27 thoughts on “Koret Foundation Flays San Francisco Jewish Film Festival Over Corrie Documentary – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم
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  1. “I do not support groups that are either anti-Semitic or anti-Israel and wouldn’t support JVP if it was. In fact, I’d make a pretty strong argument that JVP is pro-Israel, though not in the flag-waving sense that Koret demands in order to achieve that status.”

    I think it’s pretty clear what the wingnuts mean by “anti-Israel”, but the semantic debate on the left over the meaning of “anti-Israel” or “anti-Zionist” bears some resemblance to the “agnostic” vs. “atheist” debate. Agnostics are often (not always), little more than precious atheists. Is caring what happens to Israeli Jews and supporting justice for all sides in Israel/Palestine enough to be considered “pro-Israel” or at least not “anti-Israel”?

  2. 1. Simon Bitton is fabulous.

    2. It would have been good, Richard, if you had pointed out another lie – that the International Solidarity Movement aids and abets terrorism. It does no such thing. On the contrary, in fact.

    3. It is entirely possible and logical to be anti-Zionist, and anti-Israel and to also care what happens to Israeli Jews and to support justice for all sides in Israel/Palestine.

    1. Sorry, that should be Simone Bitton, not Simon.

      And by the way, last time I had any contact with her I had the clear understanding that she was, if not anti-Zionist, at least deeply critical of the entire enterprise and its utter indifference to the Jews and the non-Jews whose lives it adversely affected.

  3. Very well written article – I agree with you wholeheartedly. A reasonable person can listen to other perspectives without it shattering their worldview.

  4. PEI (progressive except Israel)! That is the perfect description of an attitude that you often find here in the Netherlands as well! I should try to introduce the term here…

  5. Good blogging Silverstein, i’m surprised you don’t write for the big names like New York Post, Guardian, Al Jazira, Washington Post.

    Yes it’s typical each time for these hard liners to shriek, and say anything, no matter how untruthful, to feel the mass of ignorants who no doubt swallow what they say, whilst knowing at the same time its lies, but pretending otherwise.

    At the Israpundit blog the guy called Ted Belman some months back had a blog where he asked his readers, what should be the right wing strategy as for so long it depended upon the pretense that the Palestinian state would be a threat.

    I mean they themselves slip now and then, and admit their lies.

    Can anyone enlighten us, is this Koret Foundation related to the Reuven Koret that used to have that right wing rag called Israel Insider? Israel Insider downgraded, and so have most of it’s affiliate blogs.

    Were they related to the Koret Foundation anyone?

  6. To be fair, Koret is a funder which does great good in the Jewish community. The programs it supports reflect a generally progressive view of Jewish life and culture.

    This is the killer sentence really and sums it all up

  7. Koret’s statement said:

    Both are closely associated with the International Solidarity Movement and other groups that aid and abet terror against the Jewish State.

    I do not know if this is a deliberate lie or a measure of Koret’s ignorance. Either way it is yet another example of the lazy deception that changed me from an admirer of Israel to a passionate opponent.

  8. I just want to say that I was instrumental ion overcoming zionist opposition into getting Rachel played at the SF Jewish film festival. My next goal is to get Jewish film festivals across the US to join the BDS (boycott, divest,saction) and not show any isralei films. Isareli films, regardless of the political viewpoint of the producer, convey legitimacy upon israel

  9. Funny how jews (or some jews, like the author here and commenters) are the only people in the world who openly love to flog their own country and people regularly…how often do we see muslims or palestinians come out, and go out of their way to publicly criticize or make films against suicide bombings, the hideous treatment of women in muslim societies, the horrific anti-semitism that is endemic in muslim countires? I can’t remember a single case of it.
    no, many jews are far more concerned with undermining their own people, and their own country, questioning everything about it as it faces hundreds of millions of enemies on every border who refuse to recognize its right to exist. It always puzzles me. People more concerned with the well being of groups like Hamas, sworn to israel’s and the west’s destruction, then they are to israel.
    Why on earth would a jewish film festival invite a virulently anti-israel crusader to come speak? I understand screening the film, but this another example of just…strangeness? self hate? I dunno.
    As an outsider, I find this rather funny. I’d never do that to my people.
    But keep up the good work!

    1. Why on earth would a jewish film festival invite a virulently anti-israel crusader to come speak?

      Why on earth would anyone consider you anything but a vile, useless partisan pro-Israel hack???

      As an outsider, I find this rather funny. I’d never do that to my people.

      As an outsider, you show yrself to be an utter ignoramus. Why don’t you stick to “your own people” whoever that may be and let us Jews resolve our issues w/o yr. “help?”

    2. Funny how jews (or some jews, like the author here and commenters) are the only people in the world who openly love to flog their own country and people regularly

      Yeah, how bout ‘Dem Jews’ always acting funny and creating trouble not like us ‘normal’ people – eh?

      how often do we see muslims or palestinians come out, and go out of their way to publicly criticize or make films against suicide bombings, the hideous treatment of women in muslim societies, the horrific anti-semitism that is endemic in muslim countires? I can’t remember a single case of it.

      Course, you are right here. 1 billion people and not one word of criticism or self-reflection here. Clearly a sign of a degenerate civilisation and culture.

      As an outsider, I find this rather funny. I’d never do that to my people.

      Ooooo – you go girl! I am writing that recommendation for the Presidential Medal of Freedom as we speak….

    3. mark, get some help, seriously. I know there’s a perfect expression out there for you vis-a-vis Israel, what is it?, with friends like these who needs… and I suspect you’re not much more help to “your own people”, whoever they may be, than you are to Jewish people.

      Without the capacity for self-reflection and self-criticism, us humans are pretty lost as a species. And if you think that other nations, peoples don’t self-criticize, self-reflect, then you’re one of the more deluded commenters to come around here in a while. Speaking as an American, I know plenty of Americans beside myself who are quite critical of our nation, people, society. I’ve seen the same in France, Germany, and many other places, including the Arab/Persian/Muslim world. If I didn’t think you were too far gone in propagandized puppet-hood, I’d suggest you get out a little more.

  10. I object to your snarkyness. COntact any of the organizers and you will discover my role. I also suspect your credentials as a true progressive. You claim to support Israel within 1949 borders but not the occupation. I maintain that the occupation of 1948 is illegal as well. Professor Shlomo Sand has discovered that the Jewis hpeople were created in the 19th century, which dovetails nicely with the findings of Professor Nadia el Haj, which shows the lack of evidence of “ancient Israel”. As long as we persist in supporting an illegitimate state, we will be rightfully the target of world opprobrium. Ultimately, progressives are for tearing down borders, which divide people. The first borders that we need to dismantle are those of Israel

    San Francisco is myJerusalem

    1. I only reserve snark for those who deserve it. You do. Your “role” in the screening of the film is made up. The decisions made by the festival to screen the film had nothing to do with whatever you might have said or done in its defense. SFJFF pays about as much attention to you as it does to Gilad Atzmon or any other garden variety intemperate extremist anti-Zionist.

      Before we get into that can you tell me where you obtained smicha? Personally, I’ve never in my life heard of a “rabbi” with the views you hold. Anyone can call themselves “rabbi.” But on what basis do you do it?

      You’ve completely misstated Nadia Abu El Haj’s views on the subject. She does not reject the notion of an ancient Israel. She objects to the uses that modern Israeli archaeology makes of ancient sites in order to justify the notion of a modern state with a direct political lineage fr ancient sources. That’s quite different fr. yr bowdlerization of her views. Whoever you’ve been reading, they’re feeding you propaganda rather than facts.

  11. SFJFF pays about as much attention to you as it does to Gilad Atzmon or any other garden variety intemperate extremist anti-Zionist…funny that you should mention Gilad Atzmon. I have had considerable progress in convincing the SFJFF to invite him for next year. Its not a done deal but its hopeful

    Before we get into that can you tell me where you obtained smicha? Personally, I’ve never in my life heard of a “rabbi” with the views you hold…I obtained smicha at HUC. My views are pretty much mainstream US Judaism prior to its hijacking from zionism

    You’ve completely misstated Nadia Abu El Haj’s views on the subject. She does not reject the notion of an ancient Israel…I have read her works and she does reject ancient Israel. Perhaps your views are bowdlerized

    Richard, you are either with me and Atzmon or with Avigdor Lieberman. I and the world are tired of your attempts to have your cake and eat it too

    1. I obtained smicha at HUC

      What year?

      I have had considerable progress in convincing the SFJFF to invite him for next year. Its not a done deal but its hopeful

      You go right on being hopeful. I too hope that the messiah will come, but that doesn’t mean he will.

      My views are pretty much mainstream US Judaism prior to its hijacking from zionism

      Oh, you mean your views are mainstream circa 1933? How old are you anyway? Or are you claiming you’re a throwback to an ancient & venerable tradition??

      I was one Nadia Abu El Haj’s (note your mistaken version of her correct name) only defenders in the Jewish blog world during her tenure battle. My blog posts were referred to in a New Yorker profile defending her. I’ve communicated w. her numerous times about her views. And once again NO, she does not reject the notion of an ancient Israel.

      you are either with me and Atzmon or with Avigdor Lieberman.

      You are everything I hate about the exclusivist anti-Zionist position: intolerant, condescending, know it all, unbending (need I go on?).

      I and the world are tired

      Which world is it that you inhabit? Somewhere outside of Neptune’s planetary system? That’s how close to the mainstream you are. But you know I kinda like having you around because all the right wing Jewish hasbaraniks who send me love notes can feast their eyes on you & try in vain to conflate the 2 of us.

  12. Sorry, being a progressive and defending zionism is kind of like being a pregnant virgin. I think that the term progressive except israel applies to you. At least Lieberman is an honest thief, and admits that zionazis stole the land, and intends to keep it with force. You on the other hand, recognize that zionism is wrong, but try to keep your ill gotten gains by glossing it over with a veneer of morality. In terms of the world community, I refer to the United Nations and the EU. It is no accident that Israel is the subject of more UN resolutions than the rest of the world combined.

    1. I note you refuse to provide the year you obtained smicha. Until you do, your use of the term “rabbi” is totally suspect & I will be e mailing the HUC registrar to determine whether you are the genuine article or a fake. If you are a fake your comment privileges will be revoked.

      Your propagandistic terminology violates my comment rules. Read them if you wish to continue to exercise your privileges here. Another violation will result in forfeiting those privileges.

      I think that the term progressive except israel applies to you.

      That’s a laugh since I coined the term. I can think of a lot of terms for you (intolerant, spiteful, mean-spirited, fake) but “progressive” isn’t one of them.

      1. I know Rabbi Jutner and he is an honest man. Instead of making it personal, why not repsond to what he says. Why are 1948 borders legitimate but 1967 borders are not?

        1. I’d no more wish to count Gilad Atzmon as a comrade than Avidgor Lieberman, that’s for sure. What kind of “Rabbi” could possibly identify with Atzmon?

          1. Jutner is no more a “rabbi” than my synagogue handyman. I doubt that’s even his real name. Pay him no mind. Since he’s refused to document his smicha & continues his anti Zionist ranting, he’s been banned.

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