9 thoughts on “Muhammad Sahimi Keynotes Seattle Iran Conference – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم
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  1. I wish I could attend. I would like to hear someone talk common sense about Iran – for a change. I am going deaf from all the sword-rattling.

  2. The Iranians need US to support the pro-democracy movement of Iran and not to shake hands with the leaders of Iran who have the blood of innocent Iranians. I AM AGAINST MILLITARY ACTION but to sit down and talk to Ahmadinejad is certainly inhumane. I hope Mr. Sahimi is not advocating negotiations with IRI.

    1. For the U.S. to support the pro-democracy movement (the real, genuine one, not the one that is equivalent to “democrats” like Ahmad Chalabi, Iyad Allawi and their gangs of thieves and charlatans) would be just about the most damaging thing possible for that movement. The best thing the U.S. could possibly do is get the hell out of the way, stop interfering, and allow Iranians to work things out as they will. In fact, leaders of the Iranian pro-democracy movement have explicitly asked the U.S. to butt out and please, please, please not “support” them or endorse them.

      1. I think it’s not quite as cut & dried as you say. First, if it was a fair fight I would say you are right & we should butt out. But it is not. The thugs in gov’t have virtually all the levers of power & the reformers seem virutally helpless except for a few well placed allies like Montazeri who they are too cowed to haul to jail & torture.

        People I know who’ve been to Iran lately have told visitors they look to the U.S. to help them though of course they’re not clear how. I think Obama needs to make firm calls on behalf of the reformers w/o in any way intervening in Iran’s internal affairs. I don’t think we should do any of this alone, but rather in concert w. the UN & other agencies who the mullahs would have a hard time smearing for their alleged hatred of Iran.

        1. It might have changed somewhat since the Bush regime ended. During those eight years My information was that the democrats were virtually begging the U.S. government to stay out of it, including any kind of “support”. During the uprising right after the election I heard over and over from many different sources, including a few personal sources, that open support from the U.S. would be poisonous to the opposition.

          Another very serious concern I have is that the U.S. never supports any political movement or government in the third world without some sort of quid pro quo, and the price is always very, very high for the recipient of the support. Furthermore, as soon as the U.S. has no more use for those they have so ardently supported, they are tossed to the wolves. The Kurds have certainly experienced that in spades over the decades, though they seem incapable of learning from the experience no matter how many times it is repeated. The Mujaheddin in Afghanistan learned their lesson well, however.

          And finally, the U.S. has a clear and irrefutable history of mucking things up long term, if not short term, wherever it sticks its hands in the Middle East.

          If I were an Iranian democrat I would be extremely leery of accepting support or help of any kind from the United States.

          1. There are a lot of people in Iran who still remember what we did to Mohammed Mossadeq. They don’t trust us, especially when we are so much in love with Israel.

  3. Ah, Richard, you’re still counting on Obama? Try to get it through your head that he is a part of the oligarchy that doesn’t want a solution or peace in the Middle East. All they want is hegemony in the region, and they are using Israel as their aircraft carrier to carry out chaos, which includes an eventual military conflict with Iran. It is no different than AfPak. They are not looking for peace or democracy. They couldn’t care less about that. All they want is control of the energy resources, and they will secure them any way they can, no matter how many people may die or be displaced in the process.

    All these comments are much ado about nothing, and signify ignorance.

    1. Sadly, I tend to agree with you, Gene. The entire Iran situation is a tempest in a teapot. The US and Israel have been instigating problems for years, focusing on Iran’s nuke program while conveniently ignoring Israel’s. Always spoiling for a fight – that’s the US and Israel. Dreaming up threats when there are none, implementing foreign policy that guarantees to produce more so-called “terrorists”, we’re up to our eyeballs in violence of our own making.

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