47 thoughts on “Dov Hikind: Jewish Racist Advocates Religious Holy War, Building Third Temple – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم
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  1. NO Palestinians qualify. As far as I know, if there has been a single approval of a Palestinian permit in decades I’d be shocked.

    Hell, that’s one way how they get rid of the Palestinians when they want to. They deny them building permits, forcing them to more or less “squat” on land they own – which Israel then uses as a raison d’etre to remove them and replace them with arab-free housing.

    In addition, Hikind and his ‘minyans’ stand blatantly opposed to U.S. policy which opposes settlements and supports a freeze. How can the U.S. government countenance an elected N.Y. state official serving as a major irritant in a critical international conflict??

    They tolerated Peter King when he was more or less openly acting as a major promoter of the IRA in the US and doing things like supporting Noraid and violent action against the British authorities. My guess is that whatever he’s doing is popular or at least acceptable with his constituents, and nobody is going to openly say “We should act against these pro-Israel donations” because that’s a sure-fire way to get labeled an anti-semite.

    On a side-note, you’ve got to love these so-called “holy cities”, especially Jerusalem. They’re practically soaked in centuries of blood, and have been and are a major potential source for conflict. While I don’t like the idea of losing potential archaeological gains under the area or displacing thousands of people from their homes, sometimes I almost wish something – like a meteor – would fall and just wipe the damn city off the map, and hopefully render it uninhabitable for generations.

    1. Hikind either has a lot of Zionist supporters, or else his constituents just don’t care, which is just as possible. Local politics has less to do with issues and more to do with cronyism and business connections, in many cases. A lot of people don’t give a damn about Israel one way or the other.

  2. Apparently the orthodox variety of Judaism in the US, after having been almost moribund half a century ago, is winning adherents (as do othodox brands of Christianity, Mormonism etc.).

    This augurs badly for any peaceful solution in the Middle East. Showing these people up at evey possible occasion, as Richard has done here, is one way of fighting them. One also hopes for the withdrawal of tax privileges etc.

    One might have to wait for Obama’s second term for a denunciation from ‘on high’.

  3. I remember this guy from 2 years ago. He was instrumental in the forced closing of the Khalil Gibran Charter School in New York City, if I remember correctly, because it was a school teaching the Arabic language to its students. He claimed teaching Arabic would help to teach the students how to be terrorists. In fact, the school was not Islamic at all and the principal of the school was Jewish. She was forced to resign over the controversy.


    1. Debbie Al Muntaser, the founder, and first principal of the Khalil Gibran school is not Jewish. She is a Muslim of Yemeni descent. She was forced to resign from the school she conceived and created, and was replaced by a Jewish woman of European, not Arab descent, who had no knowledge of Arabic or Arab culture. This added insult to injury, not because the new principal was Jewish per se, but because the school was founded as a place for learning Arabic language and culture, and the woman who replaced her was a European who was ignorant of both. Had they replaced her with an Arab Jew with a knowledge of and appreciation for Arabic language and culture it would still have been an outrage, but at least it would have been someone competent to fulfill the mission of the school.

    2. PS It is true the school was not Islamic at all. It is also true that Khalil Gibran, for whom the school was named, was a Lebanese from a Christian family.

      1. Thank you for the clarifications. I was astonished at the size of the furor Hikind created over the school. It is hard to see where this guy is more of a threat to Arab Muslims – in the US or in Israel. Obviously, if Huckabee were ever to become president (which I doubt would ever happen), US policy towards Palestinians would go from bad to worse.

  4. If Jews can buy wherever they want in Seattle, why cant they buy in E Jerusalem? One might argue that Seattle is too a divided city, and there are parts of Seattle that are a world apart from cushy Mercer Island

    1. Because Seattle isn’t Jerusalem & your feigned lack of awareness of the diff. bet. the 2 places shows bad faith & disingenuousness. A Palestinian could live anywhere he wanted in Seattle. Not so in Jerusalem.

      I don’t live in “cushy Mercer Island” & you might want to save yr snark for a time when you actually know what you’re talking about. There are minorities who actually live in my neighborhood believe it or not!

      Seattle btw is a city of neighborhoods & there is a central/south Seattle area where most immigrants and minorities live. It is not the most integrated city in the world, but then again most American cities have such segregation. But there are African Americans living in all neighborhoods in Seattle, even the ones larger white. You can’t say that of Jerusalem which is one of the most segregated, divided cities in the world. Or didn’t you know that?

      1. Besides, East Jerusalem is disputed territory and it is common knowledge that the Palestinians want it for their future capital. It’s Netanyahu spitting in their eyes again.

        1. Occupied, and illegally colonized, not disputed. Disputed is an Israeli propaganda term intended to hide the truth. :o}

          1. Frankly, I’m surprised the hasbara crowd is even willing to consider “disputed,” since it connotes that there is another side which disputes their claim. I would’ve thought “holy territories” or “God-given Territories” would be more suitable for them.

