6 thoughts on “Bibitours: Overseas Trips Involved 30 Knesset Ethics Violations – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم
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  1. the situation in Israel seems to be getting stranger by the moment. Netanyahu is facing at least allegations of corruption just when he is pushing for what could well turn out to be a major war with Iran; (ignoring all thought about purposeful distraction) isn’t it incredibly irresponsible, and dangerous for Israel, for the PM to be leading Israel into a war with Iran just when the he could be embroiled in corruption charges?

  2. RE: “Bibi is suing Channel 10 for $800,000 for libelling him and seeking to close the station for non-payment of royalties and licensing fees to the State–unless it fires Drucker…That’s press freedom-Israel style.” ~ R.S.

    MY COMMENT: But…but…but, Israel’s ambassador to the UN Ron Prosor recently said they “value diversity of opinions.”

    SEE: Israel diplomat ‘accidentally’ attended lunch for Le Pen, Ma’an News Agency, 11/06/11

    [excerpt] NEW YORK (Ma’an) — Israel’s ambassador to the UN Ron Prosor attended a luncheon for France’s National Front leader Marine Le Pen “by accident,” his spokeswoman told AFP on Thursday.
    Prosor attended the event in honor of the far-right leader at the United Nations in New York. It was Le Pen’s first meeting with an Israeli official.
    Prosor’s spokeswoman Karean Peretz told AFP that the ambassador’s attendance was the result of a misunderstanding. She did not elaborate.
    The French newspaper Le Monde reported that Prosor told reporters before entering the event: “I am a free man.” After the meeting, he told reporters: “We value diversity of opinions.” …

    SOURCE – http://www.maannews.net/eng/ViewDetails.aspx?ID=435373
    P.S. Unholy alliance: Israel’s right and Europe’s anti-Semites
    PHOTO: Israel’s ambassador to the UN Ron Prosor accidentally smiles while rubbing shoulders with French ultra-right leader Marine Le Pen. – http://warincontext.org/2011/11/06/unholy-alliance-israels-right-and-europes-anti-semites/

  3. Dickerson3870, did Ron Proser attend that lunch intentionally? Remember, his aide said it was unintentional. He could hardly be rude to Le Pen, being a diplomat. It may be unfair and lessens our credibility if we smear on false charges.

  4. Wasn’t Ehud Olmert involved in a similar scandal? Taking backhanders for foreign trips, falsifying expenes or padding them up and claiming them.

    It seems to be one of the unwritten fringe benefits of being a Prime Minister in Israel. Not that the problem is unique to Israel.

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