8 thoughts on “Israeli-Made Drone Downed in Iraq – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم
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  1. I was in Santa Clara, Cuba, when it was bombed during the civil war. Being six years old in a setting like that is an interesting experience. What I remember is being scared, punctuated by sheer terror when the bombs hit nearby. I was shot at by a sniper the only time I left the building to look for water. That battle only lasted a few days, it was nothing like we see in Gaza, but it left me much better prepared to get through it when the shooting starts.

    I don’t know what the Israelis think they are doing, but it seems to me they are growing generations with a keen ability to survive in the rubble, and eventually that’s going to blowback on them.

  2. [comment deleted: Foundation for the Defense of Democracies isn’t a credible source either, unless you’re a right-wing pro-Israel neocon, which I’m not.]

  3. ” Foundation for the Defense of Democracies isn’t a credible source either, unless you’re a right-wing pro-Israel neocon, which I’m not.”

    Why not let your readers decide what’s credible and what’s not?

    1. @ Black Canary: They and you can make those decisions for your own blogs. As long as this blog is mine, I get to decide which sources are credible. If I’d wanted to promote FDD I’d have started a pro-Israel neocon blog. You may notice I didn’t.

        1. @ Black Canary: Careful, you blush when you’re lying. OF course you were promoting pro-Israel neocon sources because those are your views & your goal here is to promote those views. The day the FDD or Jerusalem Post “inform” without propagandizing will be the day the Meshiach arrives.

  4. A bit further out on that limb …

    Another Israeli drone reportedly crashed, Now in Iraq | The Aviationist |

    May I suggest it was the Hermes 900 UAV, used in military operations during recent Gaza warfare. Article in Al Quds has the 900 version in its photo. Iraqi sources referred to it as “similar to the one downed in Iran a few days ago.” I must agree, the advanced drone was downed in Iran and shielded from publicity by a fake photo. Did it crash or was it recovered like the US Lockheed Martin RQ-170 Sentinel stealth drone in December 2011?

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