    2. Jews can’t (or shouldn’t be able to) buy in East J’lem for the same reason Palestinians can’t buy in West J’lem – or Canadians probably face some hurdles if they want to buy in Seattle.
      If you want Jerusalem to be “divided” in the same sense that Seattle or any other big city is “divided”, that would be fine with me, but that has nothing to do with present reality.

  5. Do you realize this fellow has hitched his chariot to Mike Huckabee’s star? Or maybe it’s the other way around. Hikind took 50 Americans to Israel, it was on that trip that Huckabee did his shows from Israel and then came back and aired the programming on his show. You can youtube it, Huckabee/Israel. Great way to get major media attention for his agenda. (maybe you reported this already but I’m just making the recent connection again)

    1. I didn’t know he was the one who took Huckabee to Israel. Huckabee is another racist right-winger. I remember his remark to the Israeli press saying the Israelis should be able to live anywhere they want (in Palestine). This was in response to Obama’s first call for a stop to building settlements.

  6. Google this on the HuffPost Mary “Mike Huckabee To Speak At East Jerusalem Hotel” Here’s a video (blech) of Hikind buttering up Huckabee’s credentials on the trip

    On second thought, you won’t want to watch it and barf.

  7. Nir Barkat, mayor of Jerusalem, was the least restrained, stating:

    “Israeli law does not discriminate between Jews and Arabs and between east and west [Jerusalem]. The demand to specifically halt construction for Jews is not legal in the U.S. or in any other enlightened country in the world.

    “I cannot imagine the American administration demanding a halt to construction in the U.S. based upon race, religion or sex, and the attempt to demand this of Jerusalem constitutes a double standard and is unacceptable. The Jerusalem Municipality will continue to enable construction in all parts of the city to both Arabs and Jews, with one law for all.”

    1. And Nir Barkat is supposed to be a esteemed source? And such a liar. What universe is this guy living in? No discrimination bet. Jews & Arabs in Israeli law? Besides this being utterly false, the issue isn’t so much Israeli law, but the implementation of Israeli law, i.e. what really happens in everyday life. In that sense, Israel is almost an apartheid state in terms of the discrimination between the two groups. In terms of residency in Jerusalem, this holds equally true. All the good mayor would have to do is spend a single night living as a Palestinian in East Jerusalem to know what it is like for those residents he’s also supposed to represent.

      The American administration hasn’t occupied another people’s land for decades so there is no need for the U.S. to prevent its citizens from stealing, occupying & building upon the land of another people.

      The Jerusalem Municipality will continue to enable construction in all parts of the city to both Arabs and Jews, with one law for all.”

      This is not only a lie, it’s a despicable lie and Barkat is disgusting in his disingenuousness.

      1. The Hasbarats love to regale people with how they treat both Arabs and Israelis equally, but the reality is in fact very different.

        As I have said in another thread, for some of us our sensibilities and moral compass do not allow for discrimination and for the active oppression of another people with the subsequent stealing of their land and ethnic cleansing. The past cannot be changed, but we can change the present and the future.

  8. In the book, Murder in the Name of God: The Plot to Kill Yitzhak Rabin, by Michael Karpin and Ina Friedman, the authors describe how Hikind helped to instigate the climate of hatred that resulted in the murder of Rabin.

    “They [authors Karpin and Friedman] then describe the campaign of hatred that Orthodox circles and Jewish extremists in New York City launched against Rabin and his government. Masterminding the effort were such figures as New York State Assemblyman Dov Hikind (Kahane’s former right hand in the Jewish Defense League), Rabbis Abraham Hecht and Herbert Bomzer, and businessmen Sam Domb and Jack Avital. These individuals were themselves connected to mainstream politicians who were indebted to them, including New York Mayor Rudolph Giuliani and Governor George Pataki.”


  9. There are so many items in this posting that are not based on fact, but I will address a sampling.

    You state, “One of the worst aspects of Hikind’s enterprise is its goal of eradicating a Palestinian presence from historically Arab East Jerusalem neighborhoods.” Where exactly is the “Palestinian presence” being eradicated FROM? Allowing Jews to move into areas that are predominately Arab hardly “ERADICATES” the Palestinian presence. You night have a claim if Hikind was advocating for the forceful movement of Arabs out of their neighborhoods. But no one is claiming this to be the case.

    Can you explain the presence in what you call “Historic Arab East Jerusalem,” one of the largest and oldest Jewish cemeteries in the world on the Mount of Olives? Can you explain the historical neighborhood of Shimon Ha’Tadik located in what you call “Historic Arab East Jerusalem? Would you acknowledge the FORCED expulsion of Jews from eastern Jerusalem and the West Bank area after the Jordanian conquest of these areas in 1949? Would you acknowledge that the Israeli/Jordanian cease fire agreement of 1949 includes a provision that each side is not yielding their legal claim to territory in the others control?

    You state that “They (Hikind) are buying and stealing Palestinian homes.” Can you document the “stealing” of homes?

