7 thoughts on “Size Doesn’t Matter: Conceals Connection to Canadian Israel Lobby – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم
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  1. If this tasteless campaign had been successful, I’m sure the lobby would be crowing about it from the rooftops, but because it turned out to be an astronomical mistake, the rats are deserting the sinking ship. However, it’s not as easy to do as one would think. As you’ve shown, Richard, they’ve left a trail.

    This may be a boon to those of us who would like to see some of these lobby groups lose power. I am sure there are at least a few people who will now think twice about donating their money to a group who has damaged Israel’s already poor public image. I would like to see fewer donations to groups who unduly influence governmental policy in their favor.

    Now, we could use a similar campaign here in the US that would, shall we say, go limp in a similar fashion. AIPAC, what are you waiting for?

  2. And just when you thought you heard it all, FINALLY someone in Canada IS taking responsibility


    “Our students year-to-year on campus are so burdened by the politicization of the debate,” says Susan Davis, executive director of the Canadian Council for Israel and Jewish Advocacy, an arm of the United Jewish Appeal, which backed the effort. “It’s the idea of hearing about Israel in the bigger picture, Israel outside the conflict, Israel as a complete country. And the students are the most excited.”

    Here is info on Susan Davis:

    Susan Davis has held the position of executive vice-president of the Canadian Council for Israel and Jewish Advocacy (CIJA) since 2005. She began her career with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, where she was from 1979 to 1983, in Geneva and Canada. From 1983 to 1988, she was a member of the Refugee Status Advisory Committee, the predecessor of the Immigration and Refugee Board. For almost seven years, Susan was the national executive director of Jewish Immigrant Aid Services of Canada (JIAS). While there, she also served as a member of the Ministerial Advisory Committee on Appointments to the Immigration and Refugee Board. Susan Davis became a consultant to Citizenship and Immigration Canada in 1995. In the summer of 1998, Susan led the project that established a funding framework for additional settlement dollars for the Ontario Region of Citizenship and Immigration Canada. Susan was a co-author of “Not Just Numbers,” a 1998 report to the then minister of citizenship and immigration, which suggested policy and program directions to allow immigration laws that are more responsive to future trends. Susan became the director of the War Crimes and Public Security Unit in the Ontario Region of Citizenship and Immigration in 1998. Susan joined the Canada Border Services Agency at its inception in December 2003. Ms. Davis holds a master of laws from the London School of Economics and Political Science, and a bachelor of laws and a bachelor of arts from Dalhousie University.

    Yessir that is her background and she thinks this idea was just grand and notes how excited our students are……..

    OK, looks to me like MAJOR damage control.

  3. You’ve got it backwards. CJPAC (what you call CJPA) used to be part of the CIJA/CIC/CJC family (back when it was called CIJA-PAC). Thought they split about 6 years ago, some of it still exists on paper, and sometimes spills over into this sort of thing. But CJPAC doesn’t involve itself in marketing like this, they’ve adapted their focus, and most of what they do now is aim to get Jewish students involved in Canadian politics.

    It would be kind of dumb to have a “charade” that CJPAC wasn’t involved, since CIJA is a much bigger and more robust organization than CJPAC.

    This ad was made by CFJS – the Canadian Federation of Jewish Student, but paid for by CIJA.

  4. The CIJA website has gone POOF.

    Since CIJA bills itself as the Canadian equivalent of AIPAC I find it’s sort of interesting their website has disappeared.

    This is Saturday, I found it was gone at 6 am this morning, had to have gone bye bye before that.


    BTW, Stephen Verrall whose name was on the registration for the sizedoesntmatter website until it was changed this week, is the IT director for CIJA as of Aug 2009 at least.

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