21 thoughts on “Israel Lobby Funds, Exploits Minorities to Shill for Israel – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم
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  1. Awfully shallow presentation in video by Chloé Valdary, wasteful propaganda especially checking out the series of YouTube videos by apeacet. Single denominator is partner in Islamophobia of America.

    Americans for Peace and Tolerance is headed by Dr. Charles Jacobs, named by the Forward as one of America’s top 50 Jewish leaders. Jacobs has founded and led several highly successful organizations characterized by groundbreaking ideas and initiatives. In 1989, Jacobs co-founded the Boston branch of the Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America (CAMERA).

    In 1993, together with Muslim and Christian Africans, Jacobs founded the American Anti-Slavery Group, dedicated to bringing international attention to the enslavement of black Africans in Sudan. For his efforts, Jacobs was presented with the Boston Freedom Award by Coretta Scott King and the Mayor of Boston.

    In 2002, in response to the sudden emergence of a new global antisemitism, he co-founded with Avi Goldwasswer, “The David Project,” which promotes a fair and honest discussion of the Middle East conflict and trains college students to advocate for Israel on American campuses.

    ‘Who lost the campuses to anti-Israel propaganda?’ by Charles Jacobs and Avi Goldwasser

  2. Examining someone’s heart and determining their motives, is a very dangerous profession, Mr. Silverstein. May God, the only One that has the ability and authority to do this, grant YOU a heart of repentance.

  3. There is very little difference between Chloe Valdary and Pam Geller. Valdary’s ideas are a tad more sophisticated, but not much more than that. Yet Geller has been denounced with Good Housekeeping anti-Semitism seals of approval from the ADL and Southern Poverty Law Center. Valdary is insulated from such criticism because she has her own Israel Lobby seal of approval.
    Did you mean to say Islamophoby was a common link between Geller and Valdary rather? otherwise I do not understand.

      1. yes, very familiar. alas familiar with her posters on public transportation in major population centres in USA. I find she is not enough outed.

  4. Dear Mr. Silverstein,

    I’ve read your blog and can’t say that I agree with most of it. I’d love to debate with you our differences of opinion. But, we both know that would be fruitless endeavor.

    I suspect your politics are long standing and deeply embedded within your personally. And, I understand that it may seem distressing that people would see your views – and the views of those who support you – as abhorrent. Despite that, we are all mostly sane people here and it would be unwise for either side to completely reject the other’s perspective as detached from reality.

    I invite you to try and be willing to see the perspective of those who oppose you. I won’t make a veiled attempt to get you to “switch sides” on the issues of Israel and Judaism. Indeed, there will be no veil and that is exactly what I hope to do. I understand that it can be difficult rejecting a deeply rooted ideology – not to mention a deeply rooted social circle complete with intimate relationships and friends. But, it is the measure of a man to face one’s fears and there are certainly welcoming arms on the other side of that seeming abyss.

    For the record, I am Jewish. My grandparents are/were Jewish. My grandfather lost six brothers in the Shoah. My mother’s family is from Israel and I am American. Yes, I am staunchly pro-Israel.

    That said, I’d happily hold your hand and sponsor you should you choose to change your beliefs and views and begin earning trust and building relationships among positive pro-Zionist Jews like myself.

    Should you choose to make that transition, feel free to contact me here and, once we’ve established a sincere reciprocal relationship, we can communicate more directly.

    Best Regards,
    David K from Philly

    1. @ David K from Philly: Yours is an offer I CAN refuse. I don’t really understand why people presume that they can invite themselves into someone’s life in order to convert them to their own particular ideology. When or where did I ever give the impression that I needed fixing or englightening??

      I don’t need to “switch sides” concerning Israel or Judaism. I know which side I’m on and am quite content with it.

      1. Hi Richard,

        Thanks for the reply. It’s no so much an offer as it is a simply a welcome mat. A more passive thing. Of course, you’re free to accept or reject it and I certainly wouldn’t try to deny you that right.

        I would call it a “conversion”. Indeed, as a Jew myself, the notion of being “converted” to anything isn’t particularly appealing given the historical context of such things. Also, I don’t think we fundamentally believe in different things. I think we both want what’s best of Jews and the world. Tikkun olam, indeed.

        I don’t expect anyone to change who they fundamentally are. I’m not even sure that’s possible. But, I know most people are certainly capable of changing directions.

        As you know, tikkun olam translates as “repair the world” or “mend the world”. Well… we are both part of that world and certainly not precluded from being “repaired” or “mended”. I can tell you I’ve personally worked hard at such thing. It’s an ongoing process and it is very difficult.

        I supposed I should say why I’m doing this. The reason is simple: I love other Jews. I do. It sounds mushy but it’s true. And I love other Jews unconditionally. Cynicism be damned.