    I know of Jews who have for many many years gone through the very liberal Israeli court system, in order to get back their property that they was forced to evacuate when the Jordanians took control of eastern Jerusalem and the West Bank. If the court rules in the favor of the Jewish owners, is this stealing?

    What EXACTLY did Mr. Hikind say or do that was racist? The fact that you don’t agree with his politics does not make him a racist. Does he advocate that Arabs are of a lesser legal or “human” standing than Jews? Does he advocate separate “Arab” drinking stations for water coolers and separate seating areas in public places? FACTS PLEASE – NOT POLITICAL HYPERBOLE!!

    Allowing Jews to purchase land and build is not racist. If Jews want to buy land in an area with many Arabs, so be it. Are Arabs not allowed to live in predominately Jewish areas?

    Where exactly is the city of East Jerusalem? (Notice the capital letter “E” is the word east.) I know only of a city called Jerusalem. Even when the Jordanians evicted all of the Jews from eastern Jerusalem and the “West Bank” they never had the temerity to call the eastern part of the occupied city “East Jerusalem.” THIS IS SHEER HISTORICAL REVISIONISM! Shame on you!

    There are so many allegations made on this postings with absolutely no supporting evidence. There is also many facts omitted, such as the reason for Debbie Al Muntaser’s forced resignation. That was conveniently omitted.

    You state, “As far as I know, if there has been a single approval of a Palestinian permit in decades I’d be shocked.”



    1. Allowing Jews to move into areas that are predominately Arab hardly “ERADICATES” the Palestinian presence.

      Ah, but it does when Hikind & his cronies arrange for Palestinians who have lived in these neighborhoods for generations to be forcibly evicted & their homes demolished–that is eradication. Once you demolish a home or two here & there you establish a precedent & get Israeli Jews used to the idea of such violent expropriation, then the evictions come in their tens, hundreds & thousands & that is wholesale eradication better known as ethnic cleansing. That is the ultimate goal, which is why peace activists are fighting so hard against this evil.

      Right now Hikind & the radical settlers are engaging in ethnic ‘tidying.’ But shortly it will become wholesale ethnic cleansing.

      Can you explain the presence in what you call “Historic Arab East Jerusalem,” one of the largest and oldest Jewish cemeteries in the world on the Mount of Olives?

      Can you explain what gives Jews the right to expropriate Arab land and property by force? And what gives them the right to do this so often by fraud, forgery & other forms of deceit?

      I never said there were no Jews in East Jerusalem or that there should be no Jews there. Of course there are and there should be. But Jews must not steal the land of current residents in order to reestablish their presence. If they do this then the entire enterprise of repopulating East Jerusalem with Jews is a fraud & based on theft & immorality.

      If a historic Jewish presence in E. Jerusalem justifies theft of current Palestinian land then all peoples whose lands have been supplanted have a right not only to demand, but to take back that land by force if necessary. That goes for any lingering descendants of Moabites, Jebusites & Ammonites who were exterminated by the ancient Hebrews. It goes for Native Americans. It also justifies blacks of Zimbabwe squatting on white farmers’ lands & stealing it thus impoverishing the rest of the country.

      I think medieval Jews expelled from Spain should return there & demand return of their stolen property & take it back force if necessary. How far do you want to go? Or do you only claim that settler Jews have the right to commit such crimes against Palestinians in order to recitfy this particular injustice?

      Can you document the “stealing” of homes?

      The episodes of theft & expropriation of Arab property by settlers are so great that I can only take this question as a provocation. All you need to is look up “settler land theft” or some such in Google & you’ll find scores of examples. It’s not my job to prove to you that reality exists. If you choose to deny it that’s your problem, not mine. Hikind certainly supports these thefts. If he’s opposed to them I’d love to see proof of that.

      If the court rules in the favor of the Jewish owners, is this stealing?

      What you idiots don’t realize is that by attempting to reclaim this property you are providing the best example for Palestinian refugees to demand the same restitution of their own property within Israel proper. So fine, if you want Jewish property restored I’d be happy to entertain this concept as long as Israel reciprocates by adjudicating the expulsion and restoration of refugees to their family property within Israel. If you deny this reciprocity then no, Jews have no right to have their property restored.

      Does he advocate that Arabs are of a lesser legal or “human” standing than Jews?

      Certainly he does. When he approves of using force to expel Palestinians fr. their property he approves of a lesser standing for Arabs than Jews. This is the beginning of force population transfer which is a concept popularized by his rebbe, Meir Kahane. Once a Kahanist always a Kahanist. You don’t have to wear white robes to be a Klansman. Hikind may be an elected official, but he’s still a well dressed, well funded Kahanist.

      Allowing Jews to purchase land and build is not racist.

      “Buying land” is not racist. Stealing land IS. Also, the fact that Hikind supports the denial of Palestinian right to purchase land within Israel and the denial of a Palestinian/Arab right to build within E. Jerusalem & Israel itself is patently racist. If Hikind talks like a racist, & walks like one, then he is one.

