6 thoughts on “Palestinian Attempts to Buy Bankrupt East Jerusalem Real Estate Project, Debtholders and Residents Scandalized – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم
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  1. I looked up the project on googlearth, most of the project doesn’t appear yet on the free version, but the place where it stands today seems to be straddling the border of pre-67 Israel and the so-called “no-man’s land”.

    It is definately not in “East Jerusalem” of pre-67.

  2. Selling land to Jews is illegal and punishable by death under PA decree. You don’t seem to mention that little fact, so stop with all the apartheid nonsense. You remind me of all those “useful” Jews who worked for the creation of the Soviet Union in the name of equality, and were all quickly removed (i.e killed) when it was formed because they were a liability.

    I am amazed by the self-destructiveness of Jews (as one myself), it’s as if some have a death wish. As someone who was born in an “Arab” country, let me tell you, they don’t like you, if you share their point of view, they’ll use you, but your still scum to them. It’s not about land, they will never be able to accept Jews. Not unless you are a dhimmi.

    1. Selling land to Jews is illegal and punishable by death under PA decree.

      Blah, blah, blah. Hasbarist propaganda. Have you heard of anyone killed for selling to a Jew? And btw this hasn’t stopped the settlers fr. forgining deeds & claiming land WAS sold to them by Palestinians. Besides, your morality may be relative, but mine isn’t. Eventually, when there is peace there will be no ethnic distinctions about owning land. There should not be now. You would say its OK to refuse to allow Palestinians to buy “Jewish” land because you allege Jews can’t buy “Palestinian” land. I would say I oppose refusing to allow Palestinians to buy “Jewish” land simply because it’s racist & immoral. I don’t need to judge immorality relative to what my alleged enemy does.

      You remind me of those useful idiots who were precisely that, idiots. Not idiots on behalf of a nation or ideology. Just offensive idiots. And so take our fond farewell of yr noxious nonsense. So many violations of comment rules here I can’t being to count.

      Your e mail address if it is real indicates your name is (or might be) “James Booker” & yet you have the temerity to claim not only that you are Jewish but born in an Arab country (what do the quotation marks mean? You don’t even accept that there is such a concept?).

      Frankly, I don’t believe you’re Jewish, but you sure are a wannabe. A Likudist wannabe.

      1. Thank you!

        “You would say its OK to refuse to allow Palestinians to buy “Jewish” land because you allege Jews can’t buy “Palestinian” land. I would say I oppose refusing to allow Palestinians to buy “Jewish” land simply because it’s racist & immoral. I don’t need to judge immorality relative to what my alleged enemy does.”

    1. OOPS! CORRECTION! I MEANT ELIE WIESEL INSTEAD OF SIMON WIESENTHAL! (Yesterday was apparently a “bad brain day” for me! Plus, something on the stove was about to burn, as I recall. Perhaps it was a ‘Freudian slip’. Possibly even some “undies”.)

      CORRECTED VERSION: “For me, the Jew that I am, Jerusalem is above politics…
      …Contrary to certain media reports, Jews, Christians and Muslims ARE allowed to build their homes anywhere in the city…”
      – Elie Wiesel’s full-page ads in the International Herald Tribune, NY Times, Washington Post, and the WSJ in April of 2010.
      SOURCE – http://www.scribd.com/doc/30030904/Wash-Post-Apr16-10-Elie-Wiesel-Ad-A13
      P.S. About 100 Jewish residents of Jerusalem responded with an open letter expressing “outrage” at Wiesel’s ads, and accusing him of sentimentality and falsely claiming that there was no discrimination against Jerusalem’s Arab population. – http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2010/may/12/elie-wiesel-criticism-jerusalem-residents

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