in Gaza as thousands march in Dahlan rally

    GAZA CITY (Ma’an) – Representatives of all major Palestinian political parties met in Gaza for the first time since a series of explosions targeted Fatah last month, even as thousands rallied in the streets against a trial some fear may only deepen the political divide. The meeting signaled a potential thaw in the relationship between leading groups Hamas and Fatah, which despite a coalition government in place since April has been shaky since the blasts.

  6. Betting on a horse named Oasis running in Jericho

    According to sources who were involved in the venture, Ginossar was the main go-between in the deal that led to the establishment of Oasis. He introduced Schlaff to the top people in the PA, among them Arafat, Mohammed Dahlan, Jibril Rajoub and Mohammed Rashid, a man with humor, charm and a fondness for money. The Oasis Casino was built in partnership with the Palestinian Authority, the Austrian labor union bank Bawag and Casinos Austria.

    The casino’s opening was preceded by feverish discussions between the Palestinian leadership and Schlaff, which took place both in PA territory and Austria. These included a meeting between Arafat and the Austrian chancellor, for which the Palestinian was flown especially to Vienna.

    Uzrad Lew, who was Ginossar’s business partner, says Ginossar and Rashid received especially high commissions for managing Arafat’s and other Palestinians’ money in Swiss bank accounts and other deals.

    By means of his ultra-Orthodox family, Schlaff developed close ties with Shas chairman Aryeh Deri, who at that time was facing bribery charges.

    Linked to RS tweet about Dahlan meeting Lieberman via Martin Schlaff as btoker.

  7. Business relations on gambling and money transfer to Yisrael Beitenu | Aug. 2003 |

    Haaretz has learned that several years ago, during a special session of an Austrian parliamentary committee investigating that country’s intelligence services, information came up regarding business connections between Martin Schlaff, the Austrian businessman who is believed to own 50 percent of the Jericho casino, and Lieberman, and how money was transferred to the political party Lieberman established, Yisrael Beitenu.

  8. That photograph – it reminded me of a saying attributed to S.A.leader Ernst Röhm” “When I hear the word culture, I grab for my gun”, sorry wineglass.

  9. This whole discussion is really inane.
    You guys are making a mountain out of a molehill, of a meeting that may or may not have happened, and if it did happen, has no significance or consequences whatsoever.
    The sources that leak this suspect information all have an interest in discrediting or embarrassing Dahlan and Leiberman. These sort of leaks happen all the time. It could be Abbas’s men. Or Netanyahu’s team.

  10. Facebook entry Mohammad Dahlan on Dec. 31, 2014

    Praising the ‘eternal leader’ Yasser Arafat.

    “I also wish to pay tribute and respect to the martyrs and the national Palestinian factions leaders Sheikh Ahmed Yassin and Dr. George Habash and Dr. Fathi Shikaki and Abu Ali Mustafa and Dr. Abdul Aziz Rantisi, and thousands of people and the martyrs of the revolution.”

    Harsh criticism on PA and Mahmoud Abbas for going to the UNSC and losing the vote and thereby legitimacy of the Palestinian leaders.

    Continues to explain the differences between him and Abbas, especially praising himself as true leader to achieve Palestinian goals.

    Continues on the split created between Fatah and Hamas in the Gaza Strip, his version of events.

    Blames the blockade of Gaza with the pain, humiliation and marginalization on Netanyahu and Abbas. Pleads for reconciliation and national unity.


    Quite important the events of reconciliation finalized in December, between Qatar and the GCC states. The deals were brokered under chairmanship of Kuwait. This is important for the relationship between Egypt’s president Sisi and the young emir of Qatar. This is also a priority for reconciliation between Hamas and Fatah and operating with a unity voice in military policy for the region. [Source: Gulf news]

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