5 thoughts on “Iran’s Game of Chicken – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم
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  1. I looked at the United Against Nuclear Iran site and saw no evidence that Ross has been active with the organization since Dec. 2008.

    I discuss the reason why Ross should be in jail instead of government in Ross Belongs in Jail, Not in Government. In From Epistemic to Bureaucratic Islamophobia, I describe the highly criminal conspiracy in which Ross and his friends were involved during the Bush administration. Because Stuart Levey remains at the Treasury Department, the conspiracy is ongoing.

    In addition, I looked at the UANI videoclip, geostrategically, Iran has typically competed with Egypt or Byzantium/Turkey for the status of regional hegemon.

    The power-divison Turkey-Iran-Egypt has usually been stable. As long as the USA maintains Israel as the regional superpower, the region remains destablized, and Iran has a lot of grounds for grievance against the USA.

  2. Joachim Martillo, you say, As long as the USA maintains Israel as the regional superpower, the region remains destablized.
    Joachim, you would be much happier if Israel was where the Kurds were and the Arabs and Iran could oppress them.

    1. “…you would be much happier if Israel was where the Kurds were and the Arabs and Iran could oppress them.” That’s just not the case though is it. So let’s thank the Lord it is the Palestinians that are “where the Kurds were” and that it is Israel that oppresses them.

      It’s tiresome constantly hearing how if Zionists had not taken Palestinian land and turned it in to Israel then who knows the extents to which Jews would be suffering today. Ifs and maybes do not justify the occupation. The annoying fact is that you don’t even bother to look past your luxury condo settlements with air conditioning, swimming pools and all the mod cons, and your occupied city apartments, and the very idea of Israel, to see that the price for it all is the perpetration of everything you fear happening to the Jews in a world without Israel against the indigenous inhabitants of that land that you have a “God given right” to. And you are obviously content with paying that price.

      Do you understand what I’m saying? What is the REAL price Israelis are paying for Israel? And I’m not asking about monetary value here, I’m asking in terms of morality and humanity. I was always taught that when God makes a promise He never reneges from it (because He is perfect, unlike man who is imperfect and always breaks his promises). And that which is promised by Him is granted instantly – He says “Be” and it is. Yet, it’s been more than sixty years now and this “Be” remains unfulfilled. It’s been so long in the making and become so complicated and corrupt that it probably doesn’t even remember being commanded in the first place. Or maybe it wasn’t commanded to begin with.

      I read this great article by Susan Abulhawa today, I would hope that you too read it:

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