33 thoughts on “Pakistan, Failed State, and Its Role in Mumbai Terror – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم
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  1. “Kashmiri separatists”

    Kashmir was 77% Muslim in 1947, and it became part of India not because Kashmiri people agreed to join India. They didn’t want to be ruled by the Indians. Are they separatists or freedom fighters? Are Dalai Lama and his followers separatists or freedom fighters? As for Pakistan’s support for the Kashmiri separatists, it is just politics as usual. It isn’t like India wouldn’t do something like that, as evidenced by the Indian military personnel training of the Tibetan exiles in India.

    “For them to be powerless and impotent, or for them to be liars and hypocrites?”

    Musharaff is lucky to be alive as he was able to escape a few assassination attempts. Benazir Bhutto wasn’t so lucky. Pakistani troops were killed and buildings were blew up in Pakistan by PAKISTANI jihadis. Yes, Pakistan is a failed state.

    1. Hi Kirk,

      You have very little understanding of the situation in Kashmir.

      Kashmir issue started as a dispute between India and Pakistan for possession of a former princely state. Even today only a radical section of the Sunni Muslim population of Kashmir valley wants independence from India. A few thousand people protesting doesn’t mean that the whole of Kashmir wants independence from India. In 1947, India had accepted the option of holding plebiscite because the majority of the people in Jammu and Kashmir would have voted in favour of India but Pakistan intentionally blocked the plebiscite by not implementing the preconditions mentioned in the UN resolutions. As V.K. Menon stated in the Security Council (763 Meeting, 23 January, 1957): “if an offer is made and it is not accepted at the time it is made, it cannot be held for generations over the heads of those who made it”.

      Since 1947, Pakistan has changed the demography of PoK, including Northern Areas. In the late 1980s Pakistan started sending militants across the border into Indian controlled Kashmir. Thousands of non-Muslims very killed and lakhs were forced out of the valley.

      Even today if a plebiscite is conducted in the Indian controlled regions of Kashmir, people might vote in favour of India but doing so will question the very integrity of India and no political party in India will be able to make that decision.

      The 1972 Simla agreement had more or less resolved the Kashmir issue but Pakistan wants keep the issue alive because animosity towards India is what keeps Pakistan together. If issues with India are resolved that nation will balkanize.

      1. I think that’s simplifying things quite a bit. If things were as you claim Indian would have no need of maintaining a draconian military administration in Kashmire replete with disappearances & brutal murders committed by the Indian security forces, which in turn have driven the local Kashmiris into the arms of the militants.

        1. Hi Richard,

          I have just stated a fact. The percentage of Kashmiri population who want independence from India is probably around 20%. Jammu and Kashmir is a large multi-ethnic state with different linguistic and religious identities. If the whole population of Kashmir wanted Independence, India would have lost Kashmir long back.

          It is true that in the height of militancy there were human rights violation but I do not know what you mean by “Draconian military administration”.

          The separatist movement in Kashmir is based on religion and also Muslim separatism is a global phenomenon. We have it in Southern Thailand, in Philippines, in Xinjiang region of China and in all other places where there is a sizable Muslim population.

          1. Well,
            the recent successful and peaceful elections in Indian portion of Kashmir goes a long way to prove that if it were not for Pakistan formenting trouble right from 1947, it would not have been such a mess. Just before independence when Jinnah was not getting his wish, he called for ‘Direct Action’. Do you know what ‘Direct Action’ is? a call for violence and rioting. A nation thus born, of violence and religiuos exclusivism, does not have a future…it will also be of harm to others.

  2. Why Mumbai? Terrorism Has Many Causes. Here’s One Of Them

    by: Paul Rosenberg @ openleft.com

    In the immediate aftermath of 9/11, Gallup International did a poll in 37 countries–including the US–asking how America should respond to the attacks. Should they/we respond with a military attack, or should they/we take a criminal justice approach–tracking down those responsible, extradicting them, and putting them on trial. Of the 35 nations, landslide majorities in 32 of them said that a criminal justice approach was best. The three others? Israel, the US, and… India.

    This alone should have warned us not to take the path of war. Israel and India have both spent decades responding to Islamic terrorist threats with war. Hasn’t worked. But the more it doesn’t work, the more determined their people have become. Of course, they’ve also employed a criminal justice approach as well. But they’ve had their own Guantanamos come out of that, as well…….


