18 thoughts on “Bibi Threatens Licenses of Israeli Media Which Publish List of Wealthiest Israeli Politicians – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم
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  1. RE: “The supreme irony here is that Shalom was willing to sell the souls of the thousands of Iranians who would die from an Israeli attack on behalf of protecting his wealth and privilege from the prying eyes of the Israeli electorate.” ~ R.S.

    MARK TWAIN: “Those who respect the law and love sausage should watch neither being made.” ~ Samuel Clemons

    “Some twenty years ago, as I was sitting in the House of Representatives of the Illinois legislature, watching its closing hours, a member who had never spoken during the entire session arose to address the House… He said: ‘…I have come to the conclusion that the making of laws is like the making of sausages—the less you know about the process the more you respect the result.’ ” ~ Frank W. Tracy in 1898

    SOURCE – http://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Talk:Otto_von_Bismarck

  2. Richard, the list wasn’t “leaked” to the Israeli media. It was given to various newspapers / TV channels in the beginning of this month by Forbes Israel, as a promo to their November issue who’s cover story is “Israel’s Richest Politicians”. The data there was gathered by Forbes staff. I’m no fan of Bibi or of Shalom, but your version of why this list got pulled off the wires – with Shalom threatening not to vote for an attack on Iran and Bibi threatening to cancel licenses – is simply ludicrous. It’s much more simple than that: Shalom’s lawyer simply sent out a letter threatening to sue them all for defamation. Forbes Israel, by the way, is running with the story. I don’t know who your confidential source is, but he’s not only totally off the mark – he’s lying.

    1. I’ve updated the story after hearing from Dvorit Shargel who first reported it yesterday. I’ve updated even further when I realized I hadn’t gotten one part of the story my source gave me quite right.

      Please send me any links to anything Forbes Israel reports on the story.

  3. Great scoop… except that it’s not hidden anywhere….
    Even Rotter got to story 2 days ago…

    Next I’d love to see how much Yossi Beilin , Avnery Burg and others made as a result of the “Peace process” I’m sure it would make fascinating reading to know how much cash a high level peace advocate can make.

  4. In fact Shalom owns nothing. The money is his wife’s.
    Neeman is one of the biggests lawers in Israel, who joined this gov. from the private sector. You don’t expect a great lawyer to be broke do you ?
    And the sum you describe here is nothing but “unfathomable riches for an Israeli” where you have people like:
    Stef Verthimer – who sold Iscar to waren buffet for more than 7Billion $.
    Morris Kahan – founder of Amdocs more than 1Bill$
    Yudith & Kobi Richter – Medinol founders more than 1Bill$
    Gid Shvaid – founder of Checkpoint more than 1Bill$
    Moriss Nucht – also from Checkpoint….

  5. This story is ssso stupid that not in a million years can you be believed that you have a source. You are a complete and utterly shameless liar.
    Your conspiracy theory is ridiculous that it speaks volumes on you, not on Israel.

  6. You are so unbelievable:
    1. Forbes Israel is still running the story. you can buy the magazine at book stores.
    2. Globes Stop the publication after receiving the lawyers letter because they cannot be sure how the list was made and if it is accurate.
    3. Really, only one sick individual can believe the story about bibi or shalom and Iran.
    4. Channel 10 will not be closed – of course you will not appologise, rather say that liber an threatened to nuke the us if bibi closes the channel

    1. I plan to get a copy and offer it online if I can. Why did Forbes Israel “disappear” the story from its website along with The Marker? If Forbes Israel was sure of the accuracy of the article it wouldn’t cave to such pressure. But it did.

      An Israeli journalist with far better sources than you told me yesterday that Bibi has already made the decision to close Channel 10. We’ll see who’s right.

      1. See how pathetic you are.
        First, Forbes Israel does not have an website. Never had. You could have checked it, very easily, but why check when you can just lie?
        Secondly, the marker never ran the story, not for a minute. You could have checked that too, very easily, but why check when you can just lie?
        Thirdly, you contradict yourself: I thought Israel was a dictatorship in which the accuracy of a story has nothing to do with it being publish (only orders from bibi of course).
        Fourth, you of course have no idea whatsoever who I am, what sources I have or what I know. You could have asked, but why bother?
        I don’t believe you have a source. No Israeli person – journalist o not – can come up with such stupid lies.
        Ho, and if you want copies of Forbes Israel magazine I will be more than happy to sell you as many as you wish.

        1. Guess what? I make mistakes. But whether or not Forbes has a website isn’t critical to the story, though you, I’m sure, would like to make it so. Next, the media which reported the story were Mako & Globes (not The Marker as I reported), both of which took the story down under threat. Again, whether the story was taken down by The Marker, or Globes or Mako is much less significant than that two major media outlets were intimidated into silence.

          You could have asked

          Why would I want to ask an asshole like you anything? As for accusing me of lying…repeatedly. That’s a violation of my comment rules & you’re moderated till you show you can mind your manners. If you return & violate rules again you’ll lose yr privileges altogether.

          1. Once again: globes and mako quated forbes. They received a threatening letter from shalom’s lawyers. Now, they know nothing of the Forbes list: how is it made? Is it accurate? Is it serious?
            So, they did what any reasonable editor would: they dismissed astory they cannot check nor be sure of it’s truth.
            That’s it.
            All the bullshit about Iran and bibi is utter nonsense. I don’t believe you, I don’t believe you have a source, I dont believe you believe it. It’s pure propaganda.
            Again – shame on you.

  7. OMG it would appear that Israel has just as bad elected officials as the United States. Oh I forgot the Israel bought all our elected officials and it would be crazy to think that they would purchase anything different that what they happen to be. It is amazing how a small number of rich people have destroyed so much. I can only imagine we are basically after 1500 years back in the days of the Lords and serfs. The knights are the war mongers who will sell their services to the guy with the most gold.

  8. And one other thing, which I am sure you know but nevertheless lie about: in Israel the prime minister does not decide the faith of a tv channel.
    The channel owes money, taxes, and the shareholders don’t want to pay.
    Now they want the government to relieve them of their debts. to make sure that the government will cave to their huzpa demands, they, with the support of the likes of you, make it an issue of freedom of press.
    If the channel closes – and I am sure it won’t – the milliner owners of the channel and its managers who spent the money are to blame, no one else. managers o blame.
    Shame on you.

  9. The world is waking up. The cittizens(99%) have been fleeced and they want the guilty to be held to account. Maybe it’s time for “Occupy Jerusalem”. Oops forgot. It already is occupied.

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