12 thoughts on “Join Us: American Jews Say ‘Enough’ to Israel’s War Against Gaza! – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم
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  1. not sure if you reported that hundreds of prominant british jews wrote a open letter to many british newspapers last wee:-

    We the undersigned are all of Jewish origin. When we see the dead and bloodied bodies of young children, the cutting off of water, electricity and food, we are reminded of the siege of the Warsaw Ghetto. When Dov Weisglass, an adviser to the Israeli prime minister, Ehud Olmert, talked of putting Gazans “on a diet” and the deputy defence minister, Matan Vilnai, talked about the Palestinians experiencing “a bigger shoah” (holocaust), this reminds us of Governor General Hans Frank in Nazi-occupied Poland, who spoke of “death by hunger”.

    The real reason for the attack on Gaza is that Israel is only willing to deal with Palestinian quislings. The main crime of Hamas is not terrorism but its refusal to accept becoming a pawn in the hands of the Israeli occupation regime in Palestine.

    The decision last month by the EU council to upgrade relations with Israel, without any specific conditions on human rights, has encouraged further Israeli aggression. The time for appeasing Israel is long past. As a first step, Britain must withdraw the British ambassador to Israel and, as with apartheid South Africa, embark on a programme of boycott, divestment and sanctions.
    Ben Birnberg, Prof Haim Bresheeth, Deborah Fink, Bella Freud, Tony Greenstein, Abe Hayeem, Prof Adah Kay, Yehudit Keshet, Dr Les Levidow, Prof Yosefa Loshitzky, Prof Moshe Machover, Miriam Margolyes, Prof Jonathan Rosenhead, Seymour Alexander, Ben Birnberg, Martin Birnstingl, Prof. Haim Bresheeth, Ruth Clark, Judith Cravitz, Mike Cushman, Angela Dale, Merav Devere, Greg Dropkin, Angela Eden, Sarah Ferner, Alf Filer, Mark Findlay, Sylvia Finzi, Bella Freud, Tessa van Gelderen, Claire Glasman, Ruth Hall, Adrian Hart, Alain Hertzmann, Abe Hayeem, Rosamene Hayeem, Anna Hellmann, Selma James, Riva Joffe, Yael Kahn, Michael Kalmanovitz, Ros Kane, Prof. Adah Kay, Yehudit Keshet, Mark Krantz, Bernice Laschinger, Pam Laurance, Dr Les Levidow, Prof. Yosefa Loshitzky, Prof. Moshe Machover, Beryl Maizels, Miriam Margolyes, Helen Marks, Martine Miel, Diana Neslen, O Neumann, Susan Pashkoff, Hon. Juliet Peston, Renate Prince, Roland Rance, Sheila Robin, Ossi Ron, Manfred Ropschitz, John Rose, Prof. Jonathan Rosenhead, Leon Rosselson, Michael Sackin, Ian Saville, Amanda Sebestyen, Sam Semoff, Prof. Ludi Simpson, Viv Stein, Inbar Tamari, Ruth Tenne, Norman Traub, Eve Turner, Tirza Waisel, Karl Walinets, Renee Walinets, Stanley Walinets, Philip Ward, Naomi Wimborne-Idrissi, Ruth Williams, Jay Woolrich, Ben Young, Myk Zeitlin, Androulla Zucker, John Zucker

  2. i was talking to one of my jewish freinds the other day and his most telling remark was along the lines that his relations who died at the hands of the nazis would be turning in their graves to see such atrocities being inflicted by jews.

  3. I am delighted to see that not all Jews support Israels policies towards the Palestinians and Arab Israelis. I believe many Muslims also disagree with the fanatic groups, who terrorize and kill civilians. May people who seek peace with their neighbors (Jews, Muslims, Christians) prevail and be able to live peacefully on that tiny piece of land that is holly to all of them.

  4. May God bless all of you especially the Jews who are against the war, and the killing of innocent ppl. Its very honorable and righteous of the Jews who admit that Isreal is wrong for what they are doing may God bless you all and may God bless all the righteous ppl

  5. I and many other Arabs are very much opposed to people like Hamas (Fatah are still better with all their corruption). Hamas has brought nothing but violence to Gaza even before the Israeli attacks. But I was quite shocked at the Israeli response. Its not the fact that Israel wanted to take out Hamas (lots of Arab states probably supported that outcome). Its the killing of Gaza civilians by the Israelis that was most shocking.
    Israel and its secret service are so inept at targeting Hamas leaders that they have to resort to indiscriminate targeting. I still wish for a peaceful end to this Middleast saga. Hope peace reigns in the end. I think we have seen enough bloodshed.

  6. The only people who can stop this dreadful carnage are the US tax payers who support Israel with military hardware and some $8 billion per day.

  7. Ricardo, we taxpayers don’t send 8 billion a day we send 8-10 million a day….

    Still alot of money when all is considered…

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