  3. Mumbai to Obama: End Bush’s War on Terror
    Saturday 29 November 2008

    by: Steve Weissman, t r u t h o u t | Perspective

    The terrorist attacks in Mumbai call out to President-elect Barack Obama and his advisors to rethink the signature blunder of George W. Bush’s eight years in office – the so-called War on Terror. As US intelligence reports have made clear, the centerpiece of the supposed campaign against terror, the military occupation of Iraq, has increased the likelihood of more attacks like those in Mumbai, Madrid, London and Manhattan. The new escalation in Afghanistan will similarly increase terrorist attacks there, in neighboring India and Pakistan, in disputed Kashmir, and throughout the world.

    Bush and Cheney chose the word “war” with malice aforethought. From the start, they intended a military response, first against Al-Qaeda and the Taliban in Afghanistan, and then against Saddam Hussein in Iraq. And, as Barton Gellman shows so brilliantly in his book “Angler,” Dick Cheney and his team consciously wanted to create a wartime presidency with enormous unchecked power and scant regard for basic American liberties……..


  4. My question is if being secular was not enough with Kahsmiri muslims then take all the 200 million muslims in Idina or so along with kashmir we will be glad to give up kashmir valley only not jammu and laddakh! any takers ?

  5. Why “take all the 200 million muslims in Idina”? Muslims in India are as much patriotic Indians as any Hindu or Christian Indians? I am Hindu, but, I firmly believe, India’s heritage and culture is rich and vibrant, because of so much contributions from Indians of Islamic faith. it is really not fair to be-little one group of Indians just because of their religion. I think it is very demeaning, unproductive and deplorable. So, leave the Indian Muslims out of these game of finger pointing.

  6. @Roy: So true. There has been enough ethnic bloodshed against Muslims in India in recent years. They certainly have deep grievances that deserve to be addressed and are not. Perhaps the fact that they are not allows cynics to exploit such dissatisfaction through such horrible terror acts as this one.

    But Hindus would be making a very big mistake if they blamed their own local Muslim population for this attack. I applaud Roy for his progressive perspective on this.

    1. Exonerating the muslims completely will be a flaw. The Indian muslims have done their bit to exacerbate the situation in India by just being regressive. They listened to their leaders and voted for parties that pander to their twisted interpretation of religion. This on many cases trampled upon human rights through a legal route. The best example can be the Shah Bano case where Shah bano, the muslim mother of 2 was refused alimony by the local sharia body, when she appealed to the supreme court. It ruled that the alimony should be paid, which was upturned by changing the law through the influence on congress party by the muslim leaders. with such outlook they have kept their population completely uncompetitive in the modern India. The result of which is lack of education and unemployment which in turn leads to frustration and terrorism.
      Hence the muslim population will always be a suspect as long as they remain the quagmire. Please do not ask the majority hindu population to be generous and inclusive. Please ask the muslim population to be open and accept the modern world

      1. Let it not be said that Israel is the only place that holds prejudicial views of Muslims. Indian Hindus like this one (I assume he is one) seem to have Islamophobia down pat. Is that one of the reasons both Israelis and some Indians are touting a business & military alliance bet. the 2 countries?

  7. @richard silverstein,

    you sound one of those from uk ? who first started this divide and rule policy,

    and what do you know of history of India that you speak of recent times ? Its hindus who have been always at the receiving end of the terror from Islamists,and have reacted only when they are more than provoked or their patience and peaceful nature is being taken for granted as cowardice — if hindus would have been equally violent as muslims, you would not have seen any trace of pakistan or bangladesh or even a muslim any where in the continent, not to speak of britishers anywhere near either.

    And if you feel so sympathetic to these monsters , why don’t you ask you revered country to grant refugee status to all these islamists in india, we would be more than happy to export this to you, free of cost, then you can have all the fun yourself.

    here is something for your thought process, which i am sure is already messed up, but as every other hindu, i always try to be helpful, http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=zaid+hamid+Brasstacks+on+mumbai+attacks+part+2&search_type=

    1. Hats off Vishakha! You made your point very well. Equal violence from Hindus would have wiped of Muslims from Indian sub-continent. But nobody should be worried about it, its neither Indian culture nor Hindu beliefs that teach killing people of other faith of region.

