5 thoughts on “Hamas Leader, Meshaal, Praises Abbas’ UN Bid for Statehood – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم
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  1. I don’t believe in a two state solution. I believe in a civil reintegration of the entire land.

    Look at NYC. Do Jews and Muslims, and hundreds of other factions, not live together and create one of the most potent and powerful cities in the world?

    I am tired of this two-state plan that is built to create more war. Instead of a two-state solution, the proposal sounds like the division of Germany to me. Are we going to go through decades more of this with walls in between people? This is not progress or peace to me, but a walk down a bad road.

    If South Africa could do it, Israel is no different. In realpolitik, Israel has all the military power. But, that is no longer the penultimate means of rule. Globalism and the information age mixed to create a new era: the age of populism. We can see everything. We are everywhere. We are the 99% – it applies all across the board.

  2. With the Palestinian bid, Israel missed yet again (and inevitably) the opportunity to be a light, and not a blight, unto the nations. By working with the Palestinian bid, Israel could have undercut the virulent absolutism of die-hard anti-Zionists like Iran, creating a basis for peace. But, hungry for other people’s land and resources and inebriated with power, the Likud gangsters just told the same old lies about how good and reasonable they are.

    Next stop, Tehran? Israel is a disaster for Jews and Judaism.

  3. What an amazing bit of information that I suspect was deliberately suppressed. Much was made of Hamas’ supposed rejection of the UN bid, and Al Jazeera reported that Abbas’ speech before the UN was blocked from being broadcast in Gaza. However, in fact, Gazans did see it. I think it is quite likely that the rumor of Hamas’ non-support was generated in an attempt to create the illusion of disunity among Palestinians, and of course to unfairly show Hamas as being utterly intransigent.

    1. A Hamas operative inside Gaza was quoted as opposing the UN bid. But he was much less senior than Meshaal in authority. I think there may be a break between Hamas in Damascus and Hamas in Gaza on this. Though I could be wrong. But Meshaal is ultimately the big kahuna & makes these decisions.

      1. This isn’t the first time this past year that I’ve seen statements that indicated a break between the Hamas politburo and its government. The first was around the time of the PA-Hamas reconciliation (after it was agreed to, and before it stalled, I believe). Statements along the lines of how much of an Israel they could live alongside with… the indications from Meshaal were that they could deal with the continued existence of an Israeli nation after the Palestinian side got everything else they were asking for, while the Gazans (and I’m pretty sure Haniyeh himself said it) would merely settle for not shooting at the Israelis *for a while*. Sorry if that seems vague or if it isn’t precisely how things went down, it was a few months ago and I’m not taking the time right now to look it up, but it left me with the impression that Hamas just might have a tug-of-war between hardline and moderating forces in high places.

        For that matter, I think the reconciliation agreement itself – its agreement by Meshaal, the inability of Haniyeh to follow through on it- gives more clues to a break between Damascus and Gaza.

        The riskiness of Meshaal’s comments in Tehran would be if that break is large enough for his benefactors to exploit, i.e. if Iran and Syria can effectively bypass him in favor of dealing more directly with the Gazan leadership. I suspect, however, if the break was *that* significant, he would not have gone to the Ayatollah’s home turf and told him he’s got it wrong.

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