8 thoughts on “Steve Jobs, Hubris, and Destruction of California Architectural Legacy – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم
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  1. I have to admit, as the wife of a former Apple employee, many people have long believed Jobs was a person who suffered from narcissism. A driven individual, but not interested in much more than himself and his own visions.

  2. Richard, ‘m very interested in your take on Jobs and well recall your attempt – vain, alas – to save the Jacking house from destruction by an arrogant megalomaniac. I think you might be interested in the following post I sent to several places after I participated in the occupywallstreet march here in NYC on Wednesday, the same day that the expected death of Steve Jobs launched a dawn-to-dawn paroxysm of ostentatious mourning. I’d like to share these thoughts with you:

    “I of 84 years shuffled along yesterday with thousands of people ranging from the young to old geezers like myself and representing every human coloration and, yes, even social class and political persuasion from Marxist to conservative (not reactionary, but conservative in the pre-Reagan sense of the word). Also, I have used Mac computers exclusively now for almost 25 years.

    “The above prefaces what I have observed about the mainstream media and the death of Steve Jobs, rightly admired at least for his part in creating Apple’s amazing products, but I find remarkable how much his death has upstaged the event yesterday that drew together 15,000 plus self-disciplined people to exercise dissent as ‘the greatest form of patriotism’. With little exception (ABC News for one), you can vigorously search the mainstream media before you find a bit about the march. The New York Times, for instance, said little, and that reluctantly. Plenty, though, about Steve Jobs as it joined its colleagues in an orgasmic mainstream threnody.

    “Maybe human beings need to mourn the great and famous, as with Princess Diana, but I suspect in this case it’s only partly so. Steve Jobs, conveniently excused for the moment from his use of overseas sweat-shop labor producing his products, represented something better than we’ve come to expect from the corporatists: the GOOD counterpoising what we were marching against – the fraudulent, evil, lying, greedy, cheating, shady, manipulative, cruel and anti-democratic dangerous corporatists destroying financial justice and decency itself. He was above all not a Koch- or Armey-type Fifth Columnist. Thus do we have an overwhelming use of the death of an individual, an important one to be sure, to obscure a significant (and, by the way, decidedly non-astroturf) expression that aims to make corporations serve society justly, corporations, for example, such as those controlling our mainstream media.

    “The only good I can see in the poor coverage of this historic march is that possibly such deficiency signals a recognition that the occupywallstreet movement might have the potential to achieve what it demands.”

  3. There is one way, I think, that we can come to terms with one such as Jobs, his life, his accomplishments, his failings as a human, and finally his death, after a long, probably quite tortuous battle with cancer. Assume for a moment that we really are all part of The Matrix, each of us a program, some with clearly defined function, some without. Dying then simply means being deleted, with perhaps bits and pieces of the program surviving to be resurrected again (which would, BTW< explain much of the deja vus we get, some more than others). Then it's easy to conceive that there will be a few programs with an almost single minded functionality, designed to move things along by quantum leaps, rather than steady "evolution". Such would be Jobs, a unique program with well defined functionality, someone who to us would appear as a "Black Swan" – a once in a generation occurrence (or is it apparition?). It is then quite conceivable that specific tuned programs, such as his, will have to contain some serious compromises with the "human" side, a side which could otherwise trip the over-arching purposes, potentially undermining the "function" (humans do that, don't they? going off on tangents -is all part of it for most of us, mere "ordinary" programs).

    His long term disease will then be the tell tale sign that the purpose for which program Jobs was inserted is about to come to an end. Maybe that's why there was no iPhone 5 release. Such incremental bits of "progress" can be done by others. Jobs has then done all he was designed to do, including a couple of last bursts during the time he was sick. And then the Matrix took him back.

    Too bad such programs cannot be made to accommodate, at least occasionally, other human needs, such as Jackling house. Perhaps that's the kind of solution The matrix has not yet mastered. Maybe it, grand simulation that it is, needs our help for that.

  4. Say what you will about Jobs the man (I didn’t know him, personally…), clearly he’s being celebrated because he made a s**tload of money.

    Sadly, that’s all we have left of the American Dream, and it’s an illusion.

    Proud to be part of the 99% here in Santa Cruz, California.

    Free Bradley Manning.


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