  8. Pakistan is a failed state. Analysts have been claiming for months that the Pakistani government has no teeth and that true power lies within the Pakistani military. Obviously it would be in their best interests to perpetuate this archaic notion of a threat from India – Fareed Zakaria mentioned in recent interviews with Stephen Cohen and Ashley Tellis that he has spoken to military officials who have clearly stated their intentions of sewing instability in India and Afghanistan in order to alleviate a threat from these countries.

    This is the most ridiculous strategy I have ever heard. As if being complicit to Taliban and Lashkar-E-Toiba bases in Pakistan is not going to evoke a response form these countries. India and Afghanistan won’t stand by as their countries are dissassembled by these barbarians.

    I think one of the solutions to the end of this problem is to disband the ISI and remove the Pakistani military from the level of prestige that it now holds.

    As for religious riots. Signs in Mumbai are currently disturbing, especially in the slums. I think that both communities need to be sensitive. While it is upto the Hindu community to protect the minority muslims in order to let them grieve along with the country, I also think that it is the responsibility of the Muslim community to hold back on the pro-Pakistan rhetoric. Moderate muslim voices need to speak out against the terror attacks.

  9. India should deploy the US tactic of drones to the POK as well as other terrorist camps. Employ in full. When US attacks from the west and India attacks from the east then Pakistan has to bend to the requirements of the international community. We do not consider your lip services. Wherever your Jihadis are we will follow them and destroy them. Forget about soverignity and nation state. When Pak government cant contain its Jihadis the world including India will take care. They will eliminate and culminate this Jihadi menace once for all. Wait for the news which is coming soon.

  10. Roy and Richard Have you lived in India with 50000 muslim around you ?

    Ok let me give you the facts as to why I think that way. I posed the same question to a pakistani when he was harping about Kashmir only because it has a muslim majority!!!!! He kept quite.

    I grew up in hazaribagh in south bihar with the “kasai mohalla” (Buther colony,10% muslim population ) just next door. We have schools that charge no fees but not more than 1% of the students were muslims. Instead they went to the Madrasa!

    Every year there is a festival typical to Hazaribagh only its called Ram Navami- We have idols of Lord Rama in decorated truks going through the town in a prosession.Being a small town theres not much option but to take it infornt of atleast one mosque ! 1985 and 1986 while the prosession was passing one of the mosque someone from the building starting throwing stones at the Idols ! What does this act ask for ? and why ? on both the occasions the situation was controlled by the authorities but in 1989 during this festival those same bastards bombed a cinema when people were comming out of the hall. all those killed were villegers who come to town to enjoy a day of festivities …who were those bastards ? and why did they do it? I have seen the carnage and I have seen those bodies ..what happened next was thounds of muslims were massacared !!! I don’t want anyone to die but don’t start it because you don’t like idol worship !!!!!!

    My father migrated to India alone at the age of 10 from bangladesh …during the 71 war ..what happened to my other relatives ? all dead and who did that ? we are originally from the sourthern coast of bangladesh where my grand father never saw a white britisher in his life and the pakistani soldiers never came there …they were all murdered by the local muslims …why ?

    most people give their opinion based on imaginary things
    -Marginalized , underpriviledged, no opportunities …etc etc ….. we have free schools where everyone is allowed no questions asked …ROY should know about this…Why is that none of the muslims want to go to school ? then how do you say they are marginalized ????????????????

    Based on Gujarat people make their opinion especially the western people ..you just see th satistics … I do not condone the murders that happened there…. But have you walked through KALUPUR area of ahmedabad ? ok ask a brave christian or sikh or a hindu girl to walk thru that area alone and you follow …tell me what you see ….

    Get to a another slum area .. laxminagar (Marathi hindu dominated area ) in mumbai let the girl pass through that area and tell me what you see…

    Why is that when saddam hussien was hanged a handfull of muslims went through a ranmpage of public property in Udaipur in Rajasthan ? what was saddam to them ? I understand the anger of his followers in Iraq ..but why in India ? and they did not come out into the streets when Indira Gandhi was assasinated …???????

    Should I tell you what happens infront of a television when India and Pakistan is playing a game of cricket in Kasai muhalla ..try clapping your hands when sachin hits a four or when kapil dev takes a pakistani wicket…. Being Muslim is their only commitment !!!! And I am sure many would agree.