      Are Arabs not allowed to live in predominately Jewish areas?

      Arabs do not live in west Jerusalem. They are not allowed to own land in many predominantly Jewish towns & villages.

      I know only of a city called Jerusalem.

      Ah yes, the old united Jerusalem nationalist claim. In actuality, Jerusalem is one of the most apartheid like cities in the world. Some unity. One city, united, under God and indivisible with life, liberty and justice for all–Jews.

      Here’s a challenge to you. Get yr friends to do some research in the Jerusalem municipal archives. Find me an Arab building permit approved in Jerusalem & I’ll be happy to publicize it here. I’m confident my claim is true. I dare you to disprove it. And if you do find one, do some research by comparing it to the number of building permits approved for Jews. Then we can talk.

  10. First and foremost the fact that you refer to me as an “idiot” tells me that you cannot properly defend your position. You therefore turn to a personal attack. How shameful.

    You state, “When he approves of using force to expel Palestinians fr. their property he approves of a lesser standing for Arabs than Jews.” Where and when did he state this? Again, accusations without any support.

    You state, “It’s not my job to prove to you that reality exists.”
    a) You have NOT proven that any of your positions reflects reality. Relying on a Google search for “reality” proves nothing! Using Google I can “prove” to you that the holocaust never happened! If you can show me a court case where an Israeli was convicted on stealing Palestinian owned land, then you have proof.
    b) If you make charges then it IS your moral and ethical job/obligation to back up those charges. (I will back up what I posted. You do the same.)

    Until you are prepared to back up your serious vicious and ugly charges with REAL proof, then you are merely engaging in vicious demagoguery.

    1. Idiot? If the shoe fits….

      Stu, your statements are just plain mindboggling. Richard’s statements are well supported in many news accounts and in historical narratives, and by reputable sources. You are really stretching it to try to argue that a person can use google to come up with “proof” of almost anything.

      You ignore the well-known fact that Palestinians do not receive much justice in Israel, particularly when it comes to land. You will not find any Israeli “convicted of stealing land” because land grabbing is a civil matter, not a criminal one, and Palestinians are largely unsuccessful in keeping their land from being acquired by Israelis via legal action. Your challenge to Richard is nonsensical for that reason alone, and also many others.

      “Vicious and ugly charges” of what, exactly? The truth of Israel’s actions is, unfortunately, vicious, ugly and illegal.

    2. the fact that you refer to me as an “idiot” tells me that you cannot properly defend your position.

      I usually address arguments head on and don’t engage in personal invective. But every once in a while a comment strikes me as so offensive and so weak and so insulting that I simply can’t help myself. And believe me, yours had it in spades. I specifically rebutted yr claims with facts. That means I defended my position quite adequately.

      I want to turn the tables on you. Pls. refer to any statement Dov Hikind has ever made in his entire career in which he has criticized or otherwise indicated he opposes the forcible removal of Palestinians from their property. Again, if you can find such a statement I’ll gladly publish it & indicate that you were right and I was wrong. The only reason I make this offer is because I know that there are no such statements. But knock yrself out–find out. I dare you.

      Once again you prove yrself to be little more than an idiot in mischaracterizing how I suggested that you use Google. I suggested that you do a search on keywords to find incidents in which settlers stole settler land. This search would bring up entirely credible media sources which have reported such incidents not once or twice but scores of times. This is not at all like trying to use Google to claim the Holocaust didn’t happen and you know it. If you use Google to find credible sources it’s not the same as using Google to prove trash. Get real, would you?

      By the way, there are many cases in which settlers have used fraud to steal Palestinian property and in which the Israeli gov’t has forcibly evicted settlers and returned the property to its rightful owners. I’ve covered a few of these incidents here in this blog. I know yr aversion to using Google to ascertain inconvenient facts, but you may use Google to search my site & find those posts.

      The proof of what I say is here in my blog and in credible media sources which I’ve offered you a way to find. The fact that you refuse to do so reflects far more on yr ostrich like head in the sand approach to the crimes and evil of the radical settler movement.

  11. Show me where Hikind has said any of the things that you accuse him of.

    You state that “Hikind & his cronies arrange for Palestinians who have lived in these neighborhoods for generations to be forcibly evicted & their homes demolished–that is eradication.” I’m not sure who “his cronies” are, (probably anyone who doesn’t agree with your politics) but are these people being evicted and having the houses demolished through a legal process as is done in every law abiding country (i.e. the rule of law through a court system) or are they being rounded up and having their house demolished by some extra-judicial force?

    Show me a court case as you state “in which settlers have used fraud to steal Palestinian property and in which the Israeli gov’t has forcibly evicted settlers and returned the property to its rightful owners.” You state that you “have covered a few of them in this blog. I hope your not using the fact that you posted them in a blog as proof! SHOW ME A COURT CASE WHERE THE COURTS HAVE RULED **FRAUD**!

