10 thoughts on “Bibi: IDF Generals Only Worried About Covering Their Asses on Iran – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم
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  1. An atmosphere of “kas-tach”( “Key-sue-e Ta-chad”- butt covering ) prevails in the absence of leadership.
    Bibi has only himself to blame and Israeli society is to blame that there is no worthy leader to replace him.
    Possession of assertiveness and creativity are not enough to be a leader and how can leadership qualities such as integrity,fairness,magnanimity and humility be instilled in future leaders in the Israel of today.
    Israel pays a moral price for the continued control over Palestinian destiny that affects it’s very essence.

    “Leadership is the capacity and will to rally men and women to a common purpose and the character which inspires
    Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery

    Bibi does not possess that capacity

  2. Israeli generals are worried that attacks on Iran would result on missiles raining on Tel Aviv & Jerusalem. What if they just rained missiles on settlements in the West Bank?

  3. You think Bibi would have learnt something when he ordered the assassination of Khaled Mashal in Jordon against the advise of Danny Yatom the head of Mossad.

    ARROGANT and PIGHEADED as ever.

  4. Abba Eban put it succinctly: “History teaches us that all men and nations resort to wisdom when all other alternatives fail” (quote from memory)

  5. Yes, it is hard to imagine Israeli soldiers willing to follow Bibi anywhere, assuming they know Bibi like we know Bibi. Only the certifiable would die “for Bibi and country.”

    Seems to me that, if there was to be a nuclear arms race in the ME, Israel would have started it at this point. It has been common knowledge for decades that Israel had nuclear weapons. And inasmuch as Israel is not exactly a good neighbor, why hasn’t the entire region armed itself with nuclear warheads, attached even to homemade rockets?

    More seriously — Israel has been threatening to attack Iran on a daily basis for many months now. I would think that such threats from a head of state would be taken most seriously by the intended target. In fact, the case could be made for a presumptive Iranian attack on Israel in view of these daily threats. Despite the provocation, the regime has not pulled the trigger. It seems to me that a lot of good press — even good will — could be fabricated from these facts. Why not? Certainly if my neighbor threatened me every day I would have to consider acting to silence the threats. I think even the “West”, the US’s erstwhile allies, would understand and sympathize with such an attack. Why can’t Iran hijack the Bush doctrine for such a purpose? Anybody? (BTW — I get along fine with my neighbor.)

  6. israeli’s generals stand for greatness not dumbness like bibi ass! rothschild is kicking bibi’s ass to carry out his orders to attack iran before iran does something terribly wrong like come up with a global model to help strengthen the global economy. you know, something simplistic that could have been introduced a long time ago…nno says rothschild! the khazarians will rise again and this time destroy the caliphate and his servants/minions. which rothschild is the kagan?

  7. “Previous reports have mentioned that Bibi believes that if Israel attacks that the U.S. would feel compelled to intercede on Israel’s behalf. I don’t buy this at all, unless Iran did counterattack and rain down missiles on Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. So in effect, Bibi is saying that if I launch an unprovoked attack and the Iranians pummel my cities, then Obama will have no choice but to step in and finish the job. That’s incredibly cynical strategic thinking. Using the blood of your own citizens as bait. It’s almost trickery. But it just might work since Obama is spineless and has no overarching principles guiding him other than political survival and co-opting the other guy.”

    Bibi and Obama don’t realize how well paired they really are.

  8. Bibi is just having a hissy fit because he and his war monger buddies, Leiberman and Barack, were voted down by the Generals and intell side of the government a few months back when they proposed attacking Iran. That’s why the price of crude tumbled from $110 per barrel down to $77 per barrel. Now an unholy alliance of Iranians and Zionists are working hand in hand to rattle the saber to bring back the higher prices. Last year when Tamir Pardo stated to a group of Israeli Ambassadors, “Iran, even with nuclear weapons is not an existential threat to Israel”, he along with the Generals knew that Iran was not building nukes. If Bibi is angry about the Generals raising objections to an attack, they probably remember when Diabolical Dick Cheney tried to egg the Joint Chiefs into an attack against an Iranian base based on one of his many lies. Their answer back, “when Iran retaliates for our first attack, how far do we go to all-out war”. The attack did not happen. The same sort of thing happened shortly after the battles had been won in Iraq. The US proposed to S Korea that they were going to attack N Korea. No records was kept for the public, but the S Koreans probably said, “WTF are you thinking? If you attack them, they will attack us; hundreds of thousands will be killed and Seoul will be destroyed”. That attack was also cancelled. We have too many Israel Firsters and also propagandists for Israel who will discount the potential for actual damage to US versus them. War is always much worse than the planners hope for.
    If the US were to be so stupid as to get involved in an attack, the retaliation would come in the form of cigarette lighters in all the national forests in the US as just one example of asymmetric warfare

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