    I still want forgive and forget but why does a muslim child knows more about pakistan than India ??????????? why should not I tell them to go there ? Aren’t the british people sick of these british born pakistanis bombing their subways ?I least I am not telling to bomb them … haven’t they contributed to the UK ? You guys did not read the line ” if secularism is not an option in kashmir…” You would have known what I mean.

  11. h 50000 muslim around you ?

    Ok let me give you the facts as to why I think that way. I posed the same question to a pakistani when he was harping about Kashmir only because it has a muslim majority!!!!! He kept quite.

    I grew up in hazaribagh in south bihar with the “kasai mohalla” (Buther colony,10% muslim population ) just next door. We have schools that charge no fees but not more than 1% of the students were muslims. Instead they went to the Madrasa!

    Every year there is a festival typical to Hazaribagh only its called Ram Navami- We have idols of Lord Rama in decorated truks going through the town in a prosession.Being a small town theres not much option but to take it infornt of atleast one mosque ! 1985 and 1986 while the prosession was passing one of the mosque someone from the building starting throwing stones at the Idols ! What does this act ask for ? and why ? on both the occasions the situation was controlled by the authorities but in 1989 during this festival those same bastards bombed a cinema when people were comming out of the hall. all those killed were villegers who come to town to enjoy a day of festivities …who were those bastards ? and why did they do it? I have seen the carnage and I have seen those bodies ..what happened next was thounds of muslims were massacared !!! I don’t want anyone to die but don’t start it because you don’t like idol worship !!!!!!

    My father migrated to India alone at the age of 10 from bangladesh …during the 71 war ..what happened to my other relatives ? all dead and who did that ? we are originally from the sourthern coast of bangladesh where my grand father never saw a white britisher in his life and the pakistani soldiers never came there …they were all murdered by the local muslims …why ?

    most people give their opinion based on imaginary things
    -Marginalized , underpriviledged, no opportunities …etc etc ….. we have free schools where everyone is allowed no questions asked …ROY should know about this…Why is that none of the muslims want to go to school ? then how do you say they are marginalized ????????????????

    Based on Gujarat people make their opinion especially the western people ..you just see th satistics … I do not condone the murders that happened there…. But have you walked through KALUPUR area of ahmedabad ? ok ask a brave christian or sikh or a hindu girl to walk thru that area alone and you follow …tell me what you see ….

    Get to a another slum area .. laxminagar (Marathi hindu dominated area ) in mumbai let the girl pass through that area and tell me what you see…

    Why is that when saddam hussien was hanged a handfull of muslims went through a ranmpage of public property in Udaipur in Rajasthan ? what was saddam to them ? I understand the anger of his followers in Iraq ..but why in India ? and they did not come out into the streets when Indira Gandhi was assasinated …???????

    Should I tell you what happens infront of a television when India and Pakistan is playing a game of cricket in Kasai muhalla ..try clapping your hands when sachin hits a four or when kapil dev takes a pakistani wicket….

    I still want forgive and forget but why does a muslim child knows more about pakistan than India ??????????? why should not I tell them to go there ? Aren’t the british people sick of these british born pakistanis bombing their subways ? Aren’t they patriotic enough ?? YOu have not read the line “If secularism is not an option”

  12. Roy and Richard Have you lived in India with 50000 muslim around you ?

    Ok let me give you the facts as to why I think that way. I posed the same question to a pakistani when he was harping about Kashmir only because it has a muslim majority!!!!! He kept quite.

    I grew up in hazaribagh in south bihar with the “kasai mohalla” (Buther colony,10% muslim population ) just next door. We have schools that charge no fees but not more than 1% of the students were muslims. Instead they went to the Madrasa!

    Every year there is a festival typical to Hazaribagh only its called Ram Navami- We have idols of Lord Rama in decorated truks going through the town in a prosession.Being a small town theres not much option but to take it infornt of atleast one mosque ! 1985 and 1986 while the prosession was passing one of the mosque someone from the building starting throwing stones at the Idols ! What does this act ask for ? and why ? on both the occasions the situation was controlled by the authorities but in 1989 during this festival those same bastards bombed a cinema when people were comming out of the hall. all those killed were villegers who come to town to enjoy a day of festivities …who were those bastards ? and why did they do it? I have seen the carnage and I have seen those bodies ..what happened next was thounds of muslims were massacared !!! I don’t want anyone to die but don’t start it because you don’t like idol worship !!!!!!