    YOU posted the horrible charges against Mr. Hikind, so YOU have the ETHICAL & MORAL obligation to support your accusations. Don’t shunt YOUR ethical & moral responsibilities to provide proof onto me! That too is immoral. I will support what I post, you must do the same for your postings. Telling me to go find support for your positions leads me to believe that you cannot produce the proof to your horrible accusations. Excuse me for taking the liberty to quote from your last most elegant posting directed towards me… “But knock yrself out–find out. I dare you.”

    Feel free to ask your like-minded collegues for assistance.

    1. Hikind is run of the mill pro settler extremist & Kahanist. We all know the general views of the type. I’ve layed out the general racist, violent, larcenous philosophical outlook. Now, it’s on you to prove that Hikind goes against type. I invite you to prove it. If you can’t then don’t bother returning because all you’ll have proven yrself to be is hot air.

      are these people being evicted and having the houses demolished through a legal process

      Generally there is no legal process for the evicted. People show up who may or may not have an order fr. the municipality to destroy the property & they do so. The city of Jerusalem is in cahoots with the settlers & gives them whatever they want. This is not legal process. This once again is institutionalized theft.

      are they being rounded up and having their house demolished by some extra-judicial force?

      Elad, Ateret Cohamin & the other settler groups which steal & demolish these properties are most assuredly extra-judicial. They operate independently of the police and the state though the state no doubt surreptitiously approves of what they’re doing. The fact that you even ask this question indicates you are abysmally ignorant about conditions for Palestinians in E. Jerusalem & the methods used to steal their land.

      Keep yr knickers on. Ehud Barak, defense minister, recently threw out a bunch of settlers who had evicted a Palestinian family fr. a home in Hebron which they claimed to have “bought.” Turns out the person they “bought” it fr. wasn’t the owner & the deed was forged. Barak threw the settlers out. The Associated Press wrote a masterful expose about another case of massive fraud that involved stealing Palestinian land. Here’s a Jerusalem Post story about a diff. case of fraud. And here’s yet another case of fraud & forgery, this time involving a Knesset member.

      Obsessing about court cases is ridiculous. Many Palestinians have sued to get their property back. I’m not in the business of researching court cases & documents just to prove to a supporter of Israeli racism that there is injustice against Palestinian landowners.

      BTW, Peace now, after meticulously going over every single property deed fr. the West Bank estimates that over 30% of settlements have been built on PRIVATE Palestinian land. That is–the settlements stole the land fr. their legal owners. Don’t cry to me about court cases. This is a fact. Deal w. it. If it isn’t a fact then show me the deeds indicating the settlements purchased the land fr. their rightful Palestinian owners.

      I don’t have any obligation moral or otherwise to prove anything to you. Hikind is a disgusting (though minority) representative of the Jewish people & you are his enabler. You make a nice couple. You should live and be well with him in whatever Sheol he will occupy in the next life.

      The next time you call anything I do immoral you won’t ever do it again here. I’m tired of histrionics. If that’s what you want spend some time in the Jerusalem Post talkbacks. That seems a far more suitable environment for you.

  12. Dov Hikind and racism:


    In the above, he makes baseless accusations against Muslim groups endorsing a mayoral candidate of an opposition party.

    In another NY Times article, it describes how Hikind, ever the loopy assemblyman, tries to have Yasser Arafat’s likeness removed from Madame Tussaud’s Wax Museum:


    And from wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dov_Hikind

    Hikind has urged the New York Police Department to implement a policy of racial profiling in subway bag searches, which would affect individuals who appear to come from Middle Eastern or Muslim backgrounds. Hikind defends this policy on the grounds that it would work far more effectively to combat terrorism than the current policy, instituted in 2004, which uses random bag searches. (Searches based on racial profiling have been called racist and demeaning by civil rights groups. The NYPD released a statement against Hikind’s proposal of racial profiling for terrorists). He believes that the terrorist profile (that of Arab-American Muslims) should be targeted as it is the one currently engaged in terrorism in current world events.

  13. If you cannot support the charge of racism that you made against Hikind, them simply say so.

    All you (and Mary) have shown are political differances, of which everyone is entitled to. Nowhere does any article presented here state that Hikind beleives that Arabs are of a lesser human status, which is what racism is.

    Calling someone a racist without any proof is, to my thinking, not “tikkun olam.” Stating that you strongly disagree with his politics is perfectly fine.

    I will concede to you that there are many issues with land titles in eastern Jerusalem the “West Bank” and even is Israel proper. But, as pointed out in the AP article that you hyperlinked to, there are also cases of apparent fraud on the part of Arabs who take millions of dollars from Jews and “sell” property that they don’t rightfully own. The FACT that the Jews have spent millions of dollars to purchase the land indicates that they want to BUY the land, not STEAL it.

