3 thoughts on “Conference of Presidents to J Street: Drop Dead – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم
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  1. Will the western media tell the truth? Will the EU nations hold firm on their policy to differentiate goods from OPT?

    An eye-catcher by Larry Derfner @972+
    U.S. post-mortem on peace talks: Israel killed them

    Yedioth Ahronoth’s Nahum Barnea, Israel’s No. 1 print journalist, has a long interview on Friday with unnamed U.S. officials involved in the Israeli-Palestinian peace talks, giving their view of why they failed. The interview (not published online) is quite a bombshell, as well as a historic document.

    h/t kafkanade, a reader @BooMan

  2. You say, “Malcolm Hoenlein, who earned his stripes in the Soviet Jewry campaigns of the 60s and retains a hawkish Cold War mentality.” Anything other than honorable to have earned one’s “stripes in the Soviet Jewry campaigns of the 60s”? What is the strongest evidence you can point to in support of the claim that Hoenlein “retains a hawkish Cold War mentality”?

    And, “Undoubtedly, Hoenlein didn’t want J Street, and worked hard behind the scenes against its acceptance.” If it is “undoubtedly” so, then there must be strong evidence to support your claim. What is it?

    Then, “this barrel of lies from Mort Klein (who’s right even less times a day than a broken clock) is so preposterous:
    Morton Klein, president of the ZOA, [criticized ]…“some of their horrific, anti-Israel actions,” including (1) endorsing the Goldstone Report, (2) opposing Iran sanctions, and (3) calling on the US administration to endorse a UN resolution that condemned Israel, which the US ultimately vetoed…In fact, J Street opposed Goldstone, supported Iran sanctions and has never opposed any administration position regarding Israel at the UN.”

    Really? Mort Klein is, according to Richard Silverstein, a “liar” because notwithstanding news accounts at the time, JStreet did not call upon the US not to exercise it’s veto power in the Security Council to defeat an anti-Israel vote? http://www.jpost.com/International/Speaker-chastises-J-Street-for-opposing-US-veto-at-UN

    Really? Mort Klein is, according to Richard Silverstein, a “liar” because JStreet never lent any credibility to the Goldstone Report before the larger Jewish community loudly condemned the report and the support JStreet had given it and its author? http://www.jta.org/2009/11/01/news-opinion/politics/j-street-peace-now-want-changes-to-resolution-slamming-goldstone-report

    Really, Mort Klein is, according to Richard Silverstein, a “liar” because JStreet has never opposed sanctions against Iran in an effort to keep it from getting a nuclear bomb. http://jstreet.org/blog/post/j-street-strongly-opposes-introduction-of-senate-iran-sanctions-bill_1

    1. @ dcdoc1:

      What is the strongest evidence you can point to in support of the claim that Hoenlein “retains a hawkish Cold War mentality”?

      One of the best Jewish journalists in America, writing in a Jewish neo-con publication, the Tablet:

      Nearly everyone who has worked with Hoenlein—fans and detractors alike—unhesitatingly described his politics to me as “conservative” or “right-wing”…and no one I spoke with thought it likely that Hoenlein was among the 78 percent of American Jews who voted for Barack Obama in 2008.

      …“I am quite sure Malcolm is a…pro-settlement right-winger,” said Jonathan Jacoby, a former official with the progressive Israel Policy Forum.

      From a Haaretz profile:

      Widely thought to embrace right-wing views on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict…

      You wrote:

      If it is “undoubtedly” so, then there must be strong evidence to support your claim. What is it?

      Hmmm, let me see. The leaders of the most powerful Jewish organizations in America expressed their support for J Street joining the Conference and yet it lost. That’s pretty damn good evidence. As every profile of Hoenlein ever written notes, he’s extremely careful about his exercise of power. He operates behind the scenes and doesn’t leave fingerprints. Or as Allison Hoffman said it even better:

      …It is also due to the personal style of Hoenlein, who understands the value of flying under the radar. Several times in the course of a series of interviews we conducted over more than two months, he paused to tell me that his reputation for keeping quiet about sensitive, backchannel negotiations…helped him cement his access. Yet what to him seems like appropriate circumspection contributes to the widespread suspicion, particularly on the left, that he uses his position to pursue his own private agenda when it comes to Israel…

      You wrote:

      JStreet did not call upon the US not to exercise it’s veto power in the Security Council to defeat an anti-Israel vote?

      That double-negative makes it almost impossible to understand what you really mean. But I take issue with Mort Klein & your characterization of the anti-settlement resolution as “anti-Israel.” In fact, the resolution reflected not just Obama administration policy, but the policy of U.S. administrations going all the way back to Lyndon Johnson. We oppose settlements. Always have and hopefully always will. The U.S. ultimately vetoed the resolution out of allegiance to Bibi Netanyahu, who it was desperately attempting to persuade not to attack Iran. The U.S. veto was a quid pro quo. We voted against out own declared policy, which made Obama look like a fool.

      But one thing I will admit is that I was wrong in claiming J St. had never opposed any administration vote about Israel in the UN. In this one instance (and to its credit), it did. But Mort Klein didn’t specify which resolution he was talking about in his attack and J Street has supported at least a dozen other administration UN votes regarding Israel.

      You wrote:

      JStreet never lent any credibility to the Goldstone Report before the larger Jewish community loudly condemned the report and the support JStreet had given it and its author?

      Mazal tov, now you’ve joined Mort Klein in playing pro-Israel Liar’s Poker. You’ve slying mischaracterized what I wrote and conveniently ignored the lies that Klein peddled concering J Street’s position on Goldstone. J Street NEVER supported the Goldstone report. The JTA story you’ve linked to only says that J Street and Peace Now asked for changes in a resolution denouncing the Report. Asking for changes in a resolution doesn’t mean you support the target of the resolution. And J Street never supported the Report and I dare you to find any specific statement by the group that it did.

      You wrote:

      JStreet has never opposed sanctions against Iran

      You may think you’re a crafty fellow but not crafty enough. J Street has supported every round of anti-Iran sanctions proposed by the administration. It did oppose one round of sanctions opposed by the administration (and almost every pragmatic analyst writing about the Iran nuclear conflict). As I’ve written, J Street is Jews for Obama. It supports what Obama supports and opposes what he opposes regarding Israel. When Obama propsoed and passed sanctions against Iran (as he did several times) J Street supported it.

      You and Mort Klein conveniently cherry-pick your facts while ignoring all the countervailing facts that weaken your argument. A classic hasbara tactic.

      Since you’ve commented here before (I can’t even remember whether I ever banned you or not), I warn you that I will not get into a pissing contest with you and entertain endless series of claims and counter-claims in the thread (as I recall you did the last time you were here). You’re done in this thread. You may comment in other threads if you choose. But do not participate further in this thread.

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