    My father migrated to India alone at the age of 10 from bangladesh …during the 71 war ..what happened to my other relatives ? all dead and who did that ? we are originally from the sourthern coast of bangladesh where my grand father never saw a white britisher in his life and the pakistani soldiers never came there …they were all murdered by the local muslims …why ?

    most people give their opinion based on imaginary things
    -Marginalized , underpriviledged, no opportunities …etc etc ….. we have free schools where everyone is allowed no questions asked …ROY should know about this…Why is that none of the muslims want to go to school ? then how do you say they are marginalized ????????????????

    Based on Gujarat people make their opinion especially the western people ..you just see th satistics … I do not condone the murders that happened there…. But have you walked through KALUPUR area of ahmedabad ? ok ask a brave christian or sikh or a hindu girl to walk thru that area alone and you follow …tell me what you see ….

    Get to a another slum area .. laxminagar (Marathi hindu dominated area ) in mumbai let the girl pass through that area and tell me what you see…

    Why is that when saddam hussien was hanged a handfull of muslims went through a ranmpage of public property in Udaipur in Rajasthan ? what was saddam to them ? I understand the anger of his followers in Iraq ..but why in India ? and they did not come out into the streets when Indira Gandhi was assasinated …???????

    Should I tell you what happens infront of a television when India and Pakistan is playing a game of cricket in Kasai muhalla ..try clapping your hands when sachin hits a four or when kapil dev takes a pakistani wicket….

    I still want forgive and forget but why does a muslim child knows more about pakistan than India ??????????? why should not I tell them to go there ? Aren’t the british people sick of these british born pakistanis bombing their subways ? Aren’t they patriotic enough ?? YOu have not read the line “If secularism is not an option”

  13. What Sanjay wrote is 100% true!
    All militants are muslims and most of the muslims are militants – may be not all!

  14. @ Sanjay:
    I truly empathize with Sanjay. My father also crossed borders at the time of separation in 1947 and lost family members and what not in ways which are better not be mentioned again. But I have Muslim friends who are loyal to India and there are those who think otherwise. The point I want to make is how long can we ask “eye for an eye”? It’s a vicious circle, which has to come to an end at some point. Only educated and cultured people can make it happen. After all we are humans. Let’s try to at least be bit better than animals. The documentaries about the carnage in Gujarat were spine chilling. It was anybody’s guess that there would be retaliation. But this is no excuse for the amount of damage done in Mumbai attacks. However there has to be a beginning from somewhere/somebody. Having said that I strongly believe that India should use its military might to pull down the infrastructure where the planning and training for such attacks takes place.
    We should not make opinion based on a small sample of Muslim population. By the way who really wants to go live in Pakistan anyways? They don’t have food to eat, houses to live. About the incidents which Sanjay has mentioned, are politically motivated in an incredibly poor country where people come to attend political rallies because they are paid Rs. 100 (approx $2.25) at the end of the day. It’s high time we broaden our horizons and focus on root cause and not start another war or help instigate another round of communal rights.
    Lets us all try to be Humans. I hope some sanity prevails and all shall live in peace.

  15. It is pity to see every dumb head suggesting Hindus how to protect minorities. Before you suggest Hindus what to do, open the history books and read for a change.

    Kashmir Hindus were slaughtered and the remaining have been living in tents in their own country. So, before you talk about Gujarat, you have moral obligation to talk about Kashmir Hindus. If not, shut the hell up.

    Hindu temples were destroyed and ghost construction were built on top of the rubble. Revenues generated by Hindu temples have been used to construct Churches and Masques. If Hindus were not being big brother, this would not happen.

    If Hindus were not being reasonable, we would not have a Muslim President, a Sikh Prime Minister and a Christian as the president of the biggest party in the country.

    If your tongue is itchy to talk something, tell the Indian Muslims who is hosting Pakistan flags on Indian soil. Tell Indian Muslims who celebrate when Pakistan wins cricket match. Tell the Indian Muslims who does not want to sing national anthem.

    Now it is time for Hindus to show the other side of Hinduism. Almost every Hindu god has a weapon in their and it is not for decoration. India belongs to Hindus and rest or guests. If someone wants peace, they better be friendly with Hindus. It cannot be other way around.