    Lastly, yes, there are Jews that are crooks who may try to take advantage of the messy land title situation to illegally steal land. I believe that those cases are individual and do not reflect the overwhelmingly number of land transfers which are transacted in good faith in the authenticity of the sellers ownership. Hopefully, the court system can adjudicate them properly. No one, Arab or Jew, should be improperly evicted from their house and land.

    1. If you cannot support the charge of racism that you made against Hikind

      Do you deny that Hikind was Meir Kahane’s right hand man in the JDL? I know there are Jews like you who think the JDL was the equivalent of the Jewish Boy Scouts, but others of us know differently. JDL=Jewish racists. I rest my case.

      as pointed out in the AP article that you hyperlinked to, there are also cases of apparent fraud on the part of Arabs who take millions of dollars from Jews and “sell” property that they don’t rightfully own.

      I have no idea what you’re talking about. That’s not in the article as I remember it. There may be Arabs who are recruited by Jews to be fraudulent participants in settler schemes. But that is diff. than Arabs being originators of such schemes. When a Jew forges a deed whether or not there is an exchange of payment with anyone, this is theft & not purchase since they have not found the original owner & paid that person. I add that the forgeries are always generated by the Jewish would-be purchasers/thieves.

      the messy land title situation

      No. there is no “messy land title situation.” Palestinians have titles. It is the settlers who seek to muddy the waters by introducing fraudulent documents. They are the ones who are muddying the waters.

      I believe that those cases are individual and do not reflect the overwhelmingly number of land transfers which are transacted in good faith in the authenticity of the sellers ownership.

      Lawdie, denial is a powerful tool isn’t it? I spent 45 seconds doing a Google search & found 5 documented charges of land theft. If I e mailed Israelis who speialize in this field I could come up with scores if not hundreds more.

      The Israeli court system can’t adjudicate anything related to Palestinians fairly. But thanks for that last statement which indicates you have a smidgen of conscience even if its buried under a pile of denial.

  14. Stu, racial profiling is not “political differences.” Would you approve of young African American males being stopped in the subways and frisked, and their bags searched? It is a form of racism. It is also a form of racism to shut down a school because its students are Arabs and the school teaches Arabic, which Hikind perceived as a potential terrorist threat. If he had shut down a school with Latino students being taught Spanish, maybe you would think that was racism; yet you can’t see that the Khalil Gibran school was closed because Hikind is an Islamophobe and an Arab hater?

    What is so infuriating to me is that people like you do not see what Israel does, for what it is. You would rather have the West Bank and East Jerusalem overrun with settlements than have peace in the middle east. I just don’t understand it.

  15. Stu 1 Richard 0 Mary 0

    Mary, your idea that settlements hinder peace is a bit short sighted unless you consider Israel itself to be a settlement. There was no peace long before the first real settlement. The battle is not a clash of peoples but of religions. The Koran states that the Jews are a bygone race, forsaken by God for their corruption. The presence of Israel starkly contests that view.

    Richard, you frequently make statements that are unsupported but passed off as fact. “others of us know differently. JDL=Jewish racists. I rest my case”. This is your opinion not evidence.

    I know of no cases where settlers have destroyed any building which the court had not ruled to be abandon or slated for demolition. To say that the left leaning courts are in cahoots with the right wing settlers is paranoid.

    Ateret Cohanim has a goal of building the 3rd temple just as the Palestinians have the goal of keeping all Jews off the temple mount. Both cannot be successful. They purchase property around the temple mount and who supports them is largely irrelevant to that purpose providing the funds are legally obtained. The goal of building the temple is central to Judaism orthodoxy are claiming it to be racist or theft while supporting all the land aquisition by the “sword of Allah” is unjust. Bargaining is not theft. Who bought Abraham’s field which he bought then passed to Isaac and Jacob?

    If you don’t think Arabs are capable of forging documents then you are obviously unaware of the history of bible document acquisitions. Once interest was shown for the page(s), the document was torn into small pieces to extract the maximum value, without consideration to importance of the page as a whole. Forgeries outnumbered the genuine and many would-be collectors left Palestine with worthless leather. Why is such a stretch to believe some of these forgers children tried to sell the ‘rich Jews’ some worthless deeds? That is not saying all Arabs are forgers nor that all Jews are above forgery either. Criminals exist in all societies but to imagine a state sponsored campaign to ‘steal’ Arab land is paranoid and not supported by the evidence.

    Res 242 acknowledges Israel’s right to keep some of the land it got in the defensive war of 1967. That war has not yet been resolved as Israel was required to withdrawl to mutually agreed borders and no agreement has ever happened to define those borders. If you read what the framers of 242 said, it would be appearant to you that Israel was not required to withdraw to the green line. Therefore, although no agreement as to what land it would keep has been finalized, the building of settlements, still technically illegal without an agreement, reflects the truth that the Palestinians are not willing to agree to any borders for Israel. With the clock ticking, is Israel just supposed to stagnate because that is the wish of their defeated foe?

