10 thoughts on “Sara Netanyahu’s Machinations to Prevent Rivlin from Winning Presidency – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم
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  1. Ha. You think Mr. and Mrs. Netanyahu might feel some interest in eliminating the presidency for a new-style parliamentary system where the prime minister gets to be the Head of State?

  2. It is a high time, and past high time that Israel finally convert away from this idiotic quasi-presidential system in favour of a simple and clear cut law of enablement and leadership principle!

  3. I’d love to see a Parliamentary system like Canada’s where an evenly balanced, representative commission divides the country into 120 or whatever ridings or districts which each elect a member of Knesset. At least that way if I have an issue there would be an identifiable person I could turn to. Well at least it’s a thought.

    1. @Pea: I doubt anyone on the right would agree to that because the settlers would get no representation (unless the West Bank was annexed). And Tel Aviv would have a huge representation, probably skewing the Knesset more liberal. Anathema to the settler-Likudist-Beitenu crowd.

      1. Well Richard, each riding or district would be divided up to have the same number, or close to the same number of voters – if we’re talking about a parliament with 120 seats that would mean the population of the state divided by 120. Assuming a population of 10 million (including Gaza and the West Bank) that means between 83,000 and 84,000 voters per district. Tel Aviv’s population of 414,000 people would only have 5 seats out of 120. Jerusalem with its population of 780,000 people would have 9. Settlers could be easily appeased by granting separate districts to the settlement blocks – again using the same population formula. The nature of this system is that smaller parties with a geographically wider distribution base would not get enough votes in any one district to get a seat. Thus the advantage goes to larger parties or parties nimble enough to make strategic alliances. In any case, of course there will be resistance but it’s food for thought!

        1. Thank you for correcting my misimpression. I last lived in Israel when Jerusalem had only 300,000 residents believe it or not!

          Settlers could not vote unless they voted absentee. They do not live in Israel and their settlements haven’t been annexed by Israel. This would be a good argument for annexing the Territories though.

  4. Jerusalem is no longer a sleepy little town. When you were here last the traffic lights stopped functioning at midnight. Now we have busses that run all night, bars and restaurants that are open till whenever – even on Friday nights. Currently people that live in settlements have the right to vote. My vision assumes a one state solution. In a two state solution, settlers who remain in Palestine would presumably vote in Palestinian elections. Crazy, hub?

    1. @ Pea: Ah, then certainly in a one-state situation all Israelis & Palestinians could vote because they’d all be citizens of the same state. As for the 2 state option, I have no problem with settlers voting in Palestinian elections (Froman supported this option). But there have been proposals that Israelis in Palestine could vote in Israeli elections while Palestinians in Israel could vote in Palestinian elections if they chose. Not sure how that would work in reality, but it’s a thought.

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