  16. These posts from some demons in India demonizing the whole muslim community is exactly the reason why the REAL issues don’t get highlighted because they get into this whole Hindu-Muslim thing which is irrelevant to the Mumbai attacks. Such views are also the reason why I have slowly started distancing myself from the BJP. These idiots don’t know where and when to stop with Hindutva. Only a very small fraction of the Muslim community is involved in violent extremism. But that is true of almost any country nowadays, not just India. The Mumbai attacks were perpetrated by Pakistan. Period. Call a spade a spade. Don’t blame the local muslims. India has homegrown terrorists too but we still have a fairly large number of moderate and nationalistic muslims than any country in the world. Many Muslims died in the terrorist attacks, bomb blasts in the country. They suffer just like all other Indians.

  17. @hari

    to each his own. period.

    all this problem started because, Indian leaders like gandhi denied asserting hinduism as an identity of India as they sought more personal acceptance from other communities – read muslims. period.

    Islam is basically a rogue community, show us one terrorist attack anywhere in the world where there is no islamic connection. muslims basically have no allegiance to any country, they are only muslims, so also follows with Indian muslims. Take a simple example — What happens during India – pak cricket matches, i have seen personally many many instances in different areas in India where the muslims fire crackers and cheer when the pakis win against India. What do you call this ? India should work hard to eliminate these mini pakistans emerging all across the breadth and length of India… and unless that happens, your future generations might have to live in peril, when seems to be the order of the day if Congress remains in power.period.

  18. The reality of Kashmir is that the ruler in 1947 Hari Singh was initially hesitant to make any decision. He was becoming a bit over ambitous and thought he could negotiate with India vs. Pakistan, however when he saw that the Oakis were about to send in the irregular mujahedeens and the Pakis regular forces to capture srinagar he decided to sign when sardar patel send him emmisory. Hari Singh signed the instrument of accession which Pakis dont recognize however should as with many such icidents around the world including the states of New Mexico, Texas etc which were captured and added to the USA.

    Pakiland is a total failure. Thanks god my grand father decided to stay in India, we had produced IAS, IFS officers, family members are in the army and some into business. We are all way better than some of the relatives who left for Pakilaand and they in some ways look at us with jealosy, however nothing can be done at this stage

  19. Check out ‘Direct Action’ in wiki. How dastardly to call for such violence. Well, this is how it is going to go down. After SWAT, the Taliban are slowly going to get control over Pakistan and its nukes. And guess what, whom are they going to try it on?? Three possible places Israel, US, India (maybe in that order). I guess, Israel and US would move in before that. If India has a smart leader like Indira Gandhi at that time, then it too will participate.

  20. I have lived in Jammu and Kashmir for a good number of years in the past. The people of the state had implicit faith in Shaikh Abdullah when he agreed to join secular India rather than a Muslim Pakistan.
    However, hamhanded policies of the Central govt and unnecassary meddling by mainstram political political parties have ruined the politic of the state. I remember even during the ’71 war the average Kashmiri was definitely not pro-Pakistan.
    Pakistani ruling military bureaucratic clique and govt controlled media took advantage of the political disturbances and incited violence and terrorism at the same time giving shrill calls for Azadi. Sadly, Pakistanis succeeded in temporarily misguiding the Kashmiris into believing that picking up arms would ensure them independence from India.
    Like people any where in the world the average Kashmiri wants shelter, work and peaceful existence.
    Kashmiris have now realised that they were misled and are quite content to live in India, although, one has to admit that the pull of religion is very strong and if a plebiscite were to be held, the overwhelming majority of Muslim subjects would opt for Pakistan.
    But that is not practical. India will never allow Kashmir to secede. A clever argument is that the two nation theory under which Muslim areas would join Pakistan is outdated. India has 160 million Muslims. What happens to them if Muslims of Kasmir were allowed to leave.
    Pakistanis have to be more pragmatic and must recognise that they cannot change the fate of Kashmir.
    India is already making great strides in economic growth while Pakistan continues to be misguided by the Mulla-Military clique and falls in deeper misery.
    One remembers just a couple of decades ago Pakistanis were justly proud of better economic performance: its per capita income was higher than India, its Rupee was valued higher against the Dollar than its Indian counterpart. What we have today is a nation awaiting a reception in the failed state club.

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