    1. This is so pathetic I’m going to let Shirin and others take a pass at this guy.

      JDL=Jewish racists. I rest my case”. This is your opinion not evidence.

      This entire blog is one long series of proofs that the Jewish right including the JDL is racist. The proof is there before yr eyes in almost every post. Facts. Dates. Names. Links. The dead. The wounded. The racist quotations. The fact that this is not proof for you tells us more about you & yr own views than about the quality of my evidence.

      1. I’m tired of getting into the same old religious arguments. Zionism is not a religion. Israel is a Zionist state, its objectives are fueled by the Zionism ideology. I will not engage in religious arguments pertaining to Israel/Palestine.

        As Richard pointed out, it is as clear fact that the JDL and the Kahanists are racist. They are anti-Arab, anti-Muslim and support the ethnic cleansing of Muslims, Arabs and Christians from Palestine.

        Another Hasbarat heard from, I guess. Greg, sell it somewhere else, we’re not buying.

      2. Perhaps I should have said, ‘unconvincing’ rather than ‘unsupported’

        You’re correct…even in this post-deconstructionist world, rhetoric is not evidence in my eyes. Especially when I read the same rhetoric on the Electronic Intifada site written by those with a definite agenda. As they say, ‘birds of a feather flock together’ but I know that doesn’t apply here since, although you champion the Arabs cause, you are not a Moslem, because that would make your cause a religious battle and how then could you be part of the godless left.

        Which godless one’s, (not you I am sure), who error in their logic by their certainty that G-D doesn’t figure into the equation. All wars are driven by the homeless and hungry rising up against their oppressors or those oppressors lust for power. No G-D leading and no devil tempting just organic systems clunking into each other in the expanding mass. But, if that is correct, why are those that hold the godless view in the vast minority? The Elite? The Chosen Few? Oops… I mean the Most Evolved?

        The facts to my eyes are that people fight hardest for their religious views. My proof… I constantly hear the godless left saying that, “religion has caused all the wars of history”. Which in itself contradicts their other stream of rhetoric that Israel oppresses the hungry and homeless Arabs out of greed and avarice. Come on…saying religion doesn’t play into the conflict is insincere.

        Zionism is not only a religion but certainly had religious adherents and formulators from the beginning. That Zionism has racist adherents is no more surprising than that Islam has racists, or Catholicism has racists, or Humanism has racists. However saying the Jewish right is racist is saying like saying US Republicans are racist. Rhetoric.

        The JDL by their very name implies partiality to Jewishness. However the fact that they have offices in most western countries that have strict anti-hatred and racism laws demonstrates for most that they are not considered a racist org by the courts. And the courts base their decisions on one thing, not rhetoric, evidence.

        1. saying the Jewish right is racist is saying like saying US Republicans are racist. Rhetoric.

          You don’t know the diff. bet. rhetoric & fact.

          The JDL by their very name implies partiality to Jewishness.

          Is that what their name implies? I thought it implied hatred for non-Jews. That’s what Meir Kahane believed even as he was shtupping a nice Italian girl who he promised to marry, then deserted, at which pt she jumped off a NYC bridge–& she was pregnant likely w. HIS child. Oh, you didn’t know Kahane hated non Jews? Not just Arabs, but non-Jews. Have you read any Kahane? I doubt it.

          they have offices in most western countries

          You must be having hallucinations or some other out of body experience because there’s absolutely no truth to what you claim.

          1. “Especially when I read the same rhetoric on the Electronic Intifada site written by those with a definite agenda. As they say, ‘birds of a feather flock together’ but I know that doesn’t apply here since, although you champion the Arabs cause, you are not a Moslem, because that would make your cause a religious battle and how then could you be part of the godless left.”

            First of all, the IE indeed has an agenda, just as the JDL, AIPAC, ADL and other organizations do. There is no one with an interest in Israel/Palestine who does not have an agenda. I fail to see what point you’re trying to make.

            Please explain how being a “Moslem” would ” make your cause a religious battle, etc…” I am of the Islamic faith yet I do not see Israel/Palestine in religious terms, but rather in political and ideological ones.

          2. The people who see the Israel-Palestine struggle in purely religious terms are the extremists on either side. The rest of us see this as a political struggle over national rights & territory.

          3. If the issue were territory it would not be an issue since the Arabs control miles of valuabe waterfront territory. They just don’t do anything constructive with it since they would rather fight to have what they can’t have, Israel. They seek the same sympathy shown the Jews over the Shoah, except they haven’t had to suffer the same experience. The UN divided the Sub-continent to create Pakistan and millions of homes were lost in the relocation but it was for the greater good of the region. The current situation is due to the Arabs not wanting to incorporate the “Palestinians” any more than Israel does. Otherwise Gaza would be part of Egypt, and Samaria and Judea would still be part of Jordan. However Jerusalem will never have divided rule again so long as Israel is in control because everyone has seen how much respect the Moslems have shown Judaism regarding access to the City of David sites. If they were a single nation instead of various national factions united for religious reasons they would have had a country in 1949, or been united with the majority of the Palestinians who occupy Jordan. Germany was divided for several years but immediately united at the first opportunity. Why not the Palestinians? Only because their religion forbade recognizing Israel as a nation. Why should anyone have sympathy for people lead by tyrants? Pity perhaps but not sympathy.