        That said, I’m very personally concerned about the state of Judaism and Jews in the world today. I’m sure you won’t disagree that we’re very fractured right now. There are many Jewish factions with claims to superior morality and righteousness. Most claim superior politics, too.

        I’m not a Republican (and, I’m sure you’re not, as well), but we can both look at the Republican party in the U.S. and see how fractured they are. It’s a big part of what’s destroying their party. That’s a contemporary example of what I’m talking about. But, there are plenty of historical example of divisions leading to destruction.

        As Jews, we need to be better than that. We need to be united. There’s only roughly ~16 million of us in the world and I don’t believe a sustained division can last. Something’s gotta give.

        In any case, I hope you take the time to read and reflect on what I’ve written. I know you’re a smart, sane and accomplished man. I am, as well.

        David K from Philly

        1. Why do we need to be “united?” Unity glossses over real differences. If we are united it is at the expense of dissent and non-conformity, which is the lifeblood of any community. And no, I don’t need “converting” to yours or any other religion or ideology.

          You are welcome to read & contribute as a commenter. But do drop the Jewish evangelism. It’s really off-putting.

          1. Hi Richard,

            Unity doesn’t mean homogeneity nor does it preclude dissent. I’m not sure if you’re married/partnered or not. But, think of it this way: when a couple forms an intimate bond – whether through marriage or partnership – they are united. But, are they the same person? Do they share the same DNA? Of course not. They usually have different – even conflicting – goals. But, they find a way to make it work because they’re interested promoting a healthy, larger relationship.

            When conflict arises in that relationship, is there dissent? Sometimes, yes, there is. Sometimes there’s anger and hurt feelings. Sometimes the two even need time apart. But, if they are both fully committed to making the relationship work, they find a way to move past those differences and become better people. They compromise. They become aware of each other’s boundaries. They promise to not cross those boundaries and they keep that promise as best they can.

            I don’t know what the lifeblood of a community is, exactly … except, perhaps, the people within it.

            I’m glad you don’t need converting but that’s really not what I’m asking. Nor am I evangelizing. It would be impossible for me to do either because we are both part of the same religion and share many of the same ideologies. We both celebrate the same holidays, memorialize our loved ones in the same way, appreciate similar cultural art and aesthetics, are proud of our shared heritage, and perhaps even enjoy many of the same unique culinary delicacies. I have lox and bagels each Sunday morning 😉 And you’re welcome to come over sometime.

            Put simply, I can’t convert or evangelize you – we already believe the same things. We just choose to express it somewhat differently.

            If it seems off-putting, I don’t intend it to be. I believe in a positive pro-Jewish and pro-Israel perspective. I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to fight. Not anymore. We both know it’s fruitless and pointless. It only serves to make us feel better about ourselves. And, while the people, places and things change, the arguments on all sides are always remain the same. We’ve both heard them all before… ad nauseum.

            So, that’s what I do. Faced with constant negativity, hostility and ossified ideologies… I remain steadfast yet flexible with a positive perspective, direction and attitude. A harbor in the tempest, if you will.

            You are skeptical. You’re probably even cynical. I’m sure those who know you – especially those who share your perspective – don’t think so. I’m sure you have people who love you and believe you’re a good person – despite what those on the other “side” says.

            But, think about it for a moment. Seriously. What if…? What if the goals we both share could be accomplished in a positive, agreeable way?

            We’re both very smart people with the credentials to boot. We could be the people who come out of nowhere and make the seemingly impossible – possible.

            In this world of polemic hate and rigid dichotomies … we could do what’s never been tried before. Promote love and positive momentum… even among those who completely disagree.

            David K from Philly

  5. You’r writing is soo smart its easily to be misunderstood. So I was glad I read the whole thing before concluding what was the message.

    My personal belief is that the critisism I have against Israel is the politics of the growth into Palestinian territory. It has nothing to do with the religions people have, only human rights. Not that I can really see a great solution as there is so much hatred in the middle east towards the Jewish people.

    Ive been wondering why the republicans has been “pro-Israel” when the message clearly has been christian oriented and not very represented by jewish religion, which is clearly just making everyhting messy.

  6. “Blackwashing”?

    So in your book any negro who supports Israel is a licker of white Jew-boots. In fact, anybody who supports Israel is a zio-lackey, right? Meaning 70% of Americans who support Israel are all zio-washed, right?

    Man, you really stretch yourself thin.

    1. Brian Cohen, the racist settler who squats both Palestinian land and Ma’an News’ comment section is still using the word ‘Negro’ : the Deep South in the West Bank 50 years later…

    1. African ‘refugees’. Really? How do Eritreans and Sudanese ‘asylum seekers’ fall under the rubric of ‘refugees’?
      I’m dying to know.

      1. @ Shoshana: We’ve been over that ground before here. Review my African refugee posts & the comment threads & you’ll find the discussions related to it & perhaps (though it’s doubtful) be educated.

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