5 thoughts on “7 Dead in Iran as Protestors Assault Revolutionary Guard Headquarters – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم
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  1. I suspect that the main opposition to Ahmadenijad comes from more urban, intelligent Iranians that are embarrassed to be represented by a holocaust denying idiot who thinks that threatening Israel is the main duty of the Iranian president. Of course left wing bloggers, who today have suddenly made supporting the anti-Ahmadenijad the cause du jour, invested most of their energy devoted to Iran explaining Ahmadenijad rather than condemning him.

    1. This shows how much you really know about Iran. Opposition to Ahmadinejad is not confined to one class or the social elite. While it is true that the poor tend to be the group that supports Ahmadinejad most & the more educated tend to support the opposition, opposition to Ahmadinejad is widespread all over the country.

      I haven’t been “explaining” Ahmadinejad as you claim. I’ve been calling the pro-Israel right on the errors, distortions & bellicosity of their anti Iranian rants, which almost mirror those of the would be president of Iran.

      1. Frankly, there’s no difference between what I wrote and you wrote.
        I said: “the main opposition to Ahmadenijad comes from more urban, intelligent Iranians:
        You said: “the poor tend to be the group that supports Ahmadinejad most & the more educated tend to support the opposition”
        Where did I say the opposition was confined to one group?

        1. I guess I was perhaps erroneously conflating your views with a group of right wing bloggers attempting to downplay the significance of the democratic opposition by claiming they only represent one class & a wealthy one at that. If I was wrong about yr view I apologize.

  2. For some deeper analysis I recommend Dr. Husseini ( not sure of how she spells it) an Iranian academic in London on the BBC ( radio) today. It’s the first few minutes of the show.


    (This is available for only a few days)

    She seemed to be saying that many have lost trust in the supreme Ayatollah who was supposed to be neutral and just. He has crossed a line.

    Either everyone puts this away, swallows it and lives with it or we will be seeing some real changes. This is their moment, their system and they have to make it work for them, they have to live in it and believe in it.

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