          4. Wow, Greg, thanks for the Zionist Manifesto and its inherent delegitimization of the Palestinian people. The crock of sh*t overfloweth.

            “Their religion forbade recognizing Israel as a nation” – what a load of hogwash. It has nothing to do with religion but everything to do with the right of return. But equally as important is that the Palestinians (and the UN) know that in international law and due to the factors and circumstances under which Israel was created, Israel was not a legitimate state and had no right to exist. The Palestinians refuse to give legitimacy to the theft of their land, which is what recognition would do. It has nothing to do with religion; there are Muslim as well as Christian Palestinians.

          5. If the issue were territory it would not be an issue since the Arabs control miles of valuabe waterfront territory. They just don’t do anything constructive with it since they would rather fight to have what they can’t have, Israel.

            You know, I don’t mind people from the pro-Israel right coming here and arguing with us in the threads. In fact, I encourage such debate w. intelligent fair minded people. But it’s people like you who seem to think we’re total rubes and insult our intelligence w. such nonsense that really tick me off. The amt. of sheer ignorance & stupidity in this comment is boundless.

            except they haven’t had to suffer the same experience.

            Perhaps not. 6 million killed in the Holocaust. Only 700,000 expelled in the Nakba. But who’s counting, right? Would you accord more respect to Palestinian suffering if they too lost 6 million in the Nakba? Or would Jewish suffering still be sui generis?

            The current situation is due to the Arabs not wanting to incorporate the “Palestinians” any more than Israel does.

            Actually, the Arab states have absolutely no obligation to “incorporate” the Palestinians (btw write a comment here again with the word Palestinians in quotation marks & you’re history–read the comment rules before commenting) because they didn’t expel the Palestinians & Israeli Palestinians. Israel did that in 1948 & after. So it’s Israel’s responsibility to make some accomodation.

            Jerusalem will never have divided rule again so long as Israel is in control

            Ah yes, dream on. We have another Jim Bowie here prepared to fight to the end for his few yards of Jewish God-given land. BTW, Jerusalem WILL NOT BE divided, but it will be shared. Maybe over yr dead body. But it will be.

            Why should anyone have sympathy for people lead by tyrants?

            Tyrants? Palestinians are led by tyrants? Which one? And whichever one you choose, do you seriously mean to say that they’re any more tyrannical than Israeli leaders responsible for rivers of Palestinian and Israeli blood shed in wars & such?

          6. Greg’s comment about the “valuable waterfront property” was so silly that I simply ignored it. If he was talking about the coast of the Gaza Strip, he should remember that Gaza is the world’s biggest open-air prison, and no one is about to be selling time shares for condos on the coast of the Gaza Strip.

            Led by tyrants? Gee, I think putting 1.5 million people under siege, starving them, cutting off medical help, educational supplies, building supplies, destroying their infrastructure, throwing their elected government into prison, carpet bombing the whole thing, while in another area setting up hundreds and hundreds of checkpoints, demolishing homes, stealing water and land, indiscriminately shooting unarmed civilians and committing numerous other cruelties on a daily basis is pretty damned tyrannical. But we’re not talking about Fatah or Hamas, are we? We’re talking about benevolent, peaceful Israel.

          7. Greg — what a lot of twaddle.

            the Arabs control miles of valuabe waterfront territory. They just don’t do anything constructive with it since they …

            … are under occupation, cannot export, cannot import and don’t have the financial ability to develop or attract investment

            The current situation is due to the Arabs not wanting to incorporate the “Palestinians”

            Why should they? Palestine has a right to independent statehood.

            Otherwise Gaza would be part of Egypt, and Samaria and Judea would still be part of Jordan.

            They were never part of Jordan or Egypt. Both occupied, by agreement with Israel under the 1949 Armistice AGREEMENTS. Jordan annexed the West Bank as a trustee only and; Palestine has a right to independent statehood.

            … they would have had a country in 1949…

            Impossible, Jewish forces already controlled territory outside the State of Israel the day Israel was declared. One can’t have independence while under the military rule of another party.

  16. [Ed. comment deleted for violation of comment rules.

    No one here needs to read a litany of out of context quotations from long dead diplomats purporting to claim Israel’s right to the Occupied Territories. We’ve debated each of the quotations you offered before and there’s absolutely no need to do so yet again for what feels like the 100th time. If you have something personal to say from your own mouth, do so. But a comment consisting of 10 quotations from other sources is eye-glazingly dull & not the way to start a real discussion.]

  17. [your 2nd comment violation in as many days and it is an exact repeat of your previous one. Your comment privileges